Blogs from Designers in Seattle, WA

Travel Inspires

My designs are inspired by the countries I have traveled to, which to date includes Italy, Spain, Turkey and Morocco, as well as selected cities in the US. Read about my travels and the hats I have been inspired to make as a result, at more

By August Phoenix Hats July 22, 2019

Why You Should Hire an Expert Graphic Designer

Designing and developing a website is not an easy task– especially if you do not have any skill or expertise as graphic designer, website designer, or a developer (coder). However, it is not even rocket science either. With some basic knowledge, one can build a website for one’s business. But, today, in the business arena, there is a cut-throat competition and in order to sustain in the market, you just don’t need a website but it should be creative and professional. The business site should be ahead of the others, enabling you to expand your business and increase your profit. If you are looking for aGrafisch Bureau Gentthen, is one among the leading website developing firms from which you can seek help.   If you are running a business then having a website is a must. You might need some professional help with your existing website and graphics designs at some point of time. The professional graphic designers and website developers aim to empower everyday people toWebsite Laten Makenfor their business or company. Hiring a professional and skilled designer that can save you a lot of time when your website is ready for this phase – when your website gains toehold with visitors who are eventually turned into customers is important. Thus, an attractive site enables your business to gain benefits from your web presence.   You should be cautious while hiring a professional graphic designer for your website, because he is the one who will create the images for your websites, ads, icons, logo, prints and etc. An experienced graphic designer will be responsible for creating the logo designs, header images, banner images, button designs, and icon designs.After the designer designs images for your web page, the developer will turn it into a functioning website.Expertmedia.beis a leadingGrafisch Bureau Gent, from where you can hire expert graphic designers who have years of expertise and experience in this field. more

By ExpertMedia May 01, 2019

Mobile Site vs Mobile App: Which is Best for Your Business?

