Top Organizations in Sandy, UT 84094

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Sandy Salon


By Uwantthetruth at Citysearch

I have frequented this bar for quit some time and the problem is the low life owner. This place used to be great before Hugh and Diane sold it. Ya the owner has money and has tried to make improvements but I think it?s far to late for any of that. He has no class and treats not only the customers with disrespect (unless its a girl he just met that he is taking next door to the hotel) He also treats his staff poorly as well. I have been in with my friends and did nothing but laugh at the poor ol' drunk man try to flirt with girls with his red neck friends. GET SOME CLASS!!!!! The service is not the best and the servers and bartenders are kinda ornery but who would be happy working at a place like that? I can name which song the DJ is going to play next because he plays the same music over and over and over again. I used to love this place but I don?t think that anything can save this place now??.well maybe a new owner but I doubt that will even do. I am just thankful that I see some familiar faces (employees and other customers) that have stuck it through the transition with the new owner. Best of luck! more

Sandy Salon


By MesoFunny at Citysearch

I love this bar so much! I hope it never goes away! The people are so diverse...I learn 5 different languages in just one night~! For only a 5 dollar entry free (when the radio says ladies are free)....I don't mind though it's cheaper then a round trip ticket to all those countries! Thank You Sandy Station for letting in so many immigrants I'm now the minority! Adios! more

Sandy Salon


By JackRand801 at Citysearch

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sed velit. Duis blandit. Donec bibendum mauris sit amet turpis. Curabitur pharetra elementum odio. Proin in enim vitae augue fermentum semper. Donec blandit ante et lacus. Quisque sapien purus, rutrum et, convallis eget, aliquam a, libero. Quisque lorem eros, consectetuer id, condimentum et, egestas nec, ipsum. Maecenas interdum congue massa. Sed sem. Aenean tellus. In laoreet consequat ipsum. Aliquam sed justo. Proin luctus, est sed interdum gravida, mauris diam iaculis massa, in viverra nisi mauris a ligula. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse orci. Etiam sed eros ut ipsum lobortis malesuada. Suspendisse potenti. Ut nec orci nec leo blandit condimentum. Suspendisse accumsan, tellus vitae condimentum venenatis, nibh lectus porttitor mauris, at aliquet dolor nunc eget ipsum. Nunc eget magna. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin vitae velit. Aenean id enim ac nulla suscipit mollis. Phasellus eu lacus. Phasellus a nulla. Nullam eleifend pharetra urna. Sed nisi enim, sodales nec, ornare egestas, imperdiet id, justo. Nullam ullamcorper iaculis nulla. Morbi commodo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse cursus nibh sit amet nisl. Praesent sagittis, purus vitae vulputate semper, urna massa fermentum erat, vel condimentum dui sapien sit amet sem. Sed nisi. Quisque nisl arcu, lacinia et, bibendum ut, sollicitudin at, lorem. Mauris arcu quam, cursus sit amet, tempor quis, venenatis semper, sapien. Quisque mauris mauris, sodales vitae, viverra et, auctor vel, est. Pellentesque malesuada. Curabitur mauris mi, lobortis eu, adipiscing vitae, venenatis ut, risus. more

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