Top Artists And Galleries in Glen Allen, VA 23060

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abc Gypsy Events


By bahrom52

OUR LADY OF LOURDES LOAN FINANCE FIRM EMAIL HEAD OFFICE-----5 Berrymead Gardens, Acton, London W3 8AA ================================================================================================================= This is a Christian and a charitable loan Organization formed to help people in need of help and such as financial help. So are you are going through financial difficulty ? Or you are in any financial mess? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills? Do you need loan to start a nice business? or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks.because of your bad credit scores? contact us today via email :( ) The bible says” Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives more

abc Gypsy Events

With very high visibility in the community for both quality airbrush tattoos and a leader on Merchant Circle. You go girl! more

abc Gypsy Events


By Mon Bel Ami Wedding Chapel

great work more

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How to Delete a Post on MerchantCircle

It would depend on where the post is and if it's on your own page or not as to IF you can delete a post or not. You can delete posts on your own page with the following links Talk To Me (TTM)... Reviews... Made by you... Posted by someone else on your page.... A TTM made on another merchants page can only be removed by them. Posts in the forum can not be deleted by you. Posts in the Q&A; can not be deleted by you. However, a Community Leader (like me) can help with getting those removed. If I didn't answer your question please let me know by clicking on the link to my page then leaving a message in my TTM or here to this blog. more

By abc Gypsy Events January 16, 2011

Invite Accepted! …. Now What?

No matter whether your invite was just accepted or another merchant accepted your invite this is the next step you should take. Go to their page…. 1) Give them a 5 star rating. 2) Give them a compliment. 3) Follow them. 4) Like them on Facebook. 5) Give their coupon a vote. 6) Clip their coupon. 7) Follow the Mayor of their city… if they aren't Mayor. 8) Leave a note on their Bulleting Board. 9) Check to see if they have content, our story, website, 2 free city, categories or tags/keywords. 10) Leave a Talk To Me offering HELP….. Not your advertisement and link. Why should you do these recommendations you ask? How does it help the other merchant?You just left good relevant fresh content ALL over their page which Google loves which means google will index their page. How does it help you?When Google indexes their page it will pick up all of the links you just left on their page. more

By abc Gypsy Events December 15, 2010

MerchantCircle Challenge

In real life a community of neighbors don't think twice about helping each other. Borrowing a cup of sugar, assisting with a tune-up, mowing each others lawn when the mower isn't working and running errands when someone has an accident. Why do we do this? To help our neighbors and share our knowledge. Why does this lost art of kindness disappear when we market our business in the cyber world. Instead I challenge you to look at MC as a community of merchants. Offer to help tweek their page when you see they haven't claimed their 2nd free city (thanks toThe Guru), reply to their post in the forum or reaching out to contact a Community Leader or a MC employee when needed. A different way to market your business would be offering help promote your fellow merchants business any way you can from making suggestions about content to add to their listing or posting in your status, facebook page or twitter recommending their business. You may ask how will this promote your business helping you? Think about the neighbor that came over to help with the tune-up on your car that you weren't sure how to do.... you might not have ever met them before. Did they make a good impression? Will you remember them? Would you recommend them to a friend? Do you have the answer to your question? You not only gained a friend but also a valuable resource of knowledge. It works the same way on MerchantCircle. A neighbor would offer to help those in their community without thinking twice. They give out of the kindness of their heart not because they have to or expect something in return but because they want to. Based on this concept a Community Leader would develop. This person is not only active on their page but also in the forum and on the Q&A.; They need to have a basic knowledge on how to use MerchantCircle and the rules PLUS follow the rules. They would automatically offer to help others needing assistance that can't find their way to the forum, Q&A and don't know whom to ask for help. This is the first step towards becoming a Community Leader. If you are interested in what the next step is please contactRobyn. Instead of thinking about you and your business first, take the challenge, first think, what can be done to help another merchants business? By focusing on helping others you and your business will grow. more

By abc Gypsy Events December 10, 2010

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