Social Media... We've all heard of it. Most of us are also using it for business and or personal needs but I often meet business owner's who are NOT utilizing it to the max! Social Media is defined as media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Be it pc, mac, iPad, iPhone or other technological device, Social Media has risen to be one of the most widely used and profitable business marketing platforms in the world. Various fortune 500 hundreds have extremely active and productive SMC(Social Media Campaigns). Oftentimes, smaller companies and organizations lack the thousands of dollars that these organizations have to put towards a major campaign miss out on the benefits of Social Media Marketing. From my years of Social Media Management, I've found out key ways for business owners and entrepreneurs to maximize their return through Social Media Marketing. Devise a feasible, yet simple plan-Owners can do this themselves or hire an inexpensive professional to assist with this. A SMP(Social Media Plan) is a basic outline of the direction you're wanting to take your marketing efforts. Ask yourself, "what do I hope to accomplish?", "how many friends or connections will this take?". Use these questions as a basic launching pad for ideas. Research your competitors Social Media programs-If you are in the AC/Heating business, research your major market competitors Social Media sites to see what they are doing. Evaluate their campaigns, profiles, pages to get a general idea of what route you may want to take. Join the BIG 3-The Big 3 in Social Media are "Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter". Each of these sites have distinctive purposes and have the ability to bring in thousands of dollars worth of new business. All businesses should have a profile with each of these sites. Serious companies desiring to really maximize their customer base should consider investing in acustom Facebook and Twitterprofile. If you're unfamiliar with how to set up a profile on these sites, there are numerous free tutorials available on YouTube or you can opt to hire a Social Media Consultant or Virtual Assistant to help with this. Start and or join groups-The key to maximizing your marketing through social media is INTERACTION! People love interacting and socializing. Research have proven that buyers research prior to shopping and often buy items based on referrals received from associates. This is great and useful info for business owners. By using Social Media, owners can update, advertise and connect to thousands or even millions of potential customers. By joining groups on various social media networking sites, owners are can network by providing information, tips, insights, news, ad's and more! Update consistently-Most businesses fail in the SM efforts due to frustration and lack of resolve. In social media, consistent updates are required to establish a known presence. A presence has to be establish amongst readers, members and connections in order to be considered a trusted company, service or product. The only way this can be done is through constant interaction through updates. Most business owners lack the necessary time that it takes to do this effectively. This has led to many delegating their SMC to others. Social Media is definitely here to stay! It's proven to be a viable way for establishing, growing and start-up businesses to grow and thrive. Each day, a new social media network is being created. I understand that this is a lot of information to consider and must also be a lot to even think about adding to your massive daily to-do-list. Owners are already swamped with running a successful business. From completing forms to customer relations, running a successful company takes a lot of work. If you're interested to finding out more information about how to maximize your Social Media business needs, contact me for a FREE 30-Minute Business Power Session. more