Blogs from Health And Beauty Services in Johnson City, TN


Does Your Body Predict the Weather?

From:  Arthritis Today magazine Weather and Pain Why the weather forecast can make you ache By Brenda Goodman It's not your imagination; the weather can cloud your health. Here's what research reveals about the connection between weather and pain.ArthritisChanges in temperature or barometric pressure, a measure that refers to the weight of the surrounding air, trigger joint pain, though researchers aren't entirely sure why. In 2007, researchers at Tufts University in Boston reported that every 10-degree drop in temperature corresponded with an incremental increase inarthritis pain. Increasing barometric pressure was also a pain trigger in the Tufts study.In fact, studies in cadavers have found that barometric pressure affects pressure inside the joints. In one experiment, when pressure in the hip joints was equated with atmospheric pressure, it threw the ball of the hip joint about one-third of an inch off track.AsthmaThe conventional wisdom that thunderstorms wash pollen, smoke, mold and pollutants out of the air, making it easier to breathe, may be wrong, according to scientists at the University of Georgia in Athens and Emory University in Atlanta. Climatologists and epidemiologists who looked at 12 years of records from 41 hospitals around Atlanta, found that visits to the emergency room for asthma spiked on the day after a thunderstorm. The link got stronger during storms with moderate-to-high wind gusts and moisture.Though they aren't sure why asthma gets worse after a storm, the scientists think that rain causes pollen grains to burst into pieces that are even smaller and easier to inhale. Lightning in the atmosphere may also spark a chemical reaction, turning pollutants into asthma triggers.Migraine HeadachesStudies have found that 50 to 80 percent of all people who get migraines believe weather can set off a headache. The exact weather patterns that precipitate migraines remain a mystery, however.In a study published in 2004, Patricia Prince, MD, of Boston Children's Hospital, asked 77 migraine sufferers to keep calendars documenting their migraines over a period of two years. She then compared those to records kept by the National Weather Service.About half of study participants got migraines that coincided with weather changes, but not all who were weather sensitive had the same triggers. Some seemed most vulnerable to a combination of high heat and high humidity, while others got headaches under the exact opposite conditions – low temperatures and low humidity more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office February 01, 2010



There are so many different types of meditation. How many? Who knows, but enough so that you can find the one that's right for you. To get your search started, here are six types of meditation you can try.1. Breath watching. Can meditating be as simple as paying attention to your breath for a few minutes? You bet. Relax in whatever position works best for you, close your eyes and start to pay attention to your breathing. Breathing through your nose gets your diaphragm involved and gets oxygen all the way to the bottom of your lungs. As your mind wanders, just re-focus your attention on the air going in and out of your nose. Just do this for several minutes, or longer as you get used to it.2. An empty mind meditation. Meditating can create a kind of "awareness without object," an emptying of all thoughts from your mind. The techniques for doing this involve sitting still, often in a "full lotus" or cross-legged position, and letting the mind go silent on its own. It can be difficult, particularly since any effort seems to just cause more business in the mind. 3. Walking meditations. This one gets the body involved. It can be outside or simply as a back and forth pacing in a room. Pay attention to the movement of your legs and breathing and body as you walk, and to the feeling of your feet contacting the ground. When your mind wanders, just keep bringing it back to the process of walking and breathing. Meditating outside in this way can be difficult because of the distractions. If you do it outside, find a quiet place with level ground.4. Mindfulness meditation. A practice Buddhists call vipassana or insight meditation, mindfulness is the art of becoming deeply aware of what is here right now. You focus on what's happening in and around you at this very moment, and become aware of all the thoughts and feelings that are taking your energy from moment to moment. You can start by watching your breath, and then move your attention to the thoughts going through your mind, the feelings in your body, and even the sounds and sights around you. The key is to watch without judging or analyzing.5. Simple mantra meditation. Many people find it easier to keep their mind from wandering if they concentrate on something specific. A mantra can help. This is a word or phrase you repeat as you sit in meditation, and is chosen for you by an experienced master in some traditions. If you are working on this alone, you can use any word or phrase that works for you, and can choose to either repeat it aloud or in your head as you meditate.6. Meditating on a concept. Some meditative practices involve contemplation of an idea or scenario. An example is the "meditation on impermanence," in which you focus on the impermanent nature of all things, starting with your thoughts and feelings as they come and go. In the Buddhist "meditation on the corpse," you think about a body in the ground, as it slowly rots away and is fed on by worms. The technique is used to guide you to an understanding that your rationalizing mind might not bring you to.There are many other meditations you can try, such as the "meditation on loving-kindness" or "object" meditation, and even meditating using brain wave entrainment products. Each type has its own advantages and effects. For this reason, you may find that at different times and for different purposes you want to use several different types of meditation. more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office July 14, 2008


