Top Churches in Richardson, TX 75081

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Christian World Church


By princess diana at Citysearch

Born jewish, raised catholic-beleived nothing. Yet, This church asked nothing of me, allowed me to pray as I felt comfortable. there is an instant presence of family unity and peace\t\nWhether in jeans or business attire-praying out loud or quietyl, all is respected.\t\nThe music is current and of professional talent. dare you to successfully resist the chills.\t\nThere is no other place i know where I would guarantee you will find what you are looking for. God is surely in this Place. The Pastors are humble, non-judgmental and available. GO...You will find a strong foundation to build a marriage, a family, a career a peaceful life. more

St Lukes Lutheran Church E L C A


By Natural Pest Solutions

We found St. Luke's about 9 months after moving to Texas. We were looking for a church where we felt at home and this was the one. We've been members now for 16 years! more

Christian World Church


By Bea Liner at Citysearch

This is a great Church,Bishop John Kershaw,Pastor George Hancock and Youth Pastor Travis Marshall are very Godly men. All the leaders are dedicated.The church family is loving and is a great place to be. They really care for your soul. more

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October Newsletter

Hi friends,Welcome to the Mystic Foundation's October newsletter.I thought I would devote most of this newsletter to the exciting astro-changings going on. This is my favorite time of year. I would even go so far as to say that October is my most favorite month. The seasonal change with its colors, cooler air, the apple crisp I will make, and my birthday on the 19th all make for a lovely time for me. I hope it does for you as well,If you aren't feeling upbeat, that should be changing soon...Saturn (no-nonsense and intense) already in, and Mercury (mental clarity and communication) entering, the sign of Scorpio (uncovering hidden things and mysteries), makes this a good time for long-concealed truths to be revealed. I’m not saying it will happen, but this is an auspicious time for disclosures. The public want it, and in this age of enlightenment we internally know anyway, so for governments to keep withholding facts is becoming most insulting. Their fears are holding them back, but not for much longer, I would suspect.Combining with this energy, Uranus (sudden changes) isacting outin a fire sign (Aries) and all people who are fire signs will experience some erratic and sudden changes but mostly in apositiveway. These people will be more energized and accomplish much.When Saturn was in Libra (my sign) for the past few years, we experienced numerous restrictions and difficulties in the areas of relationships. It was a time of hard-learning, but necessary, and we grew as a result of it. Maybe you had hardships in another area, depending on where Saturn lay in your chart. But that is changing now. Whatever hardships any of us experienced is changing to another one and, most likely, will be much easier as part of the ebb and flow of life.With this mega planet in Scorpio it’s “all or nothing”, we will accept nothing less than what we want. No more compromising or striving to keep the "peace at all costs", as when it was in Libra.New MoonPleasejoin usthis Sunday for our tele-conference healing workshop/meditation. Bring your issues that need to be put into the light for healing and transmutation. And bring your own positive energies to add to the very potent healing energy on the call.Thisnew moonis a week from today, Monday,October 15th.We will once again do our healing circle telecall. If you weren’t on the last call, you might want to try it this time. There is such wonderful energy on the line and afterwards, noticeable and palpable sensations. Find out more about it Or just RSVP by sending an email to When you click on theMystic Foundationyou can read the latest blog and Healing Circle info.You can also choose to enter the Mystic Clinic (counseling and private healing) or the Mystic Spirit (readings).I did it this way to keep all 3 sites together so we only have one link to remember. Let me know your feedback about it. Write to me atrhea@mysticfoundation.orgThank you for reading my October newsletter. Healing energies are encoded in it. I wish you well and have a blessed month.Peace,Rhea more