Mobile Site vs Mobile App: Which is Best for Your Business? If you haven’t already, it’s time to start thinking about building a mobile platform for your business. With the growing ubiquity of smartphone and tablet use, more people are accessing the internet from mobile devices than ever before. In fact, in 2017, more users browsed the internet from mobile devices than desktops or laptops, and more than 80% of Americans own and use mobile devices capable of accessing the web. The important question is not whether you should migrate to mobile, but how? If you’re planning to establish a mobile presence for your business or organization, one of the first considerations that will likely come to mind is whether you want to create a mobile website or mobile application, or perhaps both. From cost to speed and accessibility, mobile apps and mobile websites are very different, and determining which is best suited to your business depends on what it aims to accomplish from its presence on mobile devices. What is the Difference? Before you can evaluate the benefits of amobile websitevs. an app, it’s important to understand the key differences between the two. A mobile website is essentially the same as any other website – it uses browser-based HTML pages that can be accessed by handheld devices and tablets. Unlike a website built for desktop, however, mobile sites are designed for much smaller handheld displays and touch-screen interfaces. Larger buttons and calls to action for finger tapping, increased the spacing between elements to avoid tap conflict, and quick load times are all examples of elements that are included on a mobile-optimized website. Increasingly, responsive web design is becoming the new standard for websites that are not only mobile-friendly, but that can scale to any sized device – from desktops down to tablets and smartphones. Mobile apps are actual applications that are downloaded and installed on your mobile device, rather than being rendered within a browser. Users visit device-specific app marketplaces such as Apple’s App Store or Android’s Google Play in order to find and download apps for a given operating system. The app may pull content and data from the Internet, in a similar fashion to a website, or it may download the content so that it can be accessed without an Internet connection. Mobile Website There are three main ways to approach building a mobile website: You may create a separate mobile website with its own URL that redirects mobile visitors when they attempt to reach your site from a mobile device. Instead of redirecting mobile visitors, you may use CSS files to make your desktop URL available to mobile users. Using responsive web design, you may create a website that adapts to browser window width. Here atS9 Digital, we always recommend responsive websites to our clients. Responsive web design optimizes your website for any screen size, whether on a mobile device or desktop, and it allows your site to react to any window size customizations done by the user. Also, Google recommends responsive design as a best practice for SEO when building websites for smartphones, as Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites in its rankings. Advantages: Responsive websites have several advantages over native mobile apps. The first is that responsive websites are significantly easier to develop and maintain. While a new app must be developed for each mobile operating system, you can create a single responsive website that users can reach from any device. Designing a website optimized for mobile is also much more cost-effective, and it is often included in the cost of building a new website. Responsive website design also does not require you to go through an approval process to publish your content. While it is obviously important to do a thorough QA process of a website before it is released, a responsive website is not subject to review by others in order to get approval. This outside review process is required for anyone who is trying to get their app into the app store and can sometimes pose serious issues for mobile app design. One of the most important advantages of mobile websites is the fact that websites attract much larger audiences than apps. According to a recent Morgan Stanley report, the web drives two times the site traffic of apps. This is due to the fact that a company’s mobile site is intimately connected with all of its marketing activities, including email, SEO, social media, etc. A business’ mobile app is not nearly as richly connected. This interconnectivity not only allows websites to reach more people than apps, it also means that mobile websites provide a more consistent brand experience across different channels and devices. Drawbacks: While responsive websites are easier to develop and are capable of reaching more users, they cannot rival an app’s ability to create an engaging, high-performance user experience. Compared to native apps, responsive websites often suffer from poorer performance on mobile devices. Even the best mobile website design is at the mercy of the networks being used to access it. Often the network access, quality, and speed vary from location to location. Compounding the speed issue is the fact that mobile users are much more demanding than those viewing your site on a desktop, as they’re usually on the go and looking for a quick answer. A desktop user at home will not be put off by an extra click here and there when a usability issue is encountered. A mobile user, however, will leave your mobile website if it’s difficult to navigate or if the loading process takes too long. Mobile websites also lack the ability to access and employ all of a mobile device’s features (camera, GPS, etc.). This makes it more difficult to create an experience that fully engages your users. In addition, some businesses (such as Uber) may provide a service that depends upon access to a mobile device’s GPS or camera, and they may find that a responsive website is insufficient for their needs. Another significant downside of mobile sites is the fact that it can be more difficult to track user behavior. Because mobile websites aren’t as interwoven with customers’ devices, a business simply can’t leverage all of the important data about key demographics that mobile apps are able to gather. When You Need One: Nearly