Top News and Media Services in Spokane, WA 99212

We are very pleased with the videos you created for us, so pleased in fact and surprised. We were, as you know, very hesitant and concerned that the videos would not be produce well. The feedback w...Read Moreā€¦

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Art Studio of Carlos Vigil


By A Former Client

It's my understanding that Carlos passed away in 2010 and his eldest son Jeff stole the phone number and has been bootlegging business under the name Vigil Signs. If that's not obviously fraud, I don't know what is. more

Art Studio of Carlos Vigil


By Someone who loved Carlos.


New Media Resources, Inc.


By John Dobbs

We are very pleased with the videos you created for us, so pleased in fact and surprised. We were, as you know, very hesitant and concerned that the videos would not be produce well. The feedback we've had has made us very happy and it's been very good to learn how much the public's perception has changed towards our services since the videos were put into our social media. They did exactly what you said they would!! Thank you very much; we look forward to working with you again in the very near future. more

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Video As The Marketing Tool Has Broken All Records

Video continues to be the leading marketing tool and there is no end in sight as to its limitations. As you will see from some of the graphics I've included in this blog post, the predictions that video would out run, out gun, and out class every other advertising tool have all been exceeded! Now the CEO's and leading company executives state that they would rather watch a video than read an article or blog when deciding on what company to hire. The type of video that's trending now is hitting all of the previous scores on video 'out of the park'. It's called by several names and exactly what it will end up being known as is still up for grabs. Some know it as a: whiteboard video explainer video video scribeing show & tell video, etc. Basically you see a hand drawing or writing on a whiteboard, you hear narration that supports or explains the drawing, then there is sometimes a sound track with sound effects and or music. Sometimes the hand is writing over moving video footage - maybe it's just circleing or putting in arrows to further clarify what the video is selling. And boy do they sell! In fact, these types of videos score the highest in customer satisfaction and therefore have proved to harvest the highest conversion rate of any video production ever! They just flat out work! It's simple - it explains a product or service; there's no sales pressure but there is a very clear and concise method of persuasion. Many of you reading this will recognize that the method used to make a business sales tool in these videos patterns the way some of us learned: the instructor draws on the board ( white or black board - WOW that dates me! LOL ) the teacher is talking as they are doing it- so you are now seeing and hearing... and sometimes you have to write down what you see so now you are writing this to your memory... and it's done in a fun way... you are being entertained while you are being informed. more

By New Media Resources, Inc. December 28, 2015

Professional Video Intro / Outro

Having the videos you produce professionally finished off by book-ending them with an Intro / Outro is one of the most affordable ways to maintain your brand identity and add credibility to your video email campaign. These clips are only seconds long and help to generate interest in the message your video communicats.  It's like having your TV commercial sprinkled all through the social media environment. You can have an animated logo, still images and video clips. Most of us agree that video is the preferred way to dispense information and frequently produced video is just too darn expensive to frequently hire it done. Do the video yourself and hire the professional to create the intro / outro for you!  Prices begin at $225. more

By New Media Resources, Inc. January 23, 2011

Why is Video the Marketing Machine it is?

If you go and do a bit of research on the subject of using video to promote your online business you'll probably not believe the statistics at first.  According to leading experts in the field of analyzing the statistics that guide business planners, you'll learn that: - 89% of local shoppers do their shopping first on the internet; - 93% of them will view a video if it's available; however, out of that 93% that view the video... - 97% of those will click out of the video in less than 10 seconds if it does not prove useful or entertaining. So, think of it:  say there's 100 people in the room- only 14 of them do not shop online; once on a website with a video available, only 7 of these 100 shoppers will not click to view the video; once viewed, only 3 out of 100 people would watch it longer than 10 secs. if it wasn't interesting. Arresting statistics...? This information was gathered up from several sources, but you can find a lot of these 'facts' by visiting the many online sources - the best way to search for these is to simply type in the search field ' marketing advertising online video'. What are you waiting for? Connect with us for a free 45 min. consultation. That's not to sell you anything:  it is what is says it is- an invitation for you to ask questions and seek some guidance in your decision making process. If you choose to read on: ( you will harvest the results drawn from many sources was used to write the content below..) We are currently producing a video with this information as content; thought you may be wondering about that?! Thank you...  The Production Team Fact&Fable; Productions, LLC Why, you may wonder, is video such a powerful online tool?  - Well, how many videos did you view during the past 6 months? - Why did you select to view the video as opposed to reading the information posted on the website or in the newsletter?  And finally.. - How many of these videos did you forward to family, friends and business colleagues?  When you did this you participated in creating the much sought after tool:  Viral Video.  Why was that video worth passing along?  This is the sort of question that when answered will provide you with the main ingredient in creating your own viral video. Your replies will probably mirror ours?  If a video was there, and the page it was on looked like something you were or could be enticed to be interested in, you invested the time to view the video... especially  if you knew that it would only take  60-90 Secs. of your time.  It would take longer to read the infor. Video is a short cut to dispensing your information and the world wide web is an open market place, 24 hrs. a day, 365 days a year.  Ask yourself this, are the businesses who now have video on the internet taking some of the business that you deserve? Compare your reply's to a list that represents the way we used to do business:  - count up the times you went to the Yellow Pages compared to using the internet? - how many times did you refer to a local newspaper compared to online research? - what about the contrasting the use of Google or such in seeking a good deal, compared to reading through       your junk mail? - here's a well researched statistic that may surprise you:  even when we ask someone we know, like and trust, we still go to the internet to do our own research!  You do that, don't you? Even the famed 'word of mouth' is undergoing transformation! If dispensing information by using Video as a tool is to be successful, it must 'entertain while it informs' , This can be achieved without breaking the bank.  A 'clever, catchy, concept' needs to be evident...otherwise click out of the video and certainly to not aggravate anyone by forwarding it.  This is why you either work at it or hire someone who knows how to distill what you do and who you are into 60 secs. or less.  Think of the surprise in a 'punch line' of a joke... that is the whole message distilled into a few seconds. The experts are now saying that we have at least 7-10 seconds to engage the viewer.  Brief...yes!  That's still longer than we give each other when we draw conclusions from our 'first impressions'. Most of you will already know that video is top of the list when it comes to driving traffic to your website. If it's crafted with a concept that entertains while it sells your services, it will. It will be one of the main methods you use to prioritize your website in the Search Engine rankings. What are you waiting for?  Politician use video to run for office, non profits use video to raise funds, universities use video in virtual classrooms, marketing&advertising companies post 'How to Videos' and sell products and services... corporations produce training videos to comply and they save thousands. Hollywood Production Companies are now making more money by internet releases of their movies!!!  this list, as you know is now endless... and it's.. magical if you produce it with a focused demographic now proliferated through Social Media Networks. What are you waiting for? For several years now, the major Search Engines, with Google taking the lead, have prioritized websites that have video on the front / home page.  There's a simple deduction there... Video on website front page = the potential appearance of front page on the Search Engines.  (when the desired keywords appear in the websites content) A few years ago, we noted that our Clients, through our SEO efforts were performing better in the analytical charts than we were!  That was motivating.. what were we doing for them that we were not doing for ourselves?  Fact&Fable; is a boutique video production company and we had our sample videos buried deep within the website pages. We rebuilt the site and moved the videos to the front page - this simple procedure change our analytics in less than a week. With an entry in our blog, coupled with a video, we tripled our traffic... and we have the screen shots from the analytics to prove it. more

By New Media Resources, Inc. May 30, 2010

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