By Rev. Rhea Wallace, CLC, Ht October 08, 2012

Mystic Clinic August Newsletter

This newsletter contains:* Full moon info,* UFOs and the Olympics,* Retrograde planets,* Healing treatments,* New service,* Readings, and* New office.Enjoy! Dear Friends,Can you believe it is already August? It seems like only a month ago we were celebrating new year’s! I’ve heard that "time" is condensing and I tend to believe that. The reason it seems like it is condensing or becoming shorter is because we are shifting to higher frequencies, and to do that we have to be able to handle them, to adapt to them, so we are adjusting or fine-tuning our wavelengths. It would be too much on our systems if is done all at once. I understand that we’ve been going through this for several decades, since the “dawning of the age of aquarius”. Speaking of Aquarius, Wednesday’s full moon is in that sign. This is a great time to learn new software or to blog something, or do anything tech-related. And because Aquarius is a humanitarian sign, it’s a good time to engage in any community-related activity. This particular time will bring more confidence and a sense of uniqueness that we should embrace about ourselves.Being a full moon, the time ismagicalfor creating your wish-list. It’s doubly-lucky too, because the moon trines the “great benefic” Jupiter. (A trine is the most harmonious of all planetary aspects.)But, be careful what you wish for! Jupiter gives to us inabundanceso make it clear that you are manifesting what you truly desire. The way to be sure of that is to be very clear in your wish list, not at all vague. If you want money, say the dollar amount, or if you want a relationship don’t just say the gender but become clear on what traits you want in the new person. Do this again at the new moon onAugust 17thand again onAugust. 31st*Create a vision board. I started a new vision board last night. Having pictures and photos and sayings of what it is I want in my life is really helpful when visualizing.We get what we think on the most,so make sure you have something reminding you to think on what you want, and more often than on the former habitual thinking that has impeded your desires.Jupiter is also an international sign. We may be hearing from people across the globe. You may hear of an opportunity that is something you’ve been wanting. Speaking of discoveries and opportunities, there are channelings going around the world saying thataliensare stating they will give us a show over the olympics onAug. 4th.We shall see. (I did a reading on that to see if was true, and got that it would be successful but totally unfulfilling, or the conclusion of it would be unfulfilling, I’m sad to say.) * This August is a "Blue Moon" month. "Once in a blue moon" we have 2 full moons in a single month! Aug. 1st and August 31st each have a full moon. We are given a double-dose of manifestation power, granted wishes, and deep, core-level healing. Don't snooze too much these "dog days", but take advantage of this special month and it's transformative power in your life. We have 7 Current Retrograde Movements This is just bizarre. So many retrograde planets happening at this time! We had a lot earlier this year too, but not this many at the same time. What this means, at a deeper level, is that we are finding ourselves dredging up past things to be released or to heal them or transform them--be it beliefs, attitudes, habits, relationships, whatever. The last one on the chart is super transmutational Pluto. Get help releasing old “stuff” with a Mystic Clinic Treatment Healing Energy/Energy Healing Multi-level Treatment Some people respond very quickly and others take time. There are many variables that determine how quickly someone heals. Chronic conditions can take longer to heal but they can also heal very quickly. Some major energy blockages develop in early childhood and then more blockages usually develop as we age. Healing can be like peeling the layers off an onion with many layers that need to be addressed. I do distance or remote energy healing and Reiki work. I have had some very remarkable testimonials. One woman couldn't stand up even, but after the treatment she could and her legs didn't hurt anymore. Two more cases involving dead birds being healed and brought back to life.Find out more by clicking here. New! Life Coaching -- New Service I am happy to announce my new coaching/counseling service to help you achieve your goals. I have completed a lengthy course in life coaching. Many of you know me as a spiritual counselor, which I have been of the past 6 years, but I also wanted to offer life-coaching to people who need that incentive or help to be able to meet their goals.(Find out more and click here.) Readings Check out the changes on theBuy a Session page. I have tweaked it some more so that your choices are clearer than ever. As we are firmly entrenched in2012 - part 2, so to speak, it is a good time to see what the rest of the year has in store for you. Or, maybe you’d like a follow up reading with your angels and guides to see if you’re on the right track.We are making another added feature to having readings via phone, and that is to have your reading on my web-cam with me. It is still "in the works" but be looking for that in the near future! Office Space As many of you know, for years now I’ve been wanting a public office space to do in-person readings. And now that I’m a certified Life Coach it is more important than ever to have a place for locals to come for an hour session rather than just the virtual office. I know that most of my clients will still be long distance and via phone, but to grow my business I also know that I need to be able to take on in-person clients in the Dallas area.I’ve found the perfect place--it’s not expensive, but it’s too much for me alone at this time. So I’d like to spread the word that I’m open tosharingthe office space (with staggered hours) and splitting the rent. Please, if you know of any practitioner who is needing to share office space in the north Dallas / Richardson area, give them my phone number, or send them this newsletter. The address I have in mind is 304 S. Cottonwood Drive, Richardson, TX 75080. Please help me visualize this into being for the Mystic Clinic. You all would love the shade trees for parking, it's one-story and across from a duck pond. It is directly behind the Silver Pyramid crystal shop. How perfect is that! You’re all in my thoughts and blessings. And if you know of anyone needing a prayer, add them to the prayer request page.Namaste,Rhea©2012 The Mystic Clinic | 1252 Colfax Drive, Richardson, TX 75080 |+1 (214) 267-8819 more