every business needs a mobile website, especially businesses that consumers are likely to search on the go. This includes restaurants, retailers, entertainment venues, etc. People can already view your website on a mobile device; however, it likely doesn’t look very good because it’s not designed and optimized for mobile. Individuals need to be able to navigate your website easily, and they need it to perform efficiently on a mobile device so that they can quickly find the information that they are looking for. If you’re a small business with a limited budget or want to offer mobile-friendly content to the widest possible audience, a responsive mobile website is the best way to go. Mobile App A native mobile app is written in the language of the operating system of the device it is installed on – Android, iOS, etc. These apps are usually downloaded from an online store – the Apple App Store on iOS or Google Play on Android – and installed directly on the device. They exist outside of an individual’s browser, and they have their own icon on that person’s mobile home screen. Advantages: Responsive websites require an internet connection and a static, navigational user interface that reflects your overall website design. A mobile app, on the other hand, can be accessed after installation without using an internet connection. Mobile apps allow businesses to be connected directly to a user’s mobile phones at all times. This gives businesses access to users that a responsive website is simply unable to provide. Furthermore, apps can also leverage a device’s features, information, and hardware, such as location services, camera, and vibration notifications. Effectively using these features allows an app to be more connected to a user’s everyday experience with their phone in ways that a responsive website cannot. Native apps also generally have a friendlier UX design than mobile websites. Rather than being redesigned to fit a mobile platform, they are built specifically for mobile audiences from the very beginning. According to a recent study, 85% of participants said they prefer mobile apps to mobile websites, and their preference was found to be due to reasons such as speed, convenience, and ease of use. Native mobile apps have inherent advantages over mobile-optimized websites in terms of engagement. Out of a sample of 56 million people, 65% of impressions with a business on mobile devices came from a mobile browser while only 35% came from mobile apps. However, app users consume 2.4 times more impressions with a single brand on average. This means that while a mobile website might increase exposure to your business, mobile apps will drive engagement with individual users and increase the amount of time they spend in contact with your business. Drawbacks: Creating, publishing, publicizing and maintaining apps can be much more costly and time-consuming than managing a mobile website. You will have to create the same app several times for each operating system, as each app must use the native programming language of the device: Java (Android), Objective-C (iOS), and Visual C++ (Windows Mobile). This can be a tedious process, and you can receive a lot of pushback from audiences who may be frustrated if they can’t yet access your app on their particular device. Another long-term drawback is the app store process. If you want to reach people who use Apple and Android products, you’ll have to submit your app for approval in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. The guidelines for acceptance into app stores are not written in stone, and as they change, you will have to make sure your app stays in compliance with the rules. Also, any changes in functionality or design that are made to the app require the user to update them manually rather than automatically. The need for apps to be downloaded and updated manually means that many users will be operating on different versions. Additionally, most businesses require a website as well as an app, so understand that if you decide to build an app (unless you’re planning on forgoing websites altogether, which is inadvisable), you will also need to create a mobile website. When You Need One: If you’re developing a game, an e-commerce shop, or an app that serves a very specific purpose that cannot be effectively accomplished via a web browser, the native app option is ideal. Also, if you already offer a popular web-based service, a native mobile app may be a worthwhile investment, as it will provide tremendous performance benefits over using the mobile web. The fact that apps can interface with a device’s features and be accessed without an internet connection makes them excellent choices for companies seeking greater engagement with their mobile users. Which Should Your Organization Choose? Understanding what your customers are looking for from your mobile platform is a great way to help decide whether a mobile app or a mobile website is better for your business. If you have an audience that is simply trying to connect with your business and find information about your service, the accessibility, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness of mobile websites makes them much better choices than native apps. If your audience is trying to search for your products or services and shop or entertain themselves, a mobile app is almost certainly the way to go. However, it’s important to remember that the two options are not mutually exclusive. Many successful organizations have both a mobile-friendly public website for their general web presence and a downloadable native app to accommodate more specific requirements. Ultimately, choosing between a mobile app and a mobile website comes down to what your business is trying to achieve with its mobile presence. Understanding the strengths of both mobile websites and mobile apps in terms of how they relate to your digital transformation goals will allow you to implement a mobile strategy that best suits your organization’s needs. Need help deciding which mobile platform is right for your business? At S9 Digital, everything we do is mobile first. Our mobile and app development teams create tailor-made design packages that reflect your vision and business objectives. To enhance your online presence, contact the experts at S9 Digital today and set up your FREE consultation! more

