Top Philanthropic Foundations in Manvel, TX

Ambit Energy is a residential and commercial electricity and natural gas provider that is making a difference for consumers in CA, CT, DC, DE, IL, MD, MA, NJ, NY, PA, RI & TX. In addition to pr...Read More…

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Appeasing the Tire Kickers

Network Marketing is one of the most misunderstood ways of looking at an opportunity or marketing an opportunity. Week after week people look through this blog, as well as many other websites, with individuals proposing their Network Marketing Businesses. So many of us are that typical Network Marketer, while many like me work to fight off that tag completely. Marketing is not just marketing and not everyone succeeds at it. Not all marketers are your typical sales person and this is the psychology you have to use to succeed in any marketing or Network Marketing business. The person that is the good Network Marketer is the one who is interested in helping people to change their lives, help them grow their income and offer good products or services that are a good value to their consumers. Yes, there are many training and lead generation resources out there, but what is the sense of me sending you to them if you are not going to follow through with this as an opportunity you may have chosen. People have to understand that Network Marketing is still a job, whether they are planning to work at it part-time or full-time. The income opportunity is only what you make it. You have to put a constant effort into building your business and you have to realize that there are no handouts if you want to succeed with a company like Ambit Energy. Many of us can be an Ambit Energy Consultant but choose not to. To sum it all up, many can be a consultant, but Network Marketing is not for everyone but, just because someone else failed to follow through as a Network Marketer that does not mean this opportunity is not for you. With any company that has a network marketing platform the company is trying to get the individuals who represent them to promote a personal touch rather than having individuals trying to convince people they will be getting rich by selling their products. Many individuals, as a beginner as well as seasoned Network Marketers, get this wrong. Many Network Marketers think they have to present the product instead of letting the product present itself. Invite individuals to use the product and then through the product, the business will start presenting itself. Not having a good or out-dated marketing method is the biggest problem with Network Marketers who promote getting rich instead of promoting themselves and the products they are offering. This is the difference between offering an invitation to a prospective consultant or customer and selling someone on being a consultant or customer. The good Network Marketers have perfected the invitation. They make you feel at home and offer solutions to your concerns rather than options to get started or where should I deliver the products you do not want. Making the decision to get involved in a Network Marketing Business is a tough one. You have to consider the reputations of individuals that have presented Network Marketing the wrong way and if you are innovative enough to overcome the past reputation. You have to be aware of the positives and the negatives and stay encouraged instead of getting discouraged with your opportunity. You have to consider whether you can work independently and really work toward a secure future or simply have a job you can go to every day. You have to believe you are a Network Marketing Reformer rather than your typical network marketer. By following the innovations and the leadership offered to you in your opportunity, you can achieve this. For you, if the positives outweigh the negatives, being an Ambit Energy Consultant will be right for you. With Ambit Energy there are no inventories to keep, there is no shipping for you to do, with all the heavy work done for you. This very well could be one of the positives you can consider when making your decision. You are simply referring people to a service they need anyway. This is where you are the one to decide if a company like Ambit Energy is right for you or you are the one that follows the crowd and says Network Marketing does not work. But, that should not stop you from being a customer and enjoying some of the benefits of being an Ambit Energy Customer. It should be as easy as one click away from this blog, that is that. On the other hand, if you are good at working with people this should be a reason to stop back at this blog and do more research.The only better than considering all this research is to become an Ambit Energy Consultant right now and take advantage of all the best training available to you as a marketer.  Go more