Water is, quite literally, the river on which our good health flows - Water carries nutrients to our cells, aids digestion by forming stomach secretions, flushes our bodies of wastes, and keeps our kidneys healthy - It keeps our moisture-rich organs (our skin, eyes, mouth, and nose) functioning well, it lubricates and cushions our joints, and it regulates our body temperature and our metabolism, just to name a few of its many functionsWater also plays a crucial role in disease prevention..In a study conducted at the Centre for Human Nutrition at the University of Sheffield, England, researchers concluded that women who stay adequately hydrated reduce their risk of breast cancer by 79 percent - Another study, done at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center inSeattle, found that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day have a 45 percent reduced risk of colon cancer compared with women who drink two or fewer glasses of water a day - Many doctors believe that proper hydration can help prevent chronic joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, because water reduces inflammation and promotes cartilage health - Adequate water consumption can also slow the signs of aging and improve conditions such as constipation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity, arthritis, kidney stones, dry skin, wrinkles, cataracts, and glaucomaH2O: the Toxic AvengerWithout enough water flowing through our systems to carry out wastes and toxins, we would literally drown in our own poisonous metabolic wastes -I don’t mean to sound alarmist, but this is no exaggeration - Even slight dehydration can wear down our systems in ways that seriously compromise our overall quality of life more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office May 05, 2008


Why Water is the Key to Detoxifying Your Bodyby Alex Jamieson Water is, quite literally, the river on which our good health flows - Water carries nutrients to our cells, aids digestion by forming stomach secretions, flushes our bodies of wastes, and keeps our kidneys healthy - It keeps our moisture-rich organs (our skin, eyes, mouth, and nose) functioning well, it lubricates and cushions our joints, and it regulates our body temperature and our metabolism, just to name a few of its many functionsWater also plays a crucial role in disease prevention..In a study conducted at the Centre for Human Nutrition at the University of Sheffield, England, researchers concluded that women who stay adequately hydrated reduce their risk of breast cancer by 79 percent - Another study, done at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center inSeattle, found that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day have a 45 percent reduced risk of colon cancer compared with women who drink two or fewer glasses of water a day - Many doctors believe that proper hydration can help prevent chronic joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, because water reduces inflammation and promotes cartilage health - Adequate water consumption can also slow the signs of aging and improve conditions such as constipation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity, arthritis, kidney stones, dry skin, wrinkles, cataracts, and glaucomaH2O: the Toxic AvengerWithout enough water flowing through our systems to carry out wastes and toxins, we would literally drown in our own poisonous metabolic wastes -I don’t mean to sound alarmist, but this is no exaggeration - Even slight dehydration can wear down our systems in ways that seriously compromise our overall quality of life < more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office May 03, 2008


