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RBC Life Sciences Inc


By ChuchenWu

(四)Sango Coral Calcium其實就是日本海域的珊瑚碴。因日本海域遭到核汙染,海底珊瑚吸附大量汙染沈澱物,因此該產品實際已變成人類的健康殺手。 (五)RBC Life Sciences的創辦人Clinton Howard(柯林頓-郝沃)僅擁有Southwesten Medical School(西南醫科學校)的碩士學位,以“醫學家”自詡屬商業欺詐。 (六)RBC Life Sciences市場部管理人員經常違反制度,在公司網站上將會員們的上下線進行移動,糾紛不斷,使傳銷商根本無法通過“創業”獲取永續收入。 more

RBC Life Sciences Inc


By ChuchenWu

謹防美商泰康RBC Life傳銷的六個謊言: (一)RBC Life Sciences從來就沒有運用納米科技生產過任何保健品。目前RBC Life Sciences生產和經銷的保健品也全都不是“小分子”,所謂“微氫技術”純屬謊言。 (二)Microhydrin的主要原料是礦石粉末,無法完全溶解於水,長期吞服可能損害腎臟,無益健康。因膠囊不含氫離子,故改名為“泰康維清膠囊”。 (三)Stem-Kine的主要原料是大劑量維生素D3和胡蘿蔔素,關於它能夠增長人體幹細胞的說法缺乏科學依據,而長期服用則會引起或加劇某些人的心臟病。 more

RBC Life Sciences Inc


By ChuchenWu

(4) Sango Coral Calcium is actually the Japanese sea coral ballast. Nuclear contamination was due to the sea of Japan, undersea coral absorbs a lot of contaminated sediment, so Sango Coral Calcium has actually become human health killer. (5) Mr.Clinton Howard (RBC Life Sciences founder) only got a Master's degree from Southwestern Medical School. He is not a nutrition expert. But RBC Life always puts him as the “medical scientists”, “physician” and “Dr.Clinton Howard”. This is a commercial fraud. (6) RBC Life Sciences Marketing managers often violate the system, to move the down line teams of the distributor member in the company website, or close them accounts in an arbitrary fashion. The continuous disputes, resulting in MLM members actually cannot through "entrepreneurship" to obtain sustainable income. more

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Tumor Type Is Important When PSA Rises After Prostatectomy

With an estimated 220,000 American men facing down adiagnosis of prostate cancerthis year alone, getting a better grasp on this disease and the best course of action is important. Researchers are shedding more light on the topic continuously through their work. A recently released study, in fact, may help some men avoid the need for additional treatment after prostatectomy surgery is performed.   The study’s authors took a look at men whose prostate-specific antigen levels continued to rise even after radical prostatectomies had been performed. While this elevated level of protein is often a sign of continued concern, necessitating follow-up radiation treatment, researchers say this isn’t always the case. Tumor features, they say, should also be considered to help men in lower risk categories avoid the potential for overtreatment.   The study was conducted in Milan, Italy, involving 716 men who were node-negative and had undetectable PSA after surgery. These men, however, began to see a rise in their PSA levels. In some of these men, the rise indicated a biochemical recurrence of the disease, but that wasn’t the case for all. The researchers found that three pathological risk factors were tied to recurrence. The original tumor type also played a role.   While the findings are still preliminary, the researchers say they point to the need to contextualize PSA readings following surgery based on the tumor itself. The findings may help men who may not require radiation avoid this post-surgical eventuality if PSA levels rise.   Men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer are urged to speak with their healthcare providers about all treatment options. Even when PSA levels are high post-surgery, the study indicates it may be possible to take a less aggressive approach. The best recommendation for treatment, however, will come from healthcare providers who are familiar with a particular case and the tumor type involved. more

By Prostate Seed Institute January 28, 2016

Radiotherapy Showing Promise in Prostate Cancer Treatment

With an estimated 220,000 American mendiagnosed with prostate cancereach and every year, the need for more effective and faster treatments is high. Researchers are finding that higher-dose radiation therapy to treat this disease may, in fact, deliver benefits for patients while effectively killing off cancer cells more rapidly than traditional courses of treatment. The findings of two separate studies on this accelerated radiotherapy treatment option were recently released. The first study was conducted in the Netherlands. It shows that a more rapid form of radiation therapy delivered a 5-year relapse-free survival rate of about 80 percent compared to 77 percent for traditional therapy. A similar study conducted in the United States also showed positive results with an 82 percent versus 76 percent rate at 7 years recorded. Researchers, however, note that in both studies statistical significance was not high. The studies did, however, show that toxicity increases were also not significant, which is a major positive for men seeking a faster course of treatment. While the shorter, more intense course of treatment did not produce results that were glaringly better than conventional treatment, the results of both studies are still quite positive, healthcare professionals say. The outcomes show that a more condensed treatment schedule can produce the desired results without raising toxicity levels greatly. In essence, the findings show that patient convenience does not have to be sacrificed in favor of disease control.  Men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer are urged to discuss all treatment options with their healthcare providers. In some cases, an active surveillance approach can help men avoid the need for treatments such as radiotherapy. If radiation is indicated, however, studies are showing that higher intensity, shorter courses of treatment may deliver the desired results. The best course of treatment will depend on a man’s particular case, the stage of the disease and stated treatment goals. more

By Prostate Seed Institute December 23, 2015

New Test May Prevent Unnecessary Prostate Biopsies

Prostate cancer is among the leading causes of cancer-related deathsin American males. Finding the disease early and treating it is often seen as the key to survival. Unfortunately, testing protocols in the present are somewhat problematic. In the quest to save lives, many men have found themselves undergoing invasive biopsies only to find out screening examinations produced false positives. With biopsies presenting with their own share of potential complications, researchers have long been searching for a way to help distinguish true positives from those that are false before asking men to submit to biopsies. Enter a new imaging technique that̢۪s being used in Washington, D.C. This procedure, doctors say, can help them see inside if the results of a prostate specific antigen test are indicative of an actual tumor or not. This essentially enables doctors to help men with false positives avoid the rigors and risks of biopsies when they are not strictly necessary. The procedure involves a combination of an MRI and an ultrasound. The powerful pairing is enabling doctors to gain a more accurate view inside the body to determine if abnormal growths are present. If they are not, men with high PSA scores may find themselves able to fully avoid the need for a biopsy. If growths are detected, the images can serve to better guide the biopsy to ensure accuracy. Prostate cancer screening is seen by many healthcare professionals as the key to successful early detection and treatment of the disease. Thousands of American men are diagnosed with this disease annually and many find they can beat it thanks to early detection and highly targeted treatments. Men who are in their 40s are urged to discuss prostate health with their doctors. Screening for this disease begins in the 40s for those at higher risk and around the age of 50 for all others. more

By Prostate Seed Institute November 21, 2015

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