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Kolbert Group, ID Theft Services, Pre-paid Legal Plans


By Patrick Stevens

I am writing to say thank you with excitement, jubilation and the feeling of victory and it is all thanks to my attorney at Pre-Paid Legal. For the past 2 months I have been pulling my hair out because (a Cell Phone Company) had charged me over $800 in false charges on my cell phone bill. It was the most horrendous experience because I could not get a supervisor to speak with me about auditing my bill to show that the charges were false. My business phones were disconnected and they would not turn it back on wihout full payment. It got to the point where I finally called Pre-Paid Legal to help me resolve the matter. I spoke with an attorney. She was very patient, warm and kind and truly took some time to listen to me vent for a few minutes. After giving me straightforward instructions on how to resolve the issue, she immediately wrote a letter to (the Corporate Office) and advised that I complained to the FCC. I received a letter this morning from company saying they are sorry more

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how FACTA LAW effects all business owners

To All Members! The FACTA law went into effect on June 1, 2005 and is the first law that takes a seemingly direct aim at the company who has the personal information instead of the individual responsible for the resulting fraud. The Facts On FACTA Designed to reduce the risk of consumer fraud and identity theft applies to every business in America. Requires businesses to destroy all personal information on consumers (customers, employees, clients, etc) before discarding it. Access to this personal information is strictly limited by other Federal Laws. States that every person and/or business must protect against unauthorized access to or use of the information in connection with its disposal. Allows for civil liability should an employees identity be stolen due to an employers failure to act. Consumers may be entitled to recover actual damages sustained as a result of a FACTA violation. ($92,893 in average identity theft losses and 600 work hours lost.) Courts are authorized to award punitive damages and attorney's fees, in an individual or a class action suit. State and Federal fines may be imposed on the business or employer per breach of personal information. Those fines are up to but not to exceed $1,000 and $2,500, respectively. Imagine the consequences for an employer who had just 10 employee records compromised. State and Federal fines could reach $35,000; possible financial damages from the resulting thefts should you use the average as quoted in the USA Today may be as high as $900,000, not to mention the combined loss of work time for those 10 employees at 600 hours for each employee. So how can we help? Leo Kolbert offers your employees an Identity Theft Shield plan that would act as an early warning system to the company if several employees had their identities stolen. This program is administered through Kroll Worldwide, the largest identity theft company in the world. Your employees could be notified early on and be able to turn much of the work over to Kroll thru Pre Paid Legal, potentially alleviating most of the financial losses and work hour losses the company would incur if an Identity Theft Shield were not in place. Please give Leo Kolbert a call today to arrange a time that he can come in and speak with your employees in a 15 minute meeting. Leo can be reached at 360-739-5622 or by email at You can get more information on this valuable service at Sincerely, Leo Kolbert Kolbert Group email: phone: 360-739-5622 web: more

By Kolbert Group, ID Theft Services, Pre-paid Legal Plans June 20, 2009

Think you are safe? Why you need our services?

Each year it happens to countless victims who innocently give their credit cards to servers in restaurants. Even if you are cautious when making an ATM transaction, identity thieves can be watching you type in your PIN or rig a bank machine to copy your bank card. Shredding may not be enough to keep dumpster divers from finding copies of your checks, credit card statements and other personal paperwork that leads to identity theft. It's not just online purchases that are vulnerable to identity theft. In fact, online transactions are a small majority of identity fraud cases. You should know that identity theft happens every day to people from all walks of life. What can you do to combat this crime? TheIdentity Theft ShieldSMprovides a suite of service designed with detection and restoration in mind. Identity Theft ShieldSMis an affordable solution to combat a growing crime that knows no boundaries. more

By Kolbert Group, ID Theft Services, Pre-paid Legal Plans June 20, 2009

Why the ID Theft Shield by Kolbert Group

When an identity thief strikes, the emotions can feel similar to those experienced during a house fire. All of a sudden, everything you've worked for is threatened. If your home were on fire, would you want the fire department to send you borchures about how to put out the fire, then follow up with brochures about how to rebuild? Of Course not. Yoyu'd want them to jump in the truck, turn on the sirens, and bring the water! Identity Theft Shield puts the experts in the field of Identity restoration on your side. Criminals want to rip-off your identity, your financial history, and everything else that you've worked hard to earn. They are determined to make a name for themselves by taking advantage of your credit record.Get the experts on your side  - ID Theft Shield is serviced byKroll inc. more

By Kolbert Group, ID Theft Services, Pre-paid Legal Plans June 20, 2009