Top Abuse Treatment Services in Spokane, WA 99206

Drug Testing, Third Party Administrator, Breath Testing, Lifeloc, Paternity Testing, Hair TestingRead More…
Candess M. Campbell, PhD is an author, international Intuitive Counselor, Intuitive Life Coach, International Workshop Facilitator, and Spiritual teacher. She is the author of the upcoming book 12 ...Read More…

Recent Reviews View all

American Behavioral Health Systems Inc


By liisa777

This treatment center changed my life, if someone is ready for change then this is the place to do it. I have struggled with alcoholism for 25 years and ABHS taught me that I don't have to listen to the addiction anymore , that I can change the thinking that goes along with addiction and chose a different way to cope .. more

Adept Assessment-Treatment Center Inc


By Anonymous

My son called looking for help with opiate addiction. It was not court ordered. He underwent the assessment and intake, evaluation. Then the wait began. To this day no help has been offered . Even though my son calls dailey and sometimes twice aday. The receptionist laughed at my son when he called one day. I think putting someone off this long that wants help is wrong. more

American Behavioral Health Systems Inc


By bibob65

This place is a nightmare. I am telling you this as a former employee. Send your loved one some where else. They do withhold food, medical care and treat the people in treatment horrible. (like criminals) You loved one will not only receive treatment but, will get it from criminals as most of the staff are x-criminals. They have no concept of mental disorders and treatment so if your family member has any psychiatric diorders forget the medication they may need. ABHS also kicks people out of treatment in a strange city with no return bus ticket home. They are stranded in Spokane without a dime. Counselors often have to slip people a $ 1.00 so they can even take a bus downtown from the valley a good 12 miles. If you do not believe me look at their staff turnover. Its all about the money not about the personal needs of those in treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more

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What is DNA Activation?

You may wonder aboutDNA Activationand what it is and what happens when you get your DNA activated. I liken it to a spiritual immune builder. We have 2 strands of DNA in our physical body and up to 144 strandsin our etheric body. I originally activated to 12 strands of DNA, but one day when I was in my office with a client, we simultaneously felt some energy coming down from the top of our heads. we looked at each other and said together, "We just got activated to 144 strands of DNA!" I was surprised and later calledDiane Stein, whom I had been working with after connecting with theLords of Karma. She checked in with her guides and said yes, that is correct. Now, I tend to be grounded, have my feet on the ground, have a degree in Counseling Psychology fromGonzaga Universityand a doctorate inClinical HypnotherapyfromAmerican Pacific University, but I cannot help it  - when something spiritual happens, it happens and I follow my path and my guidance. Although many people will not believe something until it is proven with science, I am a big believer of personal experience as well. In fact, science, which I love is finally catching up with what we have known intuitively for many years. I find I am usually many years ahead, and hope that the understanding of the etheric field andDNA strandsbecoming activated will be main stream information in the next few years. At this time, it is important for me to assist others in becoming activated. Since my work with theLords of Karma,DNA Activationand theEssential Energy Balancingworkshops I have facilitated, my life has been incredible.  I am able to manifest easily and it is much easier to move from negativity or fear into peace, love and forgiveness. The DNA Activation and Essential Energy Balancing Workshops are not magic, but they do clear the karma and bring more Light into your body so that you can do the daily work of changing behaviors, practicing love and kindness, and finding joy and peace. more

By Candess M. Campbell, PhD August 18, 2011

Emotional Healing or Anti-Depressants?

I’ve been involved with emotional healing for thirty years. When I first entered an emotional healing therapy group in the 1970s, it was a brand new field. I was anxious and depressed, but I didn’t know why. No one talked about emotions back then. The idea that you could get in touch with your emotions and express them to help you heal was outrageous to most people. Those of us who were in those first therapy groups felt like guinea pigs—we were miserable living the way we were, but we had no idea where emotional therapy would take us.  By doing emotional healing, over the years my life changed dramatically. Although I had previously felt worthless and broken, after therapy I began to love the person I saw in the mirror. I developed compassion and understanding for myself. I went from being anxious and depressed to finding joy and inner peace. I began to follow my dreams. I did things I previously thought were impossible. I discovered that I had a natural sense of humor that had been dormant for many years. I began to laugh and have fun more regularly. I became a psychotherapist, because I felt my spiritual purpose was to help others heal. Because I had experienced intense emotional pain myself, I found that I couldn’t stand by and see others hurting and not do something to help them heal. Since I first started, I’ve always loved working as a therapist. To me it’s an incredible joy to be a part of someone’s healing experience. I dearly love helping people break out of their limitations to finally let their spirits shine. But in spite of my love for psychotherapy and emotional healing, I became somewhat disillusioned with the field of psychology as a whole. Somewhere along the way, psychologists and psychiatrists began diagnosing people and prescribing medications instead of focusing on overcoming the pain and healing. That has always been very sad to me. I wonder where I would be today if, when I was hurting way back then, a health care professional had told me that I would just have to cope with my emotional issues and take medication for the rest of my life. I believe that everyone deserves to know that emotional healing is possible! I think instead of handing out diagnoses and medications, it’s only fair to provide education about emotional healing and give a person who is hurting the option to do the work it takes to actually heal. I believe health care professionals have a moral obligation to educate people about their options and then let each person choose the best option for their situation. If, instead of all the commercials about anti-depressants on TV, we spent a little time educating people about the benefits of emotional healing, I think our world would change. It’s very sad that drug companies are permitted to make money from people who are hurting rather than educating people on the pros and cons of all of their alternatives. I wrote my book “Choosing Light-Heartedness” and my e-course “Journey to Light-Heartedness” because I wanted to let people like you know that you don’t have to live with your anxiety or depression for a lifetime. There is a way out! emotional healing is hard work—it will feel overwhelming at times and it isn’t finished in an hour or a day or a week. But the long-term benefits are so incredibly worthwhile! There is nothing as satisfying in life as knowing who you really are, loving yourself and living your life from love and harmony and peace. Read more about the benefits of Emotional Healing at more

By Kari Joys MS January 05, 2009

Where do you need Abuse Treatment Services ?