Why Water is the Key to Detoxifying Your Bodyby Alex Jamieson Water is, quite literally, the river on which our good health flows - Water carries nutrients to our cells, aids digestion by forming stomach secretions, flushes our bodies of wastes, and keeps our kidneys healthy - It keeps our moisture-rich organs (our skin, eyes, mouth, and nose) functioning well, it lubricates and cushions our joints, and it regulates our body temperature and our metabolism, just to name a few of its many functionsWater also plays a crucial role in disease prevention..In a study conducted at the Centre for Human Nutrition at the University of Sheffield, England, researchers concluded that women who stay adequately hydrated reduce their risk of breast cancer by 79 percent - Another study, done at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center inSeattle, found that women who drink more than five glasses of water a day have a 45 percent reduced risk of colon cancer compared with women who drink two or fewer glasses of water a day - Many doctors believe that proper hydration can help prevent chronic joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, because water reduces inflammation and promotes cartilage health - Adequate water consumption can also slow the signs of aging and improve conditions such as constipation, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity, arthritis, kidney stones, dry skin, wrinkles, cataracts, and glaucomaH2O: the Toxic AvengerWithout enough water flowing through our systems to carry out wastes and toxins, we would literally drown in our own poisonous metabolic wastes -I don’t mean to sound alarmist, but this is no exaggeration - Even slight dehydration can wear down our systems in ways that seriously compromise our overall quality of life < more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office May 03, 2008


May is National Arthritis Month May is National Arthritis Month and The Wellness Center wants your help in this worthy cause! You can help us stamp out the number one cause of disability by participating in the events described below. Saturday May 31st: Special Event - Attend one of two specially arranged Warm Water Arthritis classes, have lunch, and learn more about exercise and arthritis. Schedule: Warm Water Arthritis Class 10:30am - 11:15am Lunch & Learn 11:30am - 12:30pm Warm Water Arthritis Class 12:45pm - 1:30pm You may register at the front desk for one of the classes. Lunch & learn is included. You can also bring a friend who is not a member of the center to participate in the class. Costs are listed below. ALL proceeds go to the Arthritis Foundation. Registration begins May 12th and there will be 50 slots available. Registration must be done in person for your slot to be reserved! Cost:$5 for members; $8 for guests $5 for members; $8 for guests May 12th - 31st Make a voluntary donation to the Arthritis Foundation in the front lobby and beentered into a raffle drawing for a $50gas card. entered into a raffle drawing for a $50 gas card. The Wellness Center will match all donations (up to a $200 total) made between May 12th - 31st more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office May 01, 2008


Tips for an Exceptional, Superb & Powerful Life!1.) Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And whileyou walk, smile. It is the ultimateantidepressant.2.) Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.Buy a lock if you have to.3.) Buy a Tivo (DVR), tape your late night shows andget more sleep.4.) When you wake up in the morning complete thefollowing statement, 'My purpose is to________today.'5.) Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, andEmpathy.6.) Watch more movies, play more games and read morebooks than you did last year.7.) Always pray and make time to exercise.8.) Spend more time with people over the age of 70and under the age of Six.9.) Dream more while you are awake.10.) Eat more foods that grow on trees and plantsand eat less foods that are manufactured inplants.11.) Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eatblueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds& walnuts.12.) Try to make at least three people smile each day.13.) Clear your clutter from your house, your car,your desk and let new and flowing energy into yourlife.14.) Don't waste your precious energy on gossip,energy vampires, issues of the past, negativethoughts or things you cannot control. Instead,invest your energy in the positive present moment.15.) Realize that life is a school and you are hereto learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculumthat appear and fade away like algebra class.......but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.16.) Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a princeand dinner like a college kid with a maxed out chargecard.17.) Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energyvampires away.18.) Life isn't fair, but it's still good.19.) Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.20.) Don't take yourself so seriously. No one elsedoes.21.) You don't have to win every argument. Agree todisagree.22.) Make peace with your past so it won't screw upthe present.23.) Don't compare your life to others'. You have noidea what their journey is all about.24.) Ladies - Go on and burn those 'special' scentedcandles, use the 600 thread count sheets, the goodchina and wear our fancy lingerie now. Stop waitingfor a special occasion. Everyday is special.25.) No one is in charge of your happiness except you.26.) Frame every so-called disaster with thesewords: 'In five years, will this matter?'27.) Forgive everyone for everything.28.) What other people think of you is none of yourbusiness.29.) Time heals almost everything. Give time, time!30.) However good or bad a situation is, it willchange.31.) Your job won't take care of you when you aresick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.32.) Get rid of anything that isn't useful,beautiful or joyful.33.) Envy is a waste of time. You already have allyou need. 34.) The best is yet to come.35.) No matter how you feel, get up,dress upand showup.36.) Do the right thing!37.) Call your family often.38.) Each night before you go to bed complete thefollowing statements: 'I am thankful for __________.'Today I accomplished _________.39.) Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.40.) Enjoy the ride. Remember that this is notDisney World and you certainly don't want a fastpass. You only have one ride through life so makethe most of it . more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office January 21, 2008


