Top articles for Mental Health

Communication Techniques for Mental Health Disorders

Communication Techniques for Mental Health Disorders

When a person with a mental health disorder communicates, it may be frustrating for the individual to express his or her thoughts in an appropriate manner. However, by learning a few simple techniques, a person with a psychological problem can converse with another person with fewer problems and more confidence. more

How to Evaluate Mental Health Care in the Home Setting

How to Evaluate Mental Health Care in the Home Setting

Mental health care referral can be a scary process for many people. Going to a doctor or medical setting to get assessed for mental health services may be more scary than the mental illness. Although a doctor or qualified mental health provider will still have to approve the services, it is quite easy to evaluate needs from one's home. more

Rapid Eye Movement Therapy for PTSD

Rapid Eye Movement Therapy for PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs in people who have suffered a significant trauma such as a victim of a violent crime, or a soldier who has been deployed to a combat zone.  Often times, suffers of PTSD find themselves reliving the trauma which makes it difficult and stressful for them to move past it. more

How to Be a Behavioral Health Professional

How to Be a Behavioral Health Professional

A behavioral health therapist, often interchanged with a mental health therapist, has many career options. The future behavioral health therapist must be willing to complete the needed educational and training requirements to be successful in the field. Certification programs generally last a few weeks to a few months while graduate degree programs can take several years to complete. more

How to Find Low Cost Mental Health Care

How to Find Low Cost Mental Health Care

Mental health issues face a wide variety of the population in general. Many people do not have health insurance to cover mental health care. There are programs and mental health care practitioners that will help people find low cost mental health care. Some mental health agencies, organizations and crisis workers will also help to network care. Some private groups will also have programs available. Many health care practitioners will work on a sliding scale fee. more

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Depression

How to Recognize the Symptoms of Depression

It is estimated that approximately 19 million adults have major depression in the United States. That number does not necessarily represent the people who have sought treatment, either. Look for the following symptoms and consult a professional mental health care provider and physician if you recognize them in yourself or someone else. more

How to Assess the Mentally Ill for Criminal Responsibility

How to Assess the Mentally Ill for Criminal Responsibility

Disorders of the brain that disrupt a person’s normal thought process, the ability to socially relate, a diminished capacity for coping and affects moods are referred to as mental illnesses. The attorney of a defendant may choose a defense based on results from a competency study. If the prosecution and defense agree that a defendant is mentally incompetent, a jury trial may be waived or a plea agreement offered. more

How Does Clinical Depression Affect Those Around You?

How Does Clinical Depression Affect Those Around You?

Clinical depression affects more than just the person diagnosed. The sadness and general malaise can affect family, friends and coworkers. Many people overlook this aspect. Treatment is important to help the person, as well as those around them, get back to a normal life and routine. more

Facts About Mental Health Counseling

Facts About Mental Health Counseling

"Going to counseling" often has a negative image for some people. However, overall mental health has become recognized as increasingly important by doctors, social workers and employers. The stigma in obtaining needed health services is starting to fade. The more people know, the more likely they are to seek help. more

Signs & Symptoms of Depression

Signs & Symptoms of Depression

Everyone gets the blues or feels down sometime, but these feelings normally pass.  However, if these feelings linger for no apparent reason, you may be depressed. Depression is a clinical medical disorder and can become a major hindrance on one’s life if it is not addressed and treated properly. By knowing the signs and symptoms, you will be able to recognize if you or a loved one is depressed. more

How to Treat Major Depression at Home

How to Treat Major Depression at Home

Major depression is a debilitating disorder that affects both mind and body.  While professional treatments such as counseling and medication are normally the prescribed methods of battling major depression, there are many ways to treat the disorder at home which can be just as effective in combatting this disease. more

Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Certification

Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Certification

Nursing in psychiatric or mental health facilities requires a special certification. These patients have much different needs than other patients. Most facilities will require specialized training, and specific certifications will be required depending on the type of facility and the state you are in. more

