Best Businesses in Menlo, WA
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About Menlo, WA

Menlo is a small unicorporated town in the Willapa Valley region of Washington known for its wagon train and whisky. Major attractions include Pickled Pioneer, the location of Willie Keil the man embalmed in pure Whisky in 1855 and Tombstone Willie's Saloon for postcards and souveneirs. Each year in August there is the Pacific County Fair. Among the biggest companies in Menlo are Anderson Construction and Wildhaber Welding. The biggest schools here are Willapa Valley High School and Willapa Elementary School. One of the best places to visit when you are in Menlo is the Menlo Store. As of the 2000 census, Menlo has a population of 6.422 people.

Best Businesses in Menlo, WA