By S9 Digital January 31, 2018

Why a Digital Strategy Matters

Why a Digital Strategy Matters Since I started my career back in 2001 with Accenture, I have seen first hand how digital technology has changed the face of business forever. The impact is across all industries, from advertising to entertainment, transportation to utilities, digital technologies have transformed entire sectors of our economy. Education, healthcare, public safety, and every other public institution have been profoundly impacted. The next generation of digital technologies—Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, Autonomous Cars, and even Near Eye Display —promises even bigger changes in the future. Even if you don’t plan to incorporate digital technology today, you can’t ignore it forever! Every community and organization needs digital solutions in order to avoid being blind-sided and trampled by digitally-enabled competitors. What is a Digital Strategy? At a fundamental level, a digital strategy is simply a plan of action for using digital data, hardware, networks, and software to achieve a purpose or goal. A digital strategy should be comprehensive to cover all aspects of your organization. Part of the purpose of a digital strategy is to identify and prioritize ways to use technology. There are three general objectives or tactics of a digital strategy, and they are generally go in order, using digital technology to: Become more efficient and control costs by automating processes and digitizing practices. Automation also generates data that can be analyzed to provide useful information about products, processes, markets, customers, etc.  Example: S9 Digitalcan create custom employee and manager dashboards to highlight your business KPI’s at a glance. Get more customers and increase revenue by differentiating from your goods & services from competitors. Differentiation also builds customer relationships which enable you to see opportunities to create value. Example:  Building a digital marketing campaign that tells your unique story. S9 Digital takes a holistic approach and incorporates several forms of marketing streams, such as organic SEO, SEM, and Social Media Management. Develop new markets, products, and services by creating innovative, new goods & services. Innovation essentially eliminates competitors.  Example: If you own a coffee shop, S9 Digital can develop an app or responsive mobile site that allows customers to purchase ahead of time, so their latte is ready for pick-up exactly upon the customers arrival. A digital strategy should enable overall growth and improvement. But the best way to execute a digital strategy is to focus on specific opportunities or problems. At the same time, taking a holistic view of your organizations digital needs is necessary to avoid multiple “solutions” that don’t work together or, even worse, conflict with each other. Why Digital Matters Digital matters because it enables better decision-making, better coordination, and better collaboration to achieve your organizational goals. Technology can improve employees’ productivity and work-life-balance. It can also improve organizations’ competitiveness and market position. And, digital technology can improve the overall company culture. Organizations that have digital technology and use it effectively are are agile, lean, and more prosperous than places where technology is either not available or not used well. Doing more with less is the knew norm, therefore being able to incorporate digital technologies to streamline processes and mission critical tasks are vital to achieve growth. Overall, the basic use of digital technology is to connect people, organizations, and places to each other, and to provide them with information. Digital technology that is open—readily accessible and easy to share—enables connections and makes them more valuable. Being closed and isolated doesn’t just put you at a disadvantage, it is also a sure way to waste valuable resources! For these reasons, one of the best ways to grow a business or economy is to make sure everyone involved has strategies for getting and using digital technology. Leadership for Digital Strategy Because being digital in 2018 is critical to success, digital strategy is a leadership issue that should actively involve executives, owners, and/or top officials in your organization. Leadership defines digital strategy and determines its success (or failure). Technology is constantly evolving, and it fundamentally changes how organizations work, therefore leaders must be constantly learning about and adapting to the technology. Execution of the strategy, including specifying and implementing tactics, may (and probably should) be led by internal technology professionals or outsourced to digital transformation firms, such as S9 Digital. And, execution MUST have real involvement from those who will use the technology—it should be tailored to their interests and needs. But none of this works without clear, strong leadership support. Key questions we ask our clients: What do you hope to accomplish with a digital strategy? How can a digital strategy help your organization achieve its goals for 2018? How will top decision-makers be involved in formulating and executing digital strategy? We can help you and your business! AtS9 Digital, everything starts with a story and we want to hear yours. Every project is different but our methodology and process is proven and reliable every time. Bottom line, we want to provide premium digital solutions and build strong relationships with the people we work with. Find out more about how our team can help you by checking out our all our business solutions.  Contact us today to setup your FREE consultation! more