How to Prevent Clinical Depression

How to Prevent Clinical Depression

Many people suffer from depression from time to time; however, clinical depression is a depression that lasts for a longer period of time. It will generally last most of the time, with changes in eating and sleeping habits, along with feeling bad about oneself. There are some steps that can taken to help prevent clinical depression. more

College Grants for Students With Mental Disorders

College Grants for Students With Mental Disorders

There are several grants put together by charities, private parties and non profit organizations that cover those doing something for themselves who have bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or schizophreniform. They must be diagnosed and under the care of their pyschiatrist while already going to college. These grants give them the chance to give to feel good about themselves. more

How to Identify if You Have Clinical Depression

How to Identify if You Have Clinical Depression

Clinical depression is a serious mental illness that once diagnosed can often be treated successfully with a combination of talk therapy and medication. It is difficult to notice change in behavior, so it can be hard to self-diagnose clinical depression. If friends and family are pointing out changes in your personality and habits that indicate depression, it is important to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. more

Recent Reviews View all

Drug Rehab Centers Fort Worth


By Breeze Walter

I have managed to cure my 2 years problem of being alcoholic, and that is all because of this rehab center. The people working here are all wonderful; I love how they are dedicated to their line of stuffs, and willing to go overboard just to secure their client’s recovery. I can honestly say that this rehab center is not a money grabber (just like other rehab center I knew in FW), I’ve been and stayed here for 5 long months, and all the penny I spent here were all worth it. Thank you Drug Rehab Centers Fort Worth. more

Hopewell C Alan PhD


By GordonHolmes

I located an article written by you relating Heat Stroke to TBI. I suffered a heat stroke during OIF in 6/07 and have been fighting the National Guard and VA since to show the relationship between my injuries. They continue to deny my claims. In addition to the injuries I have been diagnosed with cervical dystonia. Based on my study most information state that dystonia is related to damage to the Basal Ganglia. I am trying to locate a complete copy of your report to submit with my appeals. Is there a place it is located on the internet or a place I can purchase it? Any help is appreciated. Also what is your feelings about basal ganglia damage from a heat stroke? I can be reached at more

Balance Forensic & General Psychology Services Inc


By vtanya

Emily Fallis, perhaps less ambitious than other psychologists, only promises 'psychological evaluation.' After seeing Emily for my own evaluation (which I was charged an exorbitant amount of money for, by the way), I quickly realized psychological evaluation is no doubt one more thing this simplistic shrink claims expertise in. Her final report made it evident that she is a dangerous simplifier and thief of a person's identity. I am now skeptical of her qualifications to even provide such a service. Why are all the serious jobs done by quacks?What could be more serious than a psychological evaluation? I imagine this particular psychologist (and all others associated with Balance Forensics) is somewhat lower on a scale of trust than a witch doctor. more

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We Offer Qualified DOT SAP Evaluations

As DOT Qualified SAP's, we evaluate employees who have violated DOT drug and alcohol regulations and we make recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare. As SAP's, we determine if the employee demonstrates successful compliance with the recommended education and treatment. Check out our website at, or call us for an appointment. Our fees are the most competitive in the industry We also offer the DWI Repeat Offender Intervention class, State Certified! more

By Theraputic Concepts Dwi March 29, 2018

River Plaza Counseling

River Plaza Counseling is located in Fort Worth, Texas. With an emphasis on reaching solutions, let us develop a plan for you to live a healthy, successful life. Families and couples often face a variety of situations that can lead to discord and potential unhappiness. Whether it is a parent-child relationship, cohabitating or married couple, you can get the help you need to get through the difficult periods and achieve renewed happiness. Many couples experience a breakdown in communication. One partner will often express that the other partner doesn't participate in problem solving, or perhaps they tend to ignore issues. Contact us for  more information. more

By River Plaza Counseling June 12, 2014

Where do you need Mental Health Facilities ?