Blogs from Education And Training Companies in Nashville, TN

Family First Tax Services: Financial Literacy and Economic Empowerment

Understanding all the dynamics of what actually happens and what filing a federal return to the IRS is and does.Getting the most out of your return is more than the refund. Future plans should influence the best way to file in the present. For example: Taxpayer wants to buy a home. They have enough deductions and qualified expenses to be in the ideal tax bracket that would produce the most credits legally available, but taking advantage of them would put them at a disadvantage based on their loan requirements. Think before you file. Or just call The Family and we'll do it for you! Family First Tax Services more

By Family First Tax Services February 19, 2016

Family First Tax Services Mobile App. Filing Taxes with Convenience

Our Service is at Your Fingertips! The Family First Tax Services Mobile App changes the way tax returns are submitted and filed. SSL encryption for our customers security and the ability to get all those papers to us before ever entering our locations. Simply download our Free Mobile Application from Google Play or Apple App Store and you are ready to send us all your tax return information and forms from anywhere in the U.S.  VISIT OUR MOBILE WEBSITE  SEND US ANY ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION SEND US YOUR 1040 RETURN INFORMATION AND FORMS FIND A LOCATION AND DIRECTIONS SET UP AN APPOINTMENT TO SEE ONE OF OUR TAX PROFESSIONALS GET DISCOUNT CODES FOR ALL OF OUR SERVICES Family First Tax Services Mobile App is Available for Android and/or AppleCall us today to make sure you are best prepared for tomorrow!800-614-9140 more

By Family First Tax Services October 21, 2014

Raising vs Growth

Hello my fellow merchants. It's been a while for me blogging since the birth of my daughter last year. She is amazing to me. Since I can't take my mind off her, I might as well use that as a positive and write this blog. Raising and Growing are two different things. During the next few years she will definitely be growing; even if it was only waking up, eating and going to sleep! (I wish sometimes) But how I raise her during this growth cycle will directly affect the life she can sustain and attain. The way I show her love and she feels and how I respond to her feelings all matter.  So I ask you: "What's the difference between raising a child and growing a business?" Surprisingly the answer could be: Nothing.  Raising a business vs growing a business: Plenty.  If there lies a demand for your product or service and you're accessible, you can successfully make sales. The experience, delivery, and follow up can make the most. Volume doesn't dictate value. These days customer retention is as important if not more than customer acquisition; at least for existing businesses.  Now when raising a business you have values and beliefs integrated into and initiating the process. Best practices are not lucked at as rules but the culture. Expectations can be set. Progress can be tracked and improved. Problems can be prevented or calculated.  Growing should be a by-product of raising your business right. Eventually you want your baby business to become an adult. Some existing businesses need to act like adults. Regardless, reaching maturity is a common goal.  So, Are you raising your business or just growing it? Or at least trying to do one or the other. Give me any cool parenting tips that also apply to business. D. Strode more

By Turnkey Consulting May 25, 2012

The Beachbody Challenge. Fitness and HealthTransformation Competition

What is the Beachbody Challenge? • It's the ultimate health and fitness transformation competition. • If you Commit to Get Fit and share your results with any Beachbody® program, you'll automatically get a free wristband and free T-shirt. • If your transformation is selected as the BEST in your category, you could win a trip, cash, and other huge prizes! What do you get if you win? • $500 daily winners through WOWY SuperGym Sweepstakes™ • $1,000 monthly winners • $25,000 Bonus Shakeology® Grand Prize • 2 Grand Prize winners get $100,000 each The free access to resources and like minded fitness and health individuals and groups, is an essential to starting or continuing healthy eating habits and proper, strategic exercise. Take The Beachbody Challenge more

By Turnkey Consulting August 16, 2011

SNOW in the Streets of Traffic (Something No One Wants)

Greetings fellow Merchants, Subscribers, and Friends! Here I'd like to give you another excerpt from Preparing for WINTER Online.  Winter stands for What I Need To Expect Results. Today we'll talk about snow. Depending on which part of the hemisphere your from or in, you may have never experienced snow. Now on the other hand, in this cold internet marketing world, the streets of traffic may sometimes be filled with SNOW. (Something No One Wants) Have you ever tried a million different searches on your favorite search engine or website only to find a sales page, or affiliate offer that doesn't even help you with your problem. Well, I have; several occasions. For this reason alone, Google often switches it's algorithms, which are the equations used to determine ranking, results, and authority. At the end of the day, believe it or else, Google is a service. If they can't find what you need based on how you search; then they have lost their value. This really goes for any site.  Now, to give you the opposite perspective, you want your sales page or lead capture to do this, however, the way you go about doing it makes all the difference. Many times where raw info is needed, an opt-in page, landing page, squeeze page, lead capture page or whatever you like to call your page that welcomes permission marketing.  Permission marketing is basically sending desired information to those whom have requested it. Ex: Put in your name and email, then immediately receive your free download! You are giving them permission to contact you Back to SNOW. Something No One Wants is to wait longer than they have to, getting redirected instead of straight to it, or not having all the information needed.  An example of each.   A video that takes forever to load or an article you read all the way through only to need to check out additional information. Too many OTO's oronetimeoffers. Well how about this? Well how about that? What about ____? Effectively used, a one time offer is essential after a sale and a great CTA Call to Action Page if the visitor is leaving the website or check out. (A good time to demonstrate TRUE VALUE.) You took all the steps and haven't gotten the results or information/understanding you needed. Let's look at another angle: You're driving traffic and getting clicks; yet still no sales.  Do you have the best product or service? If so, do people see why they should feel the same; when they visit? I came to your website for this, but you keep showing me that. Give what they want (value), you will get what you need. (what you value/expected result) What's blocking your street off? more

By Turnkey Consulting January 10, 2011


Greetings. Let's jump right in it! Everyone should know ROI means Return on Investment.  ROT is word but for this lesson, ROT is Return on Time. (hopefully it's not rotting away) As a Nashville consultant, consulting marketing solutions usually depends on one of these two variables; which are sometimes made constants.  For ROI let's say: How much I put in vs how much I get out. For ROT let's say: How much I put in vs how much I get away from it! See money is money and resources can be a variety of things, but when those overlap and become one of the same with time; we have a situation. A person may earn let's say 6 figures annually. Financially things could be good, however, if the the maintenance for financial consistency requires sixty+ hours, when can one enjoy it. My brother explained this to me years ago with a simple phrase: "You see Strode, Money coming in, Money going out...That's what it's about!  VERY TRUE. Ex: If you make 10K a month but your overhead is 9K you're just a 1,000 dollars away from trouble; every month! If you make 3K but your overhead is 1500 you're probably getting ahead as opposed of just getting by; probably. Turnkey Tip to remember: Time is something most want and less have. If your business product or service can save time; chances are they've just saved money. See, the baby's first step or recital cannot be re experienced for the first time. Efficiency is the universal solution for this global circumstance. Making more from less has to be a mindset; not a meager mentality. Didn't say find the cheapest way and see the most you can make!  Never sacrifice quality or integrity in the process. What is sucking away your time or sucking out your profit? Derrick Strode more

By Turnkey Consulting December 29, 2010

Looking for Network Marketers, Self-Starters, and Leaders.

I am personally looking for Network MarketingLeaders.. YES!! Network Marketing.. So if you HATE that word, STOP. BUT.. If you have made money in the industry and love itas much as I do.. then please visitthe best valued video conferencing software Joel Therien is about to launch what will be a productthat is industry changing.. truly a product by networkmarketers, for network marketers.. It is by farthe best webcasting, conferencing and MLMpresentation softwareI have ever, ever seen!! We are looking for leaders to lock in their position atthe very top of this matrix.. this will be truly "life changing"for alot of people.. All you need to do is go and get on the Early Bird VIPlist, and you will be the first to be notified of when thesoftware goes into public pre launch!! Just register for Free now at: >>>> It will only take you 10 seconds.. Blessings and thank you. Derrick Strode more

By Turnkey Consulting October 05, 2010

U Lock It! U-Locks Deadbolt System Replaces ANY Doorknob

Secure Your Home. Replace Any Standard Doorknob. U-Locks bring a new level of security to markets of both exterior and interior, standard doors and utility doors. U-Lock, LLC strides to become a worldwide leader in design development and marketing U-Shaped Door Locks. U-Locks hold Patents&Trade; Marks for its innovative products, which conforms to the American with Disability Act or ADA standards that supports U-Shaped Handles. U-Locks product line includes our Antique Gold, Antique Silver, Chrome Silver, Ebony&Ivory style U-Locks.  By using the Deadbolt to become the primary lock on any door; the U-locks brand bring real security to your home or office. more

By Turnkey Consulting August 27, 2010

Hawthorne Reminded Me How Powerful Social Media IS...

All caps on the IS because I want the everyone to be aware of the now. Right Now Social Media is Powerful. To some it up for concentration; not to desensitize, twins girls need a kidney, brother can only donate one. Volunteer films kids, tells their story......BOOM.  ER full of potential donors moved by the video ready to act and give of themselves literally. Turnkey Tips: Use Video Share something that means something Share something bigger than You Leave the Next Step Have an Objective Question: How do you let people know what means the most to you? Derrick Strode more

By Turnkey Consulting July 20, 2010

Work with What "You" has to Offer. Use what You know.

Hello fellow merchants. Few quick points. Some may call tips others reminders... First. Regardless of your field or industry. Second. Even if your totally new to your field. Third. It Does Not Matter. Whatever stage of life you may currently find yourself. If you are reading this blog, more than likely you have either developed or discovered certain "personal instincts." about yourself or business. Values for some, insight for others and the lists exponentially goes on!  Point. What ever the reason rooting still is distinct to you.  Not trying to get deep just want it to be blatant of how much You can make the difference.  Mindset of how, what, why and when gives awareness of what is. A strong why shows you how to see what can be or project. Are you more time or money resourceful? more

By Turnkey Consulting July 14, 2010

Turnkey Consulting Isn't Just Consulting!

Turnkey Consulting in Nashville, Tennessee? How can We service the World? The answer is simply: "One Step at a Time." See it's still the same. "We don't reinvent the wheels. We just give em better tires." Still taking an outside looking in approach. Here's why: Most businesses problems are internal or within (usually the process more than the project) Many good systems still may be leaving room for loss of continuity Majority of businesses have the right pieces to their business puzzles, just not in the right order Working with what you gotis the current trend Saving Money is the Equivalent of Making Money Here's an example: Client spends 500.00 bucks a month on advertising. Doubles Money each month. (Makes a 1000.00) Turnkey consults after evaluation of observation. Client spends 250.00 per month and yields same 1000.00 a month) Client is still comfortable with 500.00 a month and has now doubled their payout to 2000.0 a month! BOOM!!! Doesn't matter what industry that's a win win. That's why we're going for the world; it's all applicable. So. What kind of turnkey consulting does your business offer? How does your business enhance, help or provide to your market, community or organization? Derrick Strode Turnkey Team Invite Providing Visions for Dreams more

By Turnkey Consulting July 13, 2010

Turnkey Tips on Building Your Business Credit and the CorpCreditStore

Greetings Everyone! Here are some valuable turnkey tips to establish your business credit.(ratings and lines) 1. Know what they look for! Everyone that knows me knows I'm big on systems and processes. Banks have systems and processes to evaluate businesses and that evaluation determines eligiblity and amount. So you have to be able to build the business credit banks look for before financing. 2. Have a Plan. Seems like the obvious, but hear me out. Many people have an idea, product, service or program that is the core element to their business. Having a Plan for the above mentioned requires more. Concept and Strategy, Marketing and Advertising, Customer Service and Retention; the list goes on and on. 3. Stick with the Plan. Follow Through and Follow Up are essentials in building a foundation for your business. Click Here to begin receiving more building your business credit tips and receive a free strategy session! CorpCreditStore will Build Your Business Credit for You Some one can contact today. A 9 month program; that means in this same year excellent ratings and at least 150,000.00 in credit lines. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! I love that. Many blessings, Derrick Strode Turnkey Consulting more

By Turnkey Consulting January 26, 2010

Buzzirk Mobile, The Smartband Network Presents Global Mobile1

Ever since the launch ofGlobal Vergein June 2009, all the hype and excitement has been centered around the release of their flagship product from Buzzirk Mobile the Smartband Wireless Network: Global Mobile1. The delays discouraged and left many distraught. Many quit. We didn't.We're pleased to say that the service is here for CDMA OR GSM Phones. (That means anybody) No Credit CheckNo ContractUnlimited Local and Long DistanceOver 32 other features not mentionedIf you would also like to offer this great product and service along with countless other businesses under the same umbrella: Visithttp://turnkey.globalverge.comor Call Derrick Strode at 615-977-8264 Click Here For aList of Available Plans for Globile Mobile1Click HereFor a Complete List of Features for Global Mobile1 Plans. more

By Turnkey Consulting November 24, 2009

Crowd Conversion and the Facebook Phenomenom

As you very well notice with each promted login, Facebook is here to stay. While some may look at it as a social pastime, a way to reconnect with or find old friends, make new contacts or play their favorite game; be assured that Facebook is one of most viable, viral tools on the internet. The FB phenomenom has now shaped communication to the way many do business. Recently FB became the second most visited site, with Google holding the #1 spot. Robert Grant and Ian David Chapman have introduced the next best thing since sliced bread! Crowd Conversion. In these quality content packed tutorials and videos, you learn how to: 1.Build Core Relationships 2.Why Everyone Should Have a Fan Page 3.How to Network the Right Way and Wrong Way 4. The Ten Key Concepts! (You Get Smacked With Those on the Way In) Awesome!!! The other 80+ tips, tools, secrets and bonuses I'll let you discover. Anyone that is interested in growing their business exponentially with longevity; you've found your tool.  What I learned over the last 48 hours has made a five figure difference. Grab a pen and get ready Derrick Strode more

By Turnkey Consulting October 11, 2009

SEO Software “Web CEO”:12 SEO Tools in One Powerful SEO Suite

  Another Turnkey Tip (Tool) I Wish There Was Years Ago!Web CEO is the most completeSEO softwarepackage on the planet; plus, our SEO software offers more for free than any other software package or suite for SEO.Get One Toolkit for All Marketing Needs:12 tools that make up Web CEO cover every aspect of search engine marketing - never buy or switch to other tools because Web CEO provides for all SEM/SEO needs. Web CEO is a world leading software toolkit for search engine optimization and site promotion. Web CEO helps you significantly increase search engine traffic, implement the latest search engine strategies and win by having all SEO tools in one handy suite.Web CEO offers more with its Free Edition than any other SEO software on the planet. In fact, you can use all tools of our software packagecompletely free and without time limitations, with only some functional restrictions. It's more than enough to evaluate our SEO software, and completely enough for non-critical SEO missions targeting averagely competitive keywords. No time limits. Not a "trial" or "evaluation"—just the free software as it should be.Unlimited websites. Promote as many websites as you need with our software.Free training with every copy. Your login details to the online self-study environment are sent to you as soon as you register.Tech support. We provide free and fast technical support even with the Free Edition of our SEO Software. more

By Turnkey Consulting September 02, 2009

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Fortis Institute



Let me say some of the teachers are very qualified and some are straight trash. Some are only teaching because of a paycheck. I even seen some students get and F turned into a B even though I had to work for everthing that I had it's all good. Let me say 1 teacher once she does not like you she do everything she can to make to look like a fool. But when it come to teaching she will avoid that in any way possible.. I just want you to be aware and if the teacher I'm talking about is reading this oh well I just want you to know that you're the worst teacher I've had in my life and may your kids get a teacher just like YOU more

Turnkey Consulting

I like your services! Thanks! more

Turnkey Consulting

I call Derrick my online Guru! He is my coach, keeping me accountable and he has helped me organize how my business is found online. Step by step, he has walked me through online marketing, social media, and networking. Derrick also introduced me to many tools that I would never have found without him. He has such a great personality, is very patient and has so much knowledge to help me grow my business. I highly recommend him to small and large business owners, who struggle with how to get their name out there, how to manage social media and how to make the most of free advertising. more

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