By S9 Digital January 31, 2018

Top 3 Brand Strategies for 2018

What is your Business’ Brand? Every well-run business strives to create a strong brand. A solid, memorable brand image is critical to the success of your company, as it differentiates you from your competition, encourages customer loyalty and ultimately drives sales. But what, exactly, is your brand? When I first started my career, I mistakenly thought that a brand was a company’s name, a stylish logo and a cleverly designed slogan. It was not until I became an entrepreneur in 2005, however, that I realized there is much more to a company’s brand. After founding and building my own business, I was surprised to learn that my brand lived and evolved in the minds of those I opened my business to service: my customers. Yes, you heard it correctly: my brand was ultimately my customers’ perception of my company and its services. It was built with every customer interaction, whether it was the first digital interaction with our logo, website, or marketing material, or more importantly the first personal interaction, such as a phone call, email, or online request for a quote. How long it took my company to respond to a customer request was an essential part of our brand. Being a service business, details such as the cleanliness of our vehicles and uniforms also mattered. Drawing upon my prior experience in consulting, I took the time to develop a holistic brand strategy for my business, and I implemented the following tactics to ensure that our branding basics were covered. 1.) Deliver a High Quality and Reliable Service The foundation of your brand is your product or service. When engineering a brand management strategy, many companies focus on external branding efforts such as logo design, marketing material and advertising campaigns. If your company fails to provide a valuable service that customers want to buy, however, your company will be unable to back up its promises, and your external branding efforts will be fighting a losing battle. When I was in the early stages of building my business, my first priority was to provide a service that sells itself. I provided high-quality and detail-oriented service that was sure to exceed customer expectations, hired skilled and experienced employees, streamlined operations to ensure timely delivery, and offered personalized customer service online, over the phone and in person. Each time we completed work for a customer, my goal was to leave them thoroughly impressed with our work quality and professionalism. I knew that consistently exceeding their expectations would cause them to become loyal customers, and they would go on to leave positive online reviews and tell their friends and neighbors about our service. People trust the experiences of past customers far more than a company’s marketing content. According to Nielsen, 92% of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over all other forms of advertising. This means that word-of-mouth advertising is the most powerful brand development tool at your disposal. Word-of-mouth was important for businesses in the days before the internet, when people simply spoke about their experiences with a company to their friends. With the rise of online platforms such as Yelp and Facebook, customers have the potential to reach millions of people with their reviews. Whether the image of your brand that customers share with others is either positive or negative, depends entirely upon the quality of their experience. This explains why prioritizing quality service was critical to the success of my business. When I finally began to invest more time and money into my external brand, my efforts were focused on expressing the value I knew my service would provide to my customers. 2.) Logo Design to Capture your Brand Your logo is the face of your company. It is placed on your website, on your products, and on every marketing tool you produce. When a prospective customer views your logo, they immediately form a crucial first impression of your brand and the unique values it represents. Therefore, great care must be taken during its design to ensure that it effectively captures your company’s essence. The power of a logo lies in its visual nature. As humans, we are incredibly visual. In fact, nearly 50% of our brains are involved in visual processing. If you want to efficiently express an idea, an image is by far the best way to do it. Studieshave shown that it takes only 150 milliseconds for us to process an image, and it takes just another 100 milliseconds for us to attach meaning to it. This illustrates why logo design is such an important branding tool: when a customer glances at your logo, they form an impression of your entire company in less than the blink of an eye. What first impression do you want your logo to make? The answer will depend on the type of business you are operating and the audience you intend to reach. Here are three key steps to consider: First, research your industry to identify trends and determine what is appropriate for the field. The appropriate look and feel of a real estate company’s logo, for example, is going to be very different than that of a manufacturer’s logo. Next, identify and understand your intended customer base. Who are your prospective customers, and what value do they seek when they purchase your product or service? Finally, determine your business’ value proposition and decide how you want your customers to perceive your brand. Whether you want your company to be seen as reliable and professional or trendy and sophisticated, keep your desired brand image in mind and focus your design efforts on expressing your company’s distinct personality. When you begin the design process, strive to create a logo that is eye-catching but simple. A simple logo is not only easier to commit to memory, it’s more easily recalled when seen again. This will help build brand recognition. Also, your logo should be incorporated into all of your business materials, so a simple, well-designed logo will work in any physical or digital medium. It should look great no matter where you put it – in your website’s header, your Facebook profile image or your business cards. Your logo should also make effective use of color and graphical imagery. While your logo design should be simple enough that it works well in black and white, using color is particularly important for driving engagement with viewers: studies have found that adding color to blog posts, product guides, print advertising and other brand collateral increases readership by 80%. Also, on both a conscious and subconscious level, colors and images convey meaning and evoke certain emotions. For example, blue is associated with confidence, security, and sincerity, while orange denotes innovation and forward thinking. You should carefully select the color scheme that forms the desired emotional connection with your customers, and your logo’s color, font, and imagery should work together to capture your company’s unique brand image. 3.) Implement an Employee Brand Management Strategy Fortunately for me, it only took one negative customer review to realize I missed one of the most crucial yet most overlooked pieces of brand management. After conducting a post-mortem on the review, it hit me square in the chest: the brand’s positive or negative perception rests largely upon the company’s most import asset, one that is frequently undervalued, under-trained, underpaid and overworked. You guessed it, the employees! Many companies focus all of their branding efforts on marketing activities such as advertising campaigns and packaging, yet one of the most powerful brand assets your company has is your people. Regardless of which industry you’re in, building a strong brand requires that all employees feel connected to the brand and understand their role in turning brand aspirations into reality. By turning employees into trusted brand ambassadors, companies bring their strongest asset and their most vocal internal advocates in direct contact with their customer base. When your employees are engaged with their work, feel connected to the company, and are willing to go above and beyond to create satisfying customer experiences, customers will leave each interaction with a positive impression of your brand. The majority of employees, however, are unengaged and do not feel a strong connection to their company’s brand. In one study, Gallup asked more than 3,000 randomly selected workers to assess their agreement with the statement, “I know what my company stands for and what makes our brand different from our competitors.” Shockingly, only 41% of employees strongly agreed with this statement. This indicates that more than half of the employees surveyed were not fully aware of their company’s brand positioning and differentiation. How can your team deliver on the company’s brand promise if they aren’t clear about what it is? As a leader, it is your responsibility to educate your team on your brand’s foundations and explain the importance of expressing the brand in each customer interaction. To highlight the importance of an employee’s role in shaping your brand, consider the following scenario: imagine your company has invested heavily in branding, using web content, promotional materials and marketing techniques to promote your product or service. You have raised brand awareness and effectively conveyed the value your company can offer. However, when customers call your central line, your unengaged, disgruntled and poorly trained representative’s standard response is “hmm….?, um, uh… umm… not sure. No, can’t help with that.” How do you think callers will perceive your brand? Unfriendly, unprofessional, and unreliable. Since one of the values you heavily promoted was your excellent customer service, your calling customers will have forever lost trust in your company. To avoid situations like this, all customer-facing employees should be well-trained and understand that every single interaction has a direct impact on the company’s ability to deliver on its promises and build its desired brand image. Need help building your business’ brand? Work with us! AtS9 Digital, we take a holistic view of our clients’ brand strategy to ensure the digital branding we create is seamlessly integrated throughout the entire organization. To enhance your brand,contactthe experts atS9 Digitaltoday and setup your FREE consultation! more

