Top Computer Software Services in Bountiful, UT

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Edwin B Parry PC


By vayapues

Just got off the phone with this guy. I was disappointed in his lack of professionalism, and his general demeanor. He represents a debt collector, who is pursuing a debt owed by a non-profit where I volunteer. Due to the unprofessional manner in which both he, and Express Recovery Services Inc. went about harassing our volunteers, we made the decision to stick their bill at the bottom of the pile. We don't dispute the debt, which was about $300. An apparent oversight on our part. Mistakes happen, and we were happy to pay it. Had they acted professionally. There are standards that businesses are expected to employ. It is unprofessional, small, and ineffective to address people in such a demeaning manner. And frankly, it is no skin off our back, if instead of paying them, as we would have gladly done had they acted professionally, we instead put their payment on hold and just let it sit. In any event, after more than a year of ignoring their pleas for payment, I decided to pay them today. I called and spoke with Edwin Parry. I explained why he had not been paid. His response: "I don't have time for a lecture." In other words... "I am so wrapped up in myself, that I don't care to treat others with respect, and when called on it, I am too immature to endure the rebuke..." Everyone makes mistakes. Perhaps he and / or Express Recovery were having bad days, when they spoke to our volunteers in the past. I can forgive having a bad day... or several consecutive bad days. But the measure of a man, is how well he is able to admit when he has done something inappropriate, or if he believes he has not done something wrong, how well he is able to politely defend himself. Mr. Parry did neither of these. He was simply indifferent. "I don't have time to be lectured." Or... "I don't care..." In essences an admission that I am in the wrong, and that I really don't care. I would expect more from an attorney. But sadly, I think that his the state of our society today. more

Fatpot Technologies Inc


By Phil

Our agency has been using FATPOT since 2005. We are pleased with the capabilities of the data sharing system and the mobile software. FATPOT has been very forthcoming to fix any of the small number of customer service issues that have arisen. more

Fatpot Technologies Inc


By Tim Evott

My agency has been using FATPOT's PortalOne Software for a year now. We have found it to be very buggy and slow. There have been a few times when we had to write our tickets the old way. more

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