Blogs from Printing And Publishing Companies in Austin, TX

Presentation Printing: Making a Strong First Impression In Meetings

Business meetings with new or potential clients is your first impression is very important! Making a lasting good and professional impression can make or break a deal. Although you can’t stop people from making snap judgments about you, you can always influence those judgments to work in your favor. So how do you have them make positive impression of you and encourage them to trust you?  If you want to look professional and polished in front of people, its time you get your own presentation portfolio. We have a few ideas to help you create the professional portfolio you need to serve as your representation. If you can do this effectively, you will be able to develop long lasting relationships with them and it will even result in a sales and repeat purchases.     So, if you are attending meetings, conferences, and other business events, what is the best way to make a good first impression? One good marketing material you can invest in is a presentation portfolio. Presentation portfolios when designed well, will give you a competitive edge against other business. They will allow you to give your customers and prospects something they can take home with them. If your presentation is able to make an immediate impact to your prospects, the more they are likely to keep it, which will help them remember you. If elegantly designed, the folder will serve as a subtle marketing tool that will impress your customers and prospects. So what should you consider when designing a presentation portfolio?     It’s important to consider the size and shape of your presentation. You can go for a unique shape that will add to the visual impact of your folder. Use a unique material for your cover. For instance, try a premium leather cover or a linen cover for a professional yet unique look. Linen has a traditional texture will give you a classic presentation or a leather texture is the perfect solution for a more business professional presentation. Looking for a more customized cover? A pouch cover is an excellent way to easily customize your hardcover just simply print out your desired image for the cover, insert and run through a pouch laminator. Look into Metalbind’s Premium Leather covers and channels by Masterbind.   Full color HD printing is always a great way to brighten up your Cover. Attractive colors never fail to capture client’s attention and vibrant and impressive colors to make your folder visually appealing. You can also opt to digitally print your logo or brand on the cover of your presentation, this can help capture your potential customers or clients eye better and help keep your brand in their minds afterwards.   The outside of your portfolio is important, but so is the content inside your presentation! Make sure that what you are giving your clients and customers is informative, easy to read, and on a nice set of stock paper. Create tabs to section off your presentation and make it easy for them to guide though. Create an experience that helps lead your customers and potential clients towards your business and brand to show them that you have the professional quality that they are looking for. To create the professional look and excellent quality you are trying to achieve; try having your pages and inserts printed at a Minute Man Press or an Alpha Graphics Printer. Do something unique with your portfolio and it will surely help make a creative, attractive, and professional presentation for a lasting impression. Remember that a visually appealing folder can make the difference between a sale and bankruptcy, so make sure that you folder gives you the best first impression you can ever have. more

By Masterbind USA LLC April 13, 2016

Sonia Taylor Brock, Author

Contact us in Austin, TX, at (866) 946-7089 for more information about being a fantasy and fiction writer. more

