Top Education And Training Companies in Alexandria, VA 22312

We empower individuals, businesses and groups with the most powerful tools for change on our planet today. Did you know your Mind is the most powerful Biocomputer available? Learn to bypass the cri...Read Moreā€¦

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Alternative Paths Training School


By ForTheWealthOfOthers

Worst place to be as a employee for any type of company. The students and their behaviors are nothing compared to the headache of being around the management. They are awful in every form of the words possible implication. They have rules they do not implement, promote those who do not deserve it, and its so unprofessional. This place should be bulldozed and started over as a concept. more

Alternative Paths Training School


By Someone

This place is a complete mess! And I don't mean the programming for the students. That's ok for now. But from the perspective of employee well-being, this place is awful. They underpay workers who work their behinds off to manage highly intense and often aggressive students. Due to this, they have a hard time retaining employees. Meanwhile, upper management, in particular HR and Finance directors, are significantly overpaid and are given priviledges that no one else can have all because "we need them". (i.e. coming in at 10am and leaving before the end of the day, setting up a daycare in their office for their baby, ruining the financial stability of the entire institution and still having a job!) They pride themselves on being a "family" there. But truth be told, if you aren't a part of the "ruling family", or not related to them in some way, you don't matter. If offered a job here, keep searching. Your peace of mind is worth more than they will pay you. more

Alternative Paths Training School


By don'tthinkishouldtell

I have met a number of people who have worked for this school and none seem to have anything good to say about it. The Human Resources office and management are not very qualified people and do not have much respect for their employees. This causes the employees to HATE their job and therefore not do the best that they can. They don't pay their employees anything that you could possibly live off of, however, management is making at least $80K per year if not more. It's a shame that all of this is kept a secret simply because the employees do not believe there is anyway to report such unfair behaivior. more

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Relief for Veterans and our Troops Suffering with Trauma (PTSD)

Did you knowthat every negative thought, feeling, emotion, and experience is stored and encoded within Our Minds, Our Bodies, Our Souls?  Yes, even down to the cellular level.  Many seek help for trauma through the traditional routes of psychotherapy and counseling only to end up back where they were or re-experiencing the trauma and pain without significant results.  Now there is HELP!  The technique I'm going to tell you about involves psychological/emotional acupuncture.  While focusing on the problem you are experiencing, you tap on ancient Meridian points on the body using what is calledEmotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  Miraculous healings are taking place using this technique on everything from back and neck pain, asthma, allergies, weight loss, trauma, depression, anxiety, obsessions and compulsions, school problems, negative habits, to serious physical illnesses and diseases like cancer.  I'm seeing results every day with my clients.  I recently worked with a veteran who had been shot many times and bayonnetted as well.  He suffered with horrific nightmares, night sweats, and hypervigilance, all the common symptoms ofPTSD.  We tapped a few rounds ofEFT, and he is now free from the trauma that has plagued his life for more years than I care to tell you.  It warms my heart to see these men and women of the Armed Forces who have sacrificed so much for our great country be able to heal from this amazing technique.   So many of our veterans are falling through the cracks of the mental health system, and we need to get the word out aboutEFT.  You canTRY IT ON ANYTHING!  Much success has also been had healing animals with surrogate tapping.  Gary Craig, a Stanford University engineer, can be credited with this wonderful healing technique. Oprahis getting ready to do a show onPTSD, and I hope everyone will write to her about the need to shareEFTwith our veterans and troops, as well as anyone suffering with the ravaging symptoms of trauma.  Please mentionGary Craigand click herefor his website and to learn more about him and this powerful technique.  It's important to tell everyone you know about this technique because you never know when someone you know knows someone somewhere suffering needlessly.  Let's get the word out! more

By Clear Waters & Associates - NLP, Hypnosis, EFT September 07, 2009


After court reporting for 17 years and traveling nationally and internationally with some of the top law firms in our nation, I decided I needed to really make a difference in our world.  After studying psychology for nine years straight through the summers, working diligently toward my doctorate, I was introduced to one of the most powerful tools for healing and creating excellence I had ever come across.  Establishing rapport was easy for me because I had built a court reporting business from the ground up, and if you can effectively work with jet-setting, high functioning attorneys with high standards of excellence, you have to have a few "rapport skills."  Little did I realize that a lot of what I did "naturally" in establishing rapport with others was NLP.  Believing that the eyes are the window to the soul, my practice was to always make good eye contact with the person to whom I was communicating.  Did you know you can tell how a person processes information by looking at the direction in which a person moves his/her eyes?  After attending my first training in NLP, I was so excited I could not wait to learn more.  Mesmerized by the power we have within us, nothing could stop me.  NLP awakens a Genius within us who can take us anywhere in life we desire to go, and it is fun and awe-inspiring to boot!  Sometimes we happen upon difficult people in our lives, and we just do not know how to communicate with them.  They are beyond are reach, so to speak, and we feel like we have hit a brick wall, and communications break down completely.  Well, let me tell you, when you learn the powerful, cutting technology known as NeuroLinguistic Programming, you can instantly establish rapport and begin dealing with and even befriending the most difficult of personalities.  I start talking about NLP, and I cannot stop.  It is important to share, and I plan on doing lots of it in the near future, so stay tuned, my Friends... more

By Clear Waters & Associates - NLP, Hypnosis, EFT September 03, 2009

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