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Eating Disorder Treatment: Signs and Symptoms of Eating Disorders

Did you know that eating disorders are potentially deadly?That's why it's essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of eating disorders in the ones you love, and seek early treatment before it's too late. Rachel's Story  Rachel was a model teenager.  Middle child of a large family, she always cooked the big Sunday dinner, the family event of the week.  They all loved the sherry gravy.  They all loved Rachel.   She worked at the rectory, cooking for the priests, helped her dad assemble widgets for his work, made sure there were always plenty of snacks on hand for her friends when they came over.  She was so efficient in the kitchen that she even supervised her parents' parties, where the whiskey sours were flowing freely. Everybody left her alone to do her thing because she was so capable and competent. Nobody noticed that Rachel never ate what she cooked.  She was always catering to others:  the priests, the family, her friends, her parent's guests. Nobody noticed her take a swig or two of the sherry.  The whiskey sours were flowing so freely, no one noticed that more was missing than there should have been.   Rachel's teachers loved her because she never caused a problem and was so reliable. Who would have guessed that she had a serious and potentially fatal addiction? Everyone laughed when she was in her bikini with her tiny body and she put her hand on her little tummy exclaiming how fat she was.   No one took her comments seriously -- until it was too obvious to ignore.   She was getting too thin.  She was drinking too much.  Rachel was actually deathly afraid of getting fat. Alcohol seemed to be her only intake of calories. When Rachel's dad noticed that she was too thin, he offered to buy her a whole new wardrobe if she gained weight.  Daddies fix things -- but he couldn't fix Rachel.and it broke his heart.  She was past the point of being able to "just stop it."  Food deprivation and drinking had become serious addictions.  It was time to get help.   If Rachel's family had recognized the signs of anorexia, they could have sought help sooner.  By the time people started to say, "You look anorexic!" she was pretty far into the addiction.   Eating disorders are treatable.  The earlier you can recognize the symptoms, the better.  Potentially 20% of people who suffer from eating disorders will eventually die from them. Fortunately for Rachel, she got help.  Now she is married and has two lovely children.  Her life has been restored.  It could have been so much easier if the signs had been caught earlier.  Eating Disorder Symptoms  If you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the behaviors below, it may be time to seek professional help: Compulsive dieting behaviors   Preoccupation with weight and body image   Unusual food behaviorsâ€Â¦.cutting into teeny pieces, moving around on plate, hiding it in napkin   Making excuses to not eat:  to full, already ate   Vicarious enjoyment of food by cooking, entertaining, serving it   Self induced vomiting (pay attention to going into the bathroom during or immediately after a meal)   Use of diet pills   Laxative use   Extreme or obsessive exercise   Abuse of syrup of ipecac   Fasting   Use of diuretics   Weight is not necessarily a good indicator of an eating disorder: many people with eating disorders are overweight.  If you suspect something is wrong and you can't put your finger on it, seek help.    Sometimes it helps to have a team of helpers -- medical doctor, therapist, nutritionist, family, support group -- to heal completely.  A doctor can monitor one's physical health, a nutritionist can support a healthy eating plan, and a therapist can uncover the hidden beliefs that keep one stuck in this spiral of self destruction. When the beliefs underlying an eating disorder are changed, people begin to heal from the inside out.   For more information on eating disorders and their treatment, call Marianne Clyde, eating disorder therapist and licensed marriage and family counselor in Warrenton, Virginia.  (540) 347-3797. more

By Marianne Clyde, LMFT February 09, 2011

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