10 Spiritual Tools for Coping with Chronic PainBy Maureen PrattChronic pain can make us feel isolated and helpless, especially if its cause is an illness or physical condition for which there's no cure or effective medical treatment. At times of deepest despair, finding ways to nurture our spirits can help us not only cope with the pain, but also discover nuggets of grace, comfort, and productivity that can move us through and beyond the helplessness and hopelessness we feel. Here are ten spiritual tools that can help you get started toward peace in spite of and in the midst of pain.Maureen Pratt is a speaker and author who focuses on spirituality, faith and wellness. Her most recent book is "Peace in the Storm: Meditations on Chronic Pain & Illness" (Doubleday Religion). Her website QuietWhen we are in great pain, finding true peace and comfort is not easy. But it is possible, if we first try to still our worries and fears, both external and internal. Finding a place where there are no noisy distractions is a great start. Enjoying the outward quiet, we can then calm our inner selves and nurture peace within. Just BreatheThe act of breathing is not only a physical process, but it can also be a tool to move our pain, negative thoughts, and worry out of our bodies and hearts, replacing these with a better sense of self. In a quiet place, breathe in slowly and deeply, then let the breath out, expelling stress and pain with it. Feel the sharpness of pain subside as relaxation and calm take its place. Listen to MusicA beautiful piece of music can inspire our spirits and soothe our pain like no other sound. It can also help us get in touch with the absolute joy of living, even if we live with severe pain. Put on your favorite piece of music - instrumental or vocal - sit back, and close your eyes. Let the music carry you away from your immediate pain to a place of calm. Lose Yourself in PrayerSo often when we pray, we ask for relief from our pain and leave it at that. Perhaps more effective when pain is oppressive is lifting up our pain and then resting quietly with the comfort that our concerns are being tended to by One greater that ourselves - and we do not have to take them back again. Reflect in NaturePain can isolate us and make us feel very much alone. But in reality, we are part of an amazing world. A walk in the outdoors, a glance outside at a garden, a quiet moment with a beloved pet - each of these things can renew our sense of belonging to the world, help us to feel less alone in our pain, and make us grateful for our lives among such wonder. Laugh MorePain itself is no laughing matter, but the act of laughing can be physically and spiritually healing. It helps us breathe deeply, cleanses tense pain from our bodies, gives key muscles beneficial exercise, and lets us travel to an uplifting place of joy. Whether it's a joke, a cartoon, or the antics of a pet, find laughter and enjoy it often! Reach Out to OthersWhen we are in pain, it can be easy to feel as if no one cares. But there are many in the world who feel the same thing - and we can make a difference in our lives and in others' lives by reaching out in comfort and care. A phone call to a hurting friend, a visit to someone in need, even an email to an online support group - all of these can help us become less isolated, and help others in the process. Live in the LightIt's easy for our souls to be flooded with darkness when pain is sharp and overwhelming. We can combat this darkness by bringing on light. The flicker of a candle, the warm glow of one small lamp illuminating a dark room - light can help focus thoughts and bring comfort. Even in the darkness, be conscious of the light all around, and let it guide you to greater calm. Take Care of YourselfOften, there is no cure for what causes our pain. This can make us feel as if our lives are out of control. But the better we take care of ourselves, the more we will feel at least a little control over our circumstances - and our attitude toward pain. Taking time to follow a healthful regimen reflects on our spiritual health, too, and gives us a chance to rise above our pain and feel better - inside and out. Never Lose HopeEach day, there are new developments in medicine and in therapies to ease pain, inside and out. Hope is not just a feeling that things will be better - it is a tangible tool to motivate and guide us through the frustrations that accompany pain into positive actions that can make our lives better now and in the future. Without hope, our spirits wither. With hope, as with the Creator, all things are possible! more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office November 04, 2007


From "Healthy Horizons," by Dr. Mark Prather: Everyone knows that stress can cause you to grow old faster. However, it was not until recently that scientists identified a direct link between aging and stress. There has always been evidence showing that psychological stress can result in increased physical deterioration and risk of disease. However, a pioneer study has actually now revealed that this relationship stems from the fact that chronic stress speeds up the shriveling of the tips of the bundles of genes inside your cells. This shortens the life span of your cells and causes them to deteriorate. The main culprit in this process is an elevated level of stress hormones such as cortisol, which wreak havoc on your body. The virtually irreversible effects of aging cells are obvious: muscles weaken, skin wrinkles, eyesight and hearing fade, cognitive ability diminishes, and organs fail. Now think about the last time you werestressed outfor more than just a couple days or hours…Maybe it was a major project you undertook or change in responsibilities on your job. Maybe it was a family issue or challenge with your kids. Maybe financial responsibilities were pressing down on your mind…Whatever your last bout of stress was over, it’s amazing to think that those stress feelings actually cause your body to start falling apart, literally!While aging is a natural part of life and there is no way to truly reverse it, these scientific findings certainly underscore the importance of managing your stress life.When you feel the pressure levels around you rising, it’s not just a mental thing.Your body really is taking a beating and breaking down. It's all the more reason to... keep those stress levels down, especially when life’s circumstances heat up. more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office October 24, 2007

SLEEP TIPS (From Dr. Michael J. Breus., PhD

Dr. Michael J. Breus, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist and a Diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine. With a specialty in Sleep Disorders and Neuropsychological Testing, he is one of only 159 doctors in the world with his credentials and distinction.Dr. Breus is quickly becoming the widely recognized leader in the highly evolving field of sleep medicine. He is on the faculty of the Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine and has taught several courses on sleep disorders. He has provided editorial services for many medical and psychology peer-reviewed journals and has given more than 300 presentations to professionals and the public. You may have also seen him on television, including The Today Show, The View, CNN, CNN Business Traveler, Fox News, and The Early Show. In addition, Dr. Breus is also a husband and father of two who understands the need for real-life sleep solutions. His first book, GOOD NIGHT: The Sleep Doctor’s 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health (Dutton/Penguin, 2006), is a practical guide to getting better sleep. 5 TIPS TO HELP YOU SLEEP BETTER TONIGHT Turn down the lights.Bright lights signal the body to be awake and can derail your efforts to fall asleep at the right time. Start turning down lights about an hour before you go to bed—that includes computer screens. Replace bright light bulbs with 45-watt bulbs. If you read, use a book light. Prepare your room.People tend to sleep better in dark, cool places (optimal temp seems to be between 68-72 degrees). Make sure your draperies block out as much light as possible. Turn bright digital alarm clocks away from your face. Make sure your bed linens and pajamas aren’t too warm. Try aromatherapy.Lavender, vanilla, cedar wood, orange flower, and chamomile have shown promise as sleep enhancers. Use a pillow mist with these ingredients to mist your linens and pillow, or use a room fragrance diffuser like Scentport™. This will also train your body to slow down and fall asleep with certain fragrances. Take a warm bath.This heats up your body’s core temperature; when you get out, your body begins to cool. This mimics the body’s natural cooling as it falls asleep and can help you naturally ease into sