Top Bail Bonds in Salt Lake City, UT

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Bail Out Fast


By billy675 at Citysearch

Bail Out Fast saved my life. Their caring staff took care of me from the time my family called them to my last court date. They kept me up to date on my court times, and really helped me out through a hard time in my life!! I definitely recommend them to anyone who needs the services of a bail bondsman!! They were very caring, and really wanted to help me. They didn't treat me like a criminal or like less of a person, but as an equal. I am eternally greatful to them for all their help through a hard time in my life! more

Bail Out Fast


By kattwoman793 at Citysearch

This bail bond company is as dirty as they come. They need to be out of business at the very least but actually should face criminal charges for their shady and illegal practices. they prey on those that are desperate when other bond companies have turned them down. please anybody who reads this and are in need of a good bail bondsman call one of the other ones. lets boycott bail out fast and put it tog more

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