By Rev. Rhea Wallace, CLC, Ht August 01, 2012

Daily Numerology Forecast

(To see the Daily Numerology Forecast each day, visit Daily Numerology Forecast for Friday, 10/14/11 ★*•*´I hope that this guidance will help you plan your day with extra knowledge beforehand that will come in useful for your success and give you an “edge.”  Numerology is a science, and each day the vibrations change as the date changes. For instance, one day we’ll be raring to go and the next day we will be more laid back. Some numbers accentuate different moods and reactions while others highlight business potential and loss, or home and family, recreation, relationship bonding, travel, etc. With this daily guidance we have theforeknowledge to know which traits will be prevalent and which will not.October is a “1” month so we’ll be seeing and feeling new starts in any possible area of our lives. 2011 is a “4” year of hard work and perseverance. Both October and 2011 together bring change (5). There is a change this month in some area of our lives. It promises a new beginning, whether in body, mind or spirit, that is very positive. Use the following daily numbers guide to see the influences today has for making it a good day inyour life.Today, 10/14/11, is an exciting 5 / 1 day that will be the general atmosphere of the day and the collective consciousness in the world. 14 is one of four karma numbers of learning, and this date gives a life lesson to neither be tempted by the physical, over-indulgent or excessive, but to use will-power. All in all, this is a dynamic day (probably the most upbeat of the whole week) and will be full of positive growth and change. Thetheme for the day is one of taking risks and bringing variety into our lives.5 brings excitement back into the world, and unlike yesterday when we didn’t goof off but stuck to tasks at hand, today we’ll be inclined to be downright radical. 5 is all about adventure and unpredictability. Taking risks, craving variety and being easily bored are typical traits in a 5 day. Also possible will be a sense of nervousness and being scattered. Nevertheless, we’ll be more inclined to let loose and be sociable. (It’s a good thing we focused on our duties and work yesterday.)The 1 mixes rather well with the 5 energy, making for a positive day. We’ll have much more energy and will be far more outgoing. Like 5, 1 dislikes routine, so we’ll see ourselves stepping way outside our normal schedule. 1 energy wants action, drive, and mental activity, which brings with it a new venture in some avenue. Leaders and bosses will surely be flashing their leadership colors as well. Also possible will be a tendencytowards self-centeredness or egoism if we are not mindful. In a 1 day it is also likely to meet someone new. Don’t hesitate to show your independence and rely on your own ideas. Just like 5, 1 likes taking risks, so a lot of that will be happening today.This is a time when a normally quiet and reserved person will suddenly speak up and do or say something completely out of character. Or, someone who has been wanting to promote their idea will finally step up to the plate. If you’ve been thinking of adding to your repertoire, or even exploring a new route to work, this is the day to try it out. Don’t expect this to be a romantically snuggly “togetherness” kind of day. 1 days aren’t, as arule. (Tomorrow will be better for that.)"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to ones courage."Strong colors (1&5) are recommended for either wear or use today, along with eclectic and/or bohemian accessories (5,) as long as they’re kept to a minimum (1.)I hope you have a safe and wonderful day today. Please write and let me know how this information has helped you in any way.With bright blessings,Rhea ★`*•.¸,¤°´`°¤,¸.•*´"It's always the right time to check in with your spirit guides!"Or, would you like a numerology compatibility reading, a monthly or yearly forecast? Click Here!Rhea Wallace, DD, CH, is a lifelong Numerologist, psychic reader and spiritual counselor. She does Numerology readings for relationship compatibility and individual forecasts. Learn more by visiting more

By Rev. Rhea Wallace, CLC, Ht October 13, 2011

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