By Sonia Taylor Brock, Author October 15, 2014

Austin Web Design, Logo Design, Graphic Design Firm: SABA GRAPHIX

Cutting edge, fresh, clean and progressive are the ideal words to sum up the creative style of this established Austin, Tx designer whose passion delivers on all aspects of website design and graphic design. The website and graphic design firm of Saba Graphix truly believes that..."Imagination is the Beginning of Creation." When looking for an Austin Web Designer, Graphic Designer or Logo Designer, it is often tempting to provide very little information about the project for reasons of ease or worry about divulging too much information which may lead to possibly getting taken advantage of. This however is exactly the opposite of how to attract the most professional and qualified candidates. The more information a client can give about the project, the better. Have a client answer the following 4 questions: 1. Estimated Deadline 2. A few details about your company/business 3. Examples of website design work the client likes based on your company portfolio 4. Projected Budget 
It essentially all comes down to your budget. The larger it is, the more time will be spent developing, researching, experimenting and designing. Taking into consideration for website projects: the total number of pages, amount of content, integration of photo galleries, blogs, online forms, etc.. are all factors in a higher price point and should also be taken into consideration when evaluating your projected budget. Some designers will charge hourly and some prefer a fixed rate as it gives a clear figure upfront, no hidden or surprising charges - budget is indirectly linked to how many hours a designer will spend on it anyway, but make the creative process much more efficient for both the designer and the client. Ask the client to then choose a projected budget that is most suitable for them: a.) less than $2,000 b.) $2,000 - $4,000 
c.) $4,000 - $6,000 
 d.) $6,000 + Including this information will answer 99% of the questions an established designer will ask before beginning a project. If they don't ask? Don't work with them as you'll have more headaches than you can imagine. At the end of the day, why would you settle for anything less than the absolute best brand for your company in this competitive market? Budgets will be tight for start ups and sole traders especially, but if you spend what you have wisely, you are bound to get the best result you can afford. After all, in the end it is only beneficial if both the designer and client come together and find a feasible solution that works best for both parties. In today's visual world, the work created by a graphic designer or website designer are among the most powerful vehicles for communicating ideas in our society and generating revenue for a particular client or business. Emanuel Saba owner/creative director VIEW COMPANY WEBSITE VIEW YOUTUBE COMMERCIAL HERE ARE SAMPLES OF MY DIVERSE PORTFOLIO: WEBSITE DESIGN: GRAPHIC DESIGN (Brochures, Posters, Ad Campaigns, etc...):  LOGO DESIGN: more

By Saba Graphix September 17, 2014

Understanding SEO and How Essential It Has Become to Your Business...