By Green Power Electric December 08, 2011

5 Great Ways to Use Facebook to Grow Your Ambit Energy Business

By now you should know that the only way to enroll new consultants and grow your business is by using the 4-Step Proven Ambit System. It begins with the Written List of who you know. Your Facebook friends are a rich source of leads. You connect there with family, friends, church members, high school classmates, and military buddies. There are 800 million people using Facebook – how can you leverage that power to grow your business? Lori Peterson, says she utilizes Facebook by using her story in subtle ways to see who is curious. “When I first joined Facebook I simply posted my status as: ‘Setting off on a new adventure. Going to be busier than ever.’ A friend contacted me almost immediately to ask what the new adventure was. He became my first customer within 30 minutes of my joining Ambit.” Tracy Wattleworth O’Halloransaid she “postedthe Ambit INC 500 articleand the revenue of the company, and someone emailed me immediately inquiring about getting in the business.” What can YOU do to use Facebook with the Ambit System? Here are five key strategies designed to help you grow your business. 1. The Friend List.Building, maintaining and growing a strong written list is a foundational necessity for your business. Review your Facebook friends and add them to your written list. People’s situations change and going back over your friend list might unearth some surprising prospects, whether you spoke last week or years ago. It’s time to rekindle the friendships. 2. The Cyber Favor.When you talk with friends in person or online ask if they would be willing share something on their Facebook page. This is another great way to find new Ambit customers and consultants. You can also shareEvent invitations– Hundreds of invitations to the Mad Man Marathon were shared, which helped everyone enroll more new consultants. When contacting friends in private Facebook messages make it personal. Don’t contact 20 people in the same Facebook message and expect to get results. Send personalized notes to contacts who you think could be helpful and willing to share Ambit events and messages with their friends. 3. Groups.In Facebook you have the ability to organize your friends ingroups. You can make the group public or private for those you invite. You can setup a group just for Ambit consultants in your downline. This can be a terrific way to get your team together and hold a discussion after a training or call, discuss plans, share resources and generally gather in a private area on Facebook. It can be an ideal platform to share action plans, support your team, and hold each other accountable. 4. Get Support.Upline getting you down? Need a little inspiration after a prospect you were sure would say yes gives you a no? Head to Facebook.The Top Ambit Leader Pageis a thriving community with consultants eager to help you with any challenges you may have with your business. I have even seen consultants that have never met in person come together on my Page to act as accountability partners! The page is full of inspiration, information, and terrific people. It’s a great place to ask how do I do this, where can I find information on that, and build support systems. 5. Recognition and Gratitude.Facebook is an excellent forum to publically recognize new consultants, new promotions and the hard work your team is doing. When you help new consultants join the Top Ambit Leader Page, you are plugging them into a system and support structure quickly and easily. The Top Ambit Leader page encourages participation every day, but we recently added two new weekly features on Facebook.• Tell Us Tuesdays: Consultants share their success stories each Tuesday from the past week.• Thank You Wednesdays: Public displays of gratitude every Wednesday on the Top Ambit Leader Wall. To help with public recognition Facebook has a feature that allows you to“tag” friendsby adding the “@” symbol directly preceding the name of a person you mention (no extra spaces!) on a Wall posting. This will automatically put the same message on your friends Wall so they can see what you said about them. Now it’s time to take action. Review you Facebook friends and start adding them to your written list. As you use Facebook for your Ambit business, we want to know how you are doing. Share your stories join the conversation. Participate and help others and you will find a generous community. more

By Green Power Electric November 23, 2011

Demand as supply? Don't count on it, power suppliers say

Natural gas as the fuel of the foreseeable future. Continuing uncertainty about federal environmental regulations. Pretty good certainty about nuclear power's not being in renaissance. These are all themes atPlatts' Global Power Marketsconference in Las Vegas. But on a more micro level, there's another theme on which power developers agree: demand response is all very nice in a recession, but watch out when the economy comes back. It's hardly surprising that the supply side of the business disdains the attention being paid to the demand side as a serious power source for the long run. Iron in the ground beats consumption-cutting commitments from big power users when push comes to shove, the iron-in-the-ground people say.At the GPM conference, discussion (at least on the program agenda) revolves around where the signs point as far as immediate and long-term investment is concerned. Some prognostications are fuzzy, which can't be helped as the sector wrestles with seemingly intractable questions that include huge environmental ones. But on some things, executives are pretty clear, and demand response is one of them.The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is promoting DR heavily, and these executives have some words of warning.FERC has issued a rule supporting payment of DR providers at basically the same level as actual supply providers. That's unjust, power plant people believe. John Shelk, CEO of the Electric Power Supply Association, noted that EPSA and others would be filing at FERC this week for reconsideration of that decision. The commission's rule is not even-handed, he said; allowing the same price for both demand- and supply-side supply ignores the savings that DR providers (big industrials, say) get by not buying power.Further, he and others say, DR is working great now, in a recession, when demand is down. But when the economy kicks up, as they express no doubt will happen within a couple of years, industrials and smaller customers will not simply shut down to help the power grid in time of need.There is a lot of DR bid into capacity markets in the Northeast now, Doug Kimmelman of Energy Capital Partners observed, but that makes for "a very risky scenario." When business comes back, and demand starts catching up with supply, "just when we need it, it isn't really there." He acknowledged, though, that DR companies are doing good business right now, and are "very much worth watching."But he and Doug Egan, chief of Competitive Power Ventures, are on the same page about DR. "Demand response is easy and popular in a recession," Egan said, but it won't be there when the real supply crunches come. "It can go away very, very quickly," said Jerry Crouse, CEO of Tenaska. "It can be something you can't count on." more

By Green Power Electric November 14, 2011

Where do you need Philanthropic Foundations ?