By S9 Digital January 31, 2018


Brand | Interactive | Consulting | SEO/SEM/SMM | Research | Data Analysis | Market Analysis more

By Online Marijuana Design January 27, 2017


#landscapes#seattle #design #burien #home #patio #garden more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services April 19, 2016

build your new patio

would you like to build a patio just contact us for schedule an appointent for talk about your project our estimate is free contact us today, more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services March 11, 2016


we help you building your new patio just contact us and get your free estimate more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services December 19, 2015

The Top Ecommerce Website Design Trends in 2015

Redesigning your Dreams Ecommerce has turned out to be the most dynamic business in the world market today andEcommerce websites are becoming more and more focused and they prove to be in the market not only because they are impressive but also due to their enhanced usability, updated information and also their ability to approach the customers tactfully. There is a marked change towards web design trends every year. The traditional trends exist in the market the same time novel changes emerge along with it so that updation is made simultaneously. The worth and significance of this topic never fades away as this field is always competitive and new and new trends keep on emerging every time. A change in your web design trend is always welcomed and we at Smartechpro Technologies are happy to present before you the updated trends in Ecommerce Web Design. • Split screens Designers are trying to experiment on elements so as to make it more creative. They are rather combined in an interesting manner so as to bring out new layouts in the coming years. Designers have already tried out this split screen layout where the screen is divided vertically so that two things with equal importance can be represented simultaneously. • Flat and material design The next most important trend in the field is flat and material design. For an untrained eye there is no much difference between a flat and a material design. A flat design as the name specifies is devoid of any three dimensional elements as it tries to imitate the real world circumstances. Material design on the other hand is a little bit exaggerated, colorful and it satisfies the needs of those users who are more attuned to digital interactions. Moreover it also creates a design ecosystem that the customers become more familiar with across many products and devices. • Responsive Typographic Challenges Typography is the heart and soul of any design and communication. Flexible and responsive typography which works well with any device is therefore very important in website design. It should be well managed and displayed in such a manner that the text is visible well whether it is on a cell phone or on a computer monitor. Since web is universal the typography practiced on your site too should be universal.Ecommerce Website developers are applying such flexible and responsive designs to adapt themselves to this ever changing sea of devices. • Responsive Design Layout  Electronic gadgets with a trendy and responsive layout is a prerequisite for any ecommerce website which makes your customers snap back to your site repeatedly. It has become an incredible popular pattern. People always require things at their disposal and the fact that these responsive websites provides them the facility to access their websites from anywhere allows its increased usage. Moreover people hesitate to carry their laptops everywhere they go. Therefore making your website responsive is a crucial factor for your success any business. • Hidden Navigation Menus  This is also a technique of Responsive Design. It makes the site clean and functional. Certain menus are to be kept hidden until they are required. The visitor can view such menus only if they click on the corresponding icon. They would normally be seen on the mobile view of a site but some online sellers use this even when their site is viewed on a laptop or desktop even. • Parallax scrolling sites and background effects Parallax websites are one of the recent trends in web design now. It can always be a designer’s best choice if he wants to impress his client or if he needs to implement a sudden impact on his site. A drawback with this design is that it easily takes away your visitors attention and therefore should be implemented carefully. Care must be made to highlight your actual content –i.e. your product. The background effects also creates a different feel among the viewers. On whatever grounds it may be the website always looks appealing. • Micro UX/Transitions Online experience which an Ecommerce website provides should be always delightful which makes them visit your site more frequently. The small things which you might have ignored may catch the eye of your customers which may boost the user experience. Therefore the design of any Ecommerce Website should be in such a manner that it always put you in the limelight. Micro UX/Transitions creates such an indelible experience. Both these are cool at the same time practical too. • Video contents and backgrounds Videos are one of the most powerful and efficient tools for communication. It enables you to convey a clear picture of whatever is meant be it a product, brand or service. For the same reason classy, imaginative and professional videos are being increasingly used in webdesign.It really plays a good role in the success of your business as your customers feel interested and they eagerly wait for your new videos. This shift towards videos will definitely bring you a higher return on investments. • Cinemagraphs Cinemagraphs are currently integrated with websites which provides your websites with a special feel and unlike videos it will not consume more bandwidth even. It provides your website with a marvelous, refined and elegant appearance. It makes you customers linger on your page more. For the same reason some designers have exploited this as one of the marketing trend in bringing more customers to your site • Animations On web animations have become smoother and lighter and thereby their popularity also augmented. Websites with contents that can swirl, tilt, flip, bounce will provide your viewers with a delightful experience. Web animations were once considered nugatory but with the advancement in technology designers have recognized its importance and its advantages. Therefore animations make applications more enjoyable and engaging. • Galleries and slideshows Galleries and slideshows have now become an inevitable part of any website and they enrich your sites without overburdening the users. The important reason behind their popularity is that they create a lively feel throughout and moreover they keep the users always live and alert. They present the site information in a rigid and organized manner. In short they show the universality of the site in a more energetic and attractive way. To conclude 2015 is going to be a new world for Ecommerce. Taking into consideration the whole spectrum of possibilities that it can offer and keeping in mind about these prominent web designing trends we can completely change our traditional idea about web design which provides it with a new dimension. Rather than overcrowding your site with outflowing information it is always good to know and try out these simple and attractive designs. SMARTECHPRO TECHNOLOGIES will be updating the forthcoming ecommerce design trends for you. Remember to follow us through Facebook, Twitter,Google+, LinkedIn and our Blog. more

By smartechpro technologies ltd October 13, 2015

Digital Agency Seattle WA

8ninths is a creativedigital agency in Seattlecity of Washington and our professionals focuses on design, development and innovation to solve business problems for our clients. We provide quality Search engine optimization services. more

By 8Ninths July 17, 2015

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20% off on lasndscaping service just send a email to us with #landscaping or #lawnmaitenance and get your instant discount more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services May 27, 2015

landscaping design

Hi dear customer we would like to help you with your garden desing contact us for discuss your new project and our affordable prices free consultation in your home we hope you to assist you. more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services May 20, 2015

hardscapes services

Hi dear customers we would like to help you with any landscaping problem please contact us for schedule an appointment and discuss your new project and our affordable prices call for your free consultation. more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services May 20, 2015


You need a bark mulch for stop the weeds and a nice look in your home garden or business call us for your free estimate. more

By LMS Landscaping & Fence services April 19, 2015

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Seattle SEO


By davelee

I have been working with Seattle SEO to manage my local business rankings and I have got to hand it too Greg and Skyler they work very hard to ensure my rankings are top notch and generating business. They really seem to care about my business and try to keep me informed as much as possible. Whenever I have questions they are always just a phone call away, providing me with both of their personal numbers. more

Mirsky Media


By Glennqwe

The best costumer service I've had! Thank you so much!! more

Tath Hossfeld Designs


By havana21brown

Tath Hossfeld Designs worked very hard to put together a decorating proposal for my villa. We are very pleased with the result and have had many admiring comments! Thank you! more

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