It always amazes me when I call upon a business owner to discuss Aflac products and receive, "my employees do not want it". When I inquire further, I determine most often that the business owner has not actually sat down with an Aflac representative to learn about the benefits or what we offer the company. My mind goes into overdrive and starts to spin, puzzled, I ask myself, "there is not a business owner in his right mind that would turn down the opportunity to offer benefits at no direct cost to the company......or saving on bottom line cost......? The answer is a "disturbing "yes",..... esspecially if the business owner or manager have not taken the time to hear about Alfac's services and products. As the saying goes, "I only KNOW that I KNOW nothing". It is my personal belief that many business owners see an Aflac associate and quickly make an assumption that we promote health insurance. Most individuals do not realize that Aflac offers a cash benefit directly to the policyholder......and is NOT major medical or hospitalization. If company owners would take the time to listen to what the representative has to share, they would quickly learn that offering Aflac benefits is a win-win. The employer offers a service at no direct cost while the employee pays the premium and gets to customize by selecting his own plan based on personal need. The employee has peace of mind knowing he has financial security in the event there is a loss of income due to a medical incident such as an accident (major or minor), cancer, heart attacks, stroke, renal failure, etc. The employer gets peace of mind knowing a benefit was offered to his employee that provided financial protection in the event of a sickness of no cost to the company. Sounds like both party's win to me! So what is so hard to understand? Which takes me back to my frustration with business owners....The frustration REALLY kicks in when the employer quickly states and emphatic, "NO" before he understands what he is saying "NO' to? The second emotion that surfaces is sadness. I am saddened by the fact that everyemployee could benefit from one of the Aflac products but denied the opportunity because someone that does not realize the need for himself, will not give his employees the opportunity to decide. by purchasing independently without going through the workplace, individuals miss out on purchasing at a reduced or group rate and/or pretaxing advantages. Once an Aflac policy is purchased at the company's payroll rate, that rate never changes, even if the employee leaves employment and goes to direct payment. So, an obvious advantage for the employee and why I try to achieve a payroll deduction option. Reduced rates are always good, agreed? I am baffled even more when I hear the response, "my employees are not interested"!...That response makes me think of our voting right as an American citizen. Making a decision that negatively affects the finances of another is like taking your voting rights away. Just suppose, I told a political candidate that it is not important that you express your political views or listen to his/hers. I deny you the priviledge stating, "My friendis not interested in how your decisions affect her ...therefore, I will vote on his/her behalf based on MY opinion and understanding". Isn't the analogy above the same principal? Would you give up your voting right? I don't know about you, but I would not want to be the employer that makes a decision not to offer voluntary insurance based on an "assumption" that employee(s) are not interested, and to later learn of an employee or family member's critical diagnosis or major accident. I would want employees to make their own decisions concerning their medical and financial future. Whether to purchase voluntary insurance,......or not....should be left up to the individual......unless of course the company buys the employee's groceries, pays the mortgage, truck or car payment, baby sitter, utilities etc. in the event of a major medical incident.... you get my drift. :) <a href=";w:250;h:470;emid:mxcp9pr">Aflac</a> more