UNDERSTANDING SEO&HOW ESSENTIAL IT HAS BECOME TO THE LIFELINE OF YOUR COMPANY'S SUCCESS... Google has implemented 2 big algorithm changes to their search engine in the past few years. What this means is website results are now based largely on EXTERNAL FACTORS such as RELEVANCY instead of only INTERNAL FACTORS such as strategic key word placement WITHIN the actual website. While key word SEO within your website is still VERY IMPORTANT, it now counts towards only 50% of the equation to getting on top of the search results. It used to be 100% of the equation in the past...until now. Google’s latest updates have been the biggest change to search engine results in the past 10 years. WHAT IS RELEVANCY? RELEVANCY means that Google places heavy weight on EXTERNAL FACTORS such as: 1. Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube and most importantly Google’s own new Social Media Platform - Google Plus (which i will talk about in a min.) 2. Blogs: Blogs are yet another key ingredient to having fresh, keyword rich content as another resource that ties in directly to your website. 3. Business Citations (Backlinks): Registering your website to various local and national business directories (with company name, phone, web address, company description, company logo, etc...) The more Business Citations you have linking to your website the more credibility Google gives your website - increasing your ranking on the search engines. 4. Reviews: This has now become a very big influential factor for local search results - having reviews in this order of importance: #1 - Google #2 - Yelp (merged with Yahoo Local) *the magic number is 10 Reviews or more - once you hit 10 you get “on the radar” So...the more of all of these factors above are implemented into your website, the more RELEVANT Google views your website and the higher your website will climb over time in search results. You still with me? Good! WHAT THE HECK IS GOOGLE PLUS? Now let’s go back to Google Plus - Remember Google Plus is one of the biggest Social Media influences now. Google is absolutely giving preferential treatment to those using it and linking its profile to your website. AND it adds a photo next to your search results which is much more likely to be seen first on any page. *see screen shot of my actual website results as an example - notice my result has my photo next to it and no one else does? Benefits of Having Your Photo Show up Beside Google Search Results:   Seeing a human image increases warmth and trust, and generates a better first impression than the same content without a picture. Since people spend mere seconds skimming search results before they click on one, a picture could make the difference between being clicked on or passed over. Having your picture display beside your Google search result will: 1. Catch attention 2. Increase authority and trust 3. Establish a sense of connection between you and your reader 4. Humanize your site, which is important in the age of social media The more followers, likes and shares you have on your Google Plus Page, the more credibility Google gives your website on the search engines. *View my Google Plus Page to see what it looks like: The SEO GAME HAS CHANGED...The days of ONLY implementing INTERNAL SEO code to your website unfortunately over because of Google’s new algorithm changes. EXTERNAL factors as mentioned above are ESSENTIAL elements you must have in order to stay in the “search engine results game.” I have spent the past 6 months studying and learning all the new factors needed to boost website search engine rankings explained. This monthly service will ensure that your website will be up to speed for optimal search engine results. RESULTS: This process is a MARATHON not a SPRINT...The SEO process is very meticulous and requires strategy and persistence on my part and patience on the part of my client. Results vary depending on how competitive your key words are and which pricing option you choose. However, initial results are usually noticed within 3 months and will continue to improve over time. “With absolute and complete honesty...this service really isn’t optional if you wish to grow your business and have a web presence. It is as essential as having a website itself.”   THE ANALOGY: Think of it like this: Your website represents an amazing Super Bowl quality “commercial” and now you need to take this “commercial” that you have invested into creating and invest into some “air time” so people can see it. After all, what’s the point of investing into such a great commercial if no one will ever see it on TV? Same applies to a website and having it being “seen” on the web. Your company website is THE most important investment as a marketing tool to reach your audience and increase your revenue. Search Engine Optimization for your website should be thought of more as an INVESTMENT rather than an expense as you will without a doubt get a RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT. (phone calls, new leads, new clients, etc...all from your website) PRICING: Remember, SEO is now broken down into 2 Phases: INTERNAL SEO & EXTERNAL SEO so there are 2 Phases to the pricing. (meaning both phases are essential to the SEO Process - you can’t have one without the other) - like “yin & yang” or “salt & pepper” PHASE I INTERNAL SEO: $1275 - one time fee (price may increase depending on how large the website is)   Remember, INTERNAL SEO refers to extensive strategic key word placement and SEO coding WITHIN the back end of the actual website for optimal performance. Once it’s’s done. Additional services include: 1. Strategic keyword research & analysis to understand how to better reach your target audience to gain optimal results. 2. Creation of a Google, Bing and Yahoo Local Business Account that creates a local presence and validates your business with a map of your location. 3. Registering and submitting your website to Google, Bing, and Yahoo search engines 4. Adding Google Analytics which tracks SEO progress to see how many people visit your site per month plus other useful tracking info. PHASE II EXTERNAL SEO: Will be maintained on a monthly basis Remember, EXTERNAL SEO refers to extensive strategic Social Media, Link Building and  Business Citations. Monthly services include: 1. Social Media: Creation and monthly maintenance of your Google Plus Account with key word optimization links on posts, photos. Adding new followers and getting likes & shares to increase Google search rankings and overall website exposure. 2. Link Building: Creating key word specific anchor links on other websites that will redirect to your website on a monthly basis. The more links created = BOOST in Google search results. 3. Business Citations: Registering your website with numerous local and national business citations on a monthly basis. The more business citations registered = BOOST in Google search results. 4. Maintenance: SEO Analysis/Maintenance to ensure SEO coding is operating at its peak performance under the new SEO algorithm on all 3 search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) Monthly Pricing Options:* BRONZE: $300 SILVER: $450 GOLD: $600 PLATINUM: $750 *custom monthly plans also available NOTE: With any monthly plan you choose, you will receive all the SAME BENEFITS. HOWEVER, the more you are willing to invest monthly, the quicker your return will be as I will be delegating more time to your project.   *Payments can be made monthly, quarterly or yearly with NO CONTRACT and can be cancelled at anytime.   I look forward to working with you on this essential service which will ultimately generate more revenue and more leads for your company. As I mentioned before... “With absolute and complete honesty...this service really isn’t optional if you wish to grow your business and have a web presence. It is as essential as having a website itself.” I look forward to building your business. Emanuel Saba Owner/Creative Director Austin Seo Services 512.751.4630 more

By Saba Graphix September 17, 2014

Helpful Tips on How to Better Understand Website Pricing...

When looking for an Austin Website Designer, it is often tempting to provide very little information about the project for reasons of ease or worry about divulging too much information which may lead to possibly getting taken advantage of. This however is exactly the opposite of how to attract the most professional and qualified candidates. The more information a client can give about the project, the better. Have a client answer the following 4 questions: 1. Estimated Deadline 2. A few details about your company/business⌖ demographic 3. Examples of website design work the client likes based on your company portfolio 4. Projected Budget: 
It essentially all comes down to your budget. The larger your budget, the more time will be spent developing, researching, experimenting and designing.  Taking into consideration the following factors: -the total number of pages -the amount of content -the integration of photo galleries, blogs, online forms, social media, etc.. These are all factors influencing a higher price point and should also be taken into consideration when evaluating your projected budget. Some web designers will charge hourly but I prefer a fixed rate as it gives a clear price upfront with no "hidden or surprising" charges in the end. Budget is indirectly linked to how many hours a designer will spend on it anyway, but this strategy makes the creative process much more efficient for both the designer and the client. Ask the client to then choose a projected budget that is most suitable for them: a.) $2,000 - $4,000 
b.) $4,000 - $6,000 
 c.) $6,000 + Including this information will answer 99% of the questions any established designer will ask before beginning your project. If they don't ask? Don't work with them as you'll have more headaches than you can imagine. At the end of the day, why would you settle for anything less than the absolute best branding for your company website in this competitive market?  Your company website is the face of your business and ultimately what builds your credibility as a professional company. I am aware that budgets will be tight for start ups especially, but if you spend what you have wisely, you are bound to get the best result you can afford. After all, in the end it is only beneficial if both the designer and client come together and find a feasible solution that works best for both parties. In today's visual world, the work created by a Professional Website Designer are among the most powerful vehicles for communicating ideas in our society and generating revenue for a particular client or business. I look forward to working with you. Emanuel Saba owner/creative director VIEW COMPANY WEBSITE VIEW COMPANY COMMERCIAL WANT TO SEE MORE?  VIEW MY LATEST WEBSITE DESIGNS: more

By Saba Graphix September 17, 2014

TIPS Searching For the Right Graphic & Website Designer For You...

   Important factors regarding bidding out to Austin Web Designers or Austin Graphic Design Firms: 1. The creative level may be VERY different from one designer or design firm to the next. 2. It's helpful for the designer/design firm to know who the competition is in order to size up comparable creative talent and skills if bidding to other potential candidates. 3. The saying "you get what you pay for" couldn't be more accurate when working with different levels of designers. Pricing should carefully be evaluated by the potential client and understand that the LOWEST price certainly doesn't dictate the HIGHEST quality of work the client is hoping to achieve with this creative investment. 4. Established designers/design firms know that the design estimate is just that, "an estimate," and the final price may or may not be the exact price of the design proposal but instead a way to gauge the client's projected budget for the professional quality and scope of design work requested. Once the designer has a better understanding of the client's budget, he will be able to inform the client of what can or can't be achieved based on this budget. 5. If any of the other candidates are NOT asking very similar questions to the ones mentioned above, that is a very good sign they do not understand the business or creative process as clearly, resulting in a very high probability of miscommunication for the future working relationship with the client... making for a bumpy road ahead and should be avoided at all costs. 6. A designer/design firm that IS asking the right questions such as these is much more likely to see the same vision as the client is as far as reaching their goals within their projected budget, message/branding needed to achieve such work with the creative services requested, etc... making for a very smooth road ahead. As we all know, finding a good qualified designer to perform a task which they claim to be a "professional" at, is becoming increasingly more difficult. Including and verifying these details whenever contracting someone for a design project will increase your chances of receiving a professional product that will give you the credibility and confidence you need in this competitive business world. And Remember: Great Design is an investment - not an expense. Working with the right designer is essential to building a strong working relationship and getting the most out of your marketing needs. I look forward to being that designer for you. Emanuel Saba owner/creative director VIEW COMPANY WEBSITE VIEW YOUTUBE COMMERCIAL WANT TO SEE MORE?  HERE ARE SAMPLES OF MY LATEST WORK:   WEBSITE DESIGN:   GRAPHIC DESIGN: (BROCHURES, AD CAMPAIGNS, POSTERS, ETC...)   LOGO DESIGN: more

By Saba Graphix September 17, 2014

Helpful Tips When Pricing/Hiring a Logo Designer...

   When looking for an Austin Logo Designer it is often tempting to provide very little information about the project for reasons of ease or worry about divulging too much information which may lead to possibly getting taken advantage of. This however is exactly the opposite of how to attract the most professional and qualified candidates. The price of a logo should be based on two main criteria: 1. Experience/talent of the logo designer: This is THE most important factor directly related to the cost of a logo. The old saying "you get what you pay for" couldn't be more true in the design world. The talent and experience of the logo designer ultimately is the key ingredient to a successful logo design for a business that will last the life of the company. 2. Size&budget; of the company using the logo: The size of the company using the logo also plays a key role. For example, if the logo is designed for a small "mom&pop" shop in your local area with very little exposure than this logo is valued less than a larger national client where the logo will be exposed all over the country. The exposure of the artwork (its usage on print, web, commercials, apparel, etc...) ultimately plays a role in its value. The more information a client can give about the project, the better...Please answer the following 4 questions: 1. Estimated Deadline 2. A few details about your company, business&target demographic 3. Examples of logo design work you like based on my company portfolio: CLICK HERE TO VIEW 4. Projected Budget: It essentially all comes down to your budget – the larger it is, the more time will be spent developing, researching, experimenting and designing. Taking into consideration for logo projects: Additional work for business card, letterhead and/or envelope design and the printing of each - as needed (as I also have my own printing company) should also be taken into consideration when evaluating your projected budget. Some logo designers will charge hourly and some prefer a fixed rate as it gives a clear figure upfront with no hidden or surprising charges. Budget is indirectly linked to how many hours a designer will spend on the project anyway, but this makes the creative process clearer for both the designer and the client. Choose a projected budget that is most suitable for you: a.) $750 - $1,000 
 b.) $1,000 - $2,500  
c.) $2,500 + Including this information will answer 99% of the questions an established designer will ask before beginning a project. If they don't ask? Don't work with them as you'll have more headaches than you can imagine. At the end of the day, why would you settle for anything less than the absolute best brand for your company in this competitive market? I understand budgets will be tight for startups especially, but if you spend what you have wisely by hiring SABA GRAPHIX, you are bound to get the best result you can afford. In today's visual world, the work created by a graphic designer are among the most powerful vehicles for communicating ideas in our society and generating revenue for a particular client or business. I look forward to working with you. Emanuel Saba Owner/Creative Director View Company Commercial WANT TO SEE MORE? HERE ARE SOME OF MY FAVORITE LOGOS I'VE DESIGNED: more

By Saba Graphix September 17, 2014

Create a Web Banner or New Product Ad

Grow Your Business in 2011

A quality full color business card printed in one day.

Finding a print shop that  can print and deliver quality full color business card in 24 hours can be difficult. The is set up to handle rush orders as long as the files are ready to print by noon each day. We can deliver to just about any where in US or delivered 20 miles within Austin city limits. Our cost includes shipping and delivery. Same day print and delivery services available upon the request. If you need to fix or change your business card layout, most of the basic change services are free as long as you provided the files that we can work with. more

By Business Card Choices January 14, 2011

Advertising with Vinyl Banners in Austin tx & Auto Wraps Austin tx

Advertising and marketing require a substantial commitment from companies of all sizes. Establishing or re-establishing a company's position on its intended market can prove to be costly and time consuming. The variety of options, that are readily available at the disposal of marketing professionals, make it possible for any company to create a brand for itself regardless of the competition. Of course, given that specific company has products or services that are at a level of quality at least as high as the competition. Marketing professionals working for start up companies or companies that want to refresh their clients' view regarding their products have numerous tactics and techniques to accomplish their targets.  One of the great tools presented to marketing professionals, regardless of the sectors their companies' operate in, is the vinyl banners solution. Finding solutions for the creation of vinyl banners in Austin, and for that matter any sort of banners in Austin, is really easy as there companies such as Austin Sign Co that are well versed and experienced in producing banners in Austin, vinyl banners in Austin, and many other advertising materials that can help companies reach their full potential. Auto wraps in Austin are not new by any chance, but this advertising solution still proves to be highly effective from a marketing stand point. Wrapping all size vehicles with auto wraps in Austin is effective as long as the marketing campaign is constructed intelligently and it covers all the aspects of such a campaign featuring auto wraps in Austin.  It is definitely not enough to leave the vehicle or vehicles parked somewhere. This marketing solution requires additional efforts in order to ensure the clients will get optimum marketing results for their services or products. When it comes to creating professional vinyl banners or other types of banners for Austin based firms, skilled and well experienced marketing companies such as Austin Sign Co, that have their own websites for Austin, go to great efforts to ensure their clients get vinyl banners in Austin that are specifically constructed to their clients' exact requirements. Everything from the color schemes found printed on vinyl banners for Austin clients, to the size and shape of these materials must all be handled and decided on with a great level of care.  There is no room for error in this type of marketing materials, so any flaws in banners for Austin companies, vinyl banners in Austin, auto wraps for Austin company vehicles, will lead to these flawed materials getting discarded. Using vinyl banners as a marketing media allows experienced sign shops to create vinyl banners for Austin companies that wish to achieve a high level of detail, Check out a few websites for Austin based advertising companies and just pick your designs. For more resources about : more

By Austin Sign Co January 10, 2010

Vehicle Graphics- Not just for tradesmen!

Your vehicle may be an overlooked advertising opportunity! You've seen tradesmen vehicles on the roads for years- enjoying hundreds or thousands of daily views.  You can enjoy exposure for your small business too!   Vehicle graphics are available in many forms: Colorful plotter-cut solid vinyl graphics and lettering Digitally printed graphics and messages Full body coverage graphic wraps These options enable cost flexibility for your project.  Your message may be simple or very dynamic. While full wraps can actually protect your paint with its 100% coverage, lettering on the paint will sometimes leave a shadow effect if the remaining exposed paint is not cleaned and waxed regularly.  If this is a concern, you may choose to have your business message placed on the glass only. Studies show that vehicle ads: provide reinforced brand imaging to local commuters   present a reputable image of the company   gain a lot of views in all traffic and while parked Contact us and we'll review the options available to you, we've done many of these projects for local businesses! more

By ATX Signs December 15, 2009

Price Effective Marketing Materials For A Slow Economy

The economy is taking its toll on large and small businesses alike. Executives and owners are forced to find ways to cut expenses wherever they can. There is one easy way that many of these businesses could save a substantial amount of money and not sacrifice much to do it! large and small businesses need to start buying their printing and signs cost effectively. Many businesses start up and have an ad agency design their logo and start up marketing materials. Precise Pantone colors are chosen and the designer explains how important this EXACT color is in your marketing materials. Then they sell you 1000 business cards for $300.00 that they bought from a printing company for $175.00 with your EXACT Pantone colors. Now you thousands of dollars invested in design and printing and a very happy advertising agency. Many ad sgencies and graphic designers forget that they work for the customer. just because someone has a degree in graphic design does not mean theuy are the least bit creative. It mean they are proficient in layout and typography. They have also proven they know how to use the major adobe design programs. The best graphic designers I know are self taught and do not have a degree by the way! Now for a solution to these proud agencies and designers with over inflated pricing! For example at 1st Choice Print&Sign; we offer our customers all the same services at a fraction of the cost. One main difference is we DO NOT COLOR MATCH. We provide the industry standard of Acceptable Color. All of our printing is done using the CMYK printing method. This means that all colors are created using Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. There is not an EXACT CMYK match to every Pantone Color but even then they are close enough that you wouldn't notice unless compared side by side. Now when you can buy the same 1000 business cards without EXACT color matching for under $60.00 isn't the savings worth it? I think you'll find in most cases that the graphic designer who chose the color is the only one that notices or cares. Designers can tend to get very possessive of design work they do for clients, but it does not belong to them it belongs to the "You" the client. If you are a designer reading this and you are one of those telling your clients how important Exact Color Match is I urge you to call us so that we may show you the slight variance so that you may rethink whether your clients extra printing expense is really worth it! But then it's not your money being spent is it? And that is where the problem lies! I also want to touch on the downfalls of going to far to the other extreme and ordering your materials from places like Vistaprint. They provide very cheap prices to their customers and in turn their customers receive very cheap products. Vista print also uses the CMYK printing method but they also use inferior paper stocks to what most printers would use on certain marketing materials. For instance nothing less than a 14 pt should be used to print business cards. We print a majority of our cards on 16 pt. Vistaprint cards are flimsy. the free cards are not really free because they come with the Vistaprint logo on them. It's a marketing ploy! If you pass out business cards that also have Vistaprint on them you are recommending them to your clients. If they order from Vistaprint and are dissatisfied with the product, which they most likely will be. They will also be dissatisfied with you! Call us at 1st Choice Print & Sign today and let us show you how we can help your large to small business save money today! 1st Choice Print & Sign (512) 501-6324 more

By Chris Jones / PrintGlobe Account Mananger December 07, 2009

A Brief History:My name is Rusty Russell and i own Http:// I recently Sold my old sign company location that had been in my family for 24 yrs. (Bill Baileys Signs). I did not sell the corporation (i was attached to it) it was established in 1974. I renamed it Austin Sign Co., Inc.. So the old Bill Baileys legacy lives on under a different name.  Why: We were able to sell the assets and do some serious upgrading, our equipment package now is second to none. We are printing with "True Solvents" which means our Banners, Magnetics, Board SIgns, Truck Signs or anything else that we print will NOT  scratch easily or fade quickly. Our "Vinyl Plotter" was also upgraded. We now are running a 54" Graphtec vinyl plotter so our Board Signs, or Large format vinyl jobs can be done faster and more efficiently. So Signs and Banners , Vinyl Banners, Truck Signs , even our Hand Painted Signs, or Sandblasted Signs are going to be faster (if you can believe that) cheaper and better quality. Location: Our new SIgn Shop is in central Austin on North Loop and Lamar. Picking up your signs and Banners has never been easier. Our new sign shop is also almost twice as large as the old sign shop. we have more room for producing the signs and banners as our customers order them. Services: We have expanded our service and product line . In addition to all of the great types of signs&banners; we have been making we are also offering: T-shirt Printing, Caps, Printed business cards and postcards, Websites, and of course the full color banners, printed at very high Resolution.  About Me: I've been in the Sign Business for over 20 yrs, i've also been in the construction business. My wife and i owned and operated a Custom home building business. I enjoy the sign business more than anything. We live in Dripping Springs, TX. My wife home schools our two great 7 yr twins. more

By Austin Sign Co November 12, 2009

Glaze Studio News " We Got the RED ONE 4k Digital Cinema Camera

So what is a RED ONE 4k Digital Cinema Camera? It is the state-of-the-art in digital video cameras! This new 2XHD Digital Cinema Video Camera is being used today in high end video productions and feature films! The resolution of this awesome camera is twice that of professional HD cameras and is excellent at creating seamless special effects, especially with blue and green screen. We intend to produce tv commercials, music videos and feature motion pictures with this new camera.  You can rent our RED ONE Camera for your productions with a camera tech or a cameraman (as needed) at a very reasonable rate. Contact Doug LaRue for more details at 512-577-1433 more

By Glaze Studio - Visual Media Design April 18, 2009

Recent Reviews View all

CP Cosmetic Boxes


By Marialisa

CP Cosmetic Boxes produced perfect packaging boxes according to the given size style and material. Printing on the boxes is perfect. Bundle of thanks. more

Saba Graphix



Saba Graphix Design is an Austin, Texas (Tx) based Graphic Design, Graphic Re-Design, Website Design, Website Re-Design more


By jreid4747 at Citysearch

These cards are so professional looking. All the texts are so clean and sharp compare to my previous printer. They are so nice! All the colors right on the mark and the service was excellent. more

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