Top Disability Services in Tacoma, WA 98424

Creating a transportation partnership... It is our desire to create a partnership where trust is central. In this long term commitment, allow us to provide your needs. Sam’s Ambulette Service NEMT ...Read More…

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Sam's Ambulette Service, LLC


By SAScabulance

I would like to thank SAS for going the extra mile- literally! Sam's Ambulette Service definitely put my mind at ease and made my trip with my MS stricken mother such an easy, enjoyable, stress free and pleasant experience. I have to thank Sam and his wife for understanding my needs and being so helpful. I made the call to SAS from California a few months in advanced for a trip that I was making to relocate my mother to California from Washington. My mother is bed bound and only able to get into a reclining wheelchair. Sam was tremendously helpful from a few hundred miles away and assured me that he can accomodate my mom and her needs. I instantly knew that I was going with the best service around! On the big move day, Sam was to pick us up and drop us off at the Tacoma Amtrak station. His wife assisted in getting my mom situated in the van. The van that Sam uses is top notch and well taken care of. Sincerely, Wendie Richards 707-365-0711 more

Sam's Ambulette Service, LLC


By Katherine

Best NEMT service and will use again more

Boots 'n Breeches Therapeutic Horsemanship


By Becky Petrinovich

BNB is a wonderful fun experience. Several years ago I was a volunteer and truly enjoyed working with the horses, the other volunteers and all the beautiful clients. It was an experience that I will not forget! thanks you for allowing me the opportunity! more

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How the Fuel Price Increase Affects Non Emergency Patient Transport

It is already a known fact that fossil fuels are fast running out. Because of this, it is just logical that their prices shoot up. But at the rate in which fuel prices are skyrocketing, many industries are being detrimentally affected. For instance, the emergency and non-emergency medical transport industries are taking the toll heavily. In some cases, fuel expenses for companies increase to more than 13%. Some even project that the figures can reach 30%. That translates to hundreds of thousands of dollars. The phenomenon is world wide. Every country and medically allied company feels the sting of this economic blow. Above all, it is the consumers that are caught between the fuel price increase and the interventions that companies have to take.  Here’s the difference between the emergency and non-emergency medical transport service with other delivery and transport industry – they are not delivering merely parcels and packages! These specialized service providers transport people with medical and physical conditions and should be treated as such. Unfortunately, the reality is that regardless of what is being transported, it uses the same fossil fuel that is running out. Interventions being done Because of this marked increase in operational cost, some companies are looking into different tactics to mitigate the blow. Though this can help reduce the cost of the companies, it is by no means a full proof plan to ensure excellent customer service to client. Group rides Think of this as a car pool in the emergency and non- emergency medical transport service. As odd as it may sound, many companies are now resorting to multiple pick ups or shared rides to help them lower their fuel costs. At first glance, this can be a great strategy as it can help clients bond with one another. Furthermore, people going to the same place can share a ride. Consequently, people may even find this as a favorable course of action. However, there are times when privacy during the trip is important. Similarly, there are certain medical conditions where sharing the vehicle with another is not recommended to say the least. Increased waiting time Another cost cutting strategy of companies is to limit the number of vehicles on the road. Surely, this can improve their fuel expenses but it has its dire consequences. The hardest hit in this tactic is the patients. Although a client has requested for an NEMT service, he/she has to wait until the transport vehicle has accomplished its prior client. Surely you don’t want to wait when you are the patient. But the reality is because of the fuel price hike, clients will have to wait their turn. Quick pick up and drop off Companies also resort to quick pick ups and drop offs. This may sound efficient and well advised. But what lacks in this type of service is the personal touch and attention that clients want. A huge percentage of the medically allied transport service – especially in the NEMT industry is people in their senior years. They require subtle handling and more care during the trip.  Conversion of ambulance to cabulance The cost of an ambulance can be as high as $900 per trip. With the high cost of fuel, there is no way around the need to increase ambulance service rates. Again, it is the clients who have to shoulder the burden of this increase. On the other hand, some ambulance companies simply opt to convert their vehicles to cabulance. This way, rates are more affordable. But the drawback is less emergency medical vehicles for the patients.  Weighing the options Above all, this is a business. As such any customer oriented business has to draw the line between providing what is best for the clients and company survival. Because of this predicament, many companies are stuck between a rock and a hard place.  From February 2011 to May 1, 2011, a notably high increase in the prices of fuel was recorded. The average fuel price during the start of February 2011 was at $3.09 per gallon. However, by the start of May, 2011, the average price is already at $3.39 per gallon. The trend can only get worse since the total fuel around the world is fast being depleted.  On the other hand, service providers must contend with the demands of the clients for a better transport service. Unlike other transport and rental services, this is a very specific niche with particular requirements.  Truly, companies in this industry are taking the beating because of the fuel price increase. A sustainable solution to this problem must be sought after in the national and local levels. More than just the survival of the industry, it is about providing patients a feasible solution for their specific transportation needs. more

By Sam's Ambulette Service, LLC May 19, 2011

SAS Non emergency transport: Identifying Good Service from the Bad

The Non-Emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) service is a growing business. As more and more people are recognizing the need for a special needs transport service, many new companies are mushrooming out to get a share of this very specific niche.    Every credible and authorized NEMT service provider must have accreditation and registration from the right organizations. This means having ADA-compliant vehicles, certified drivers accreditations from medical and health care organizations like National Safety Council and the American Safety and Health Institute. Any self-respecting cabulance business owner will make sure that all the necessary papers and documents are available and all standard operating procedures and done.    So what sets one cabulance service apart from the rest?   Given all things equal – all the documents and clearances to get a patient from Point A to Point B, it’s the things commonly unseen and beyond what is expected! In essence, the true value of the service is not merely the service itself. It’s going beyond the expected that makes the difference.     As much as 75% of the clients of such services cater to people in their advanced age – 70 to 90 years old. The rest are between 16 – 40 years of age. Can the cabulance personnel relate with these people? It’s not a matter of delivering people to and from specific places. Remember, they are not packages and parcels to be delivered. They’re human beings requiring attention. One cabulance service working in lets their drivers ride wheelchairs and stretchers as part of their training. This allows them to feel what it is like to be bound to this equipment and what it feels like to be transported. Now, that’s the commitment you’d expect from people who want to provide quality service. This cabulance service called Sam’s Ambulette Service (SAS) NEMT got consistent praise from their clients for guaranteeing their comfort during the trip no matter how far or how close it may be. Moreover, they are known to provide unparalleled bedside manners.   Bedside manners, or in this case cabulance manners is very important. Some services can seem like herding cattle or just delivering parcel or mail. Of course this is business and the more clients that every vehicle gets the better. But that’s where good services become notably different from the pathetic ones. As many other cabulance service pride themselves with the number of patients they transport or the speed at which they can accomplish lift loading and unloading, patients’ comfort are given less importance. As frustrating as it may be, there are service providers that simply count how many patients they herded from one place to another instead of actually counting how much quality moments they have spent with the client. When was the last time you were treated with respect and dignity? Let’s make it simpler, when was the last time your service provider showed you patience?    The need for a NEMT service allows people with medical needs and physical limitations to be with family, participate in social events or simply enjoy little pleasures of life. But would you even miss a special holiday simply driving people you don’t even know? Unfortunately, this draws the line between cabulance services that are simply in for the money from those customer-focused companies. It’s sad to know that only a few NEMT service providers can be expected to provide their transportation during the late hours of the night or during holidays. Of course some may say that they can but they will charge extra especially during holidays. Know that you have a choice for better service!   How many actually brave the snow or ice, endure the long travels, and not to mention the traffic that may set back a trip for several hours? How many are willing to put their clients comfort over simply getting the job done quickly? Unfortunately not many will.    In business, statistics matter a lot. How many clients this week? How fast is the turn around time? How quick do they load or unload patients? How many trips accomplished in a day? How many vehicles are available? Statistics matter. But when it boils down to providing the best service only 1 statistic matters:The Client. more

By SAS NEMT Wheelchair Transportation April 15, 2011

5 Important Tips in Choosing a Wheelchair Cabulance

Though an NEMT service is a specialized service, it does not mean that every service provider is the same. You’ll be surprised when you put them side by side. Here are some tips on how to find the best cabulance service for your needs.   Cost matters a lot The mere fact that you are looking into NEMT service means you know that the ambulance alternative is a costly and unnecessary one. But the even in the cabulance industry, cost varies. So it is important to know what you are paying for. Otherwise, cost can become a big issue again. Ask your service provider if they have standard rates or if they charge extra during the holidays. Likewise, see if they have the same rates for day time travel and night time travel. Moreover, know if there is any minimum number of hours that you need to cover and if there are any additional charges should you exceed the hours allotted for your travel request. Many cabulance services are more than happy to give you the information. However, there are still others that will take some arm twisting before they give you any information. A good way to canvass the industry for cost effective alternatives is to go over their website. Services that are confident of their rates usually showcase them in their sites. However, if you find a site that does not explicitly show their rates, then expect to be overwhelmed by their quotes. Remember, price is basic information required by clients. If you need to go through hoops just to get info about it, then consider twice if their service is really customer-focused.   Credentials determine expertise Are they trained and certified? Are they medical trained? Are their vehicles compliant? Are they well-versed in the transport of people with special needs? These are some important questions that you need to answer. If the NEMT service provider fails to show important and relevant accreditations and certifications then you are wasting your time and money. Might as well get a rental service instead! Certifications and accreditations ensure that the personnel, the vehicle and the service itself are monitored and conform to specific standards.   Without these certifications and accreditations there is no assurance of quality services from the NEMT provider. So before you sign up with a cabulance service, make sure you ask for their credentials. Remember, simply being in the industry for years does not mean they are authorized to provide NEMT service. If you want peace of mind, ask for certifications and accreditations.   Satisfied customers Having satisfied customers is a hallmark of quality service. When a company gets repeat business it means they have answered the needs of their clients. Take note however that the amount of customers does not entirely mean that the company is providing outstanding service. Many cabulance services simply pack the schedule of their vehicles and personnel to get as much clients as possible. Many in fact take their daily trips as a measure of their success as a company. But allow me to enlighten you on this. Some service provides may have as much as 20 transport jobs per vehicle a day. That may seem impressive but it actually is not worth bragging about. Vehicles and personnel can only take so much transport jobs in a day. If you push the limits of the vehicle and the personnel you lower the quality of service. When you lower the quality of service you put lives at risk. Sometimes cleaning and maintaining the vehicle in between jobs have to be postponed just to keep up with the schedule. So, it does not mean that cramming more jobs in a day means satisfied clients. Rather, look at repeat business and loyal customers. This is the true indication of a job well done.   Availability of service What good is a cabulance service if they don’t have anything for you? Unfortunately many NEMT service don’t have the resources to provide you transport. In fact, many even use this as a marketing spiel highlighting that they are truly in demand. Again, what good is a cabulance service if you can’t avail of it? This may sound over simplistic but, finding an NEMT service that actually can provide you their services is worth considering. The truth is if you are in need, you won’t care if the company is so great that it is overbooked. You need it and thus must have it. That is very simple and that is straightforward. How can you enjoy their service if you can’t even get it? Some of the worst times to get a service is during weird hours of the day (or night) and special holidays. If they charge you more just for these reasons, then consider looking for another NEMT service provider.   Customer Service There is high premium given to quality customer service. Customer care becomes even more important when dealing with people with special needs. So check every aspect of the company’s processes from booking, to paying down to the basic interpersonal communications. Quality service goes beyond merely getting you there on time and in good shape, but what goes on from point A to point B also matters. In fact, every detail from the time you inquire to the next time you require a cabulance service must be given importance by the company. Remember, though this is a transport service, you don’t have to feel like another luggage being delivered to a new address.    The need for a specialized service like that of NEMT is growing. More and more people are considering this particular service as a regular form of transportation. As such, it is important to know that there are choices. There are budding companies with exemplary services and there are large old timers in the industry. In the end, it’s not how long they’ve been in the industry or how many people they transport on a daily basis. What matters most is you and how you are treated. You are not just a statistic to be used in marketing NEMT service. You are a special person requiring special transportation needs. more

By SAS NEMT Wheelchair Transportation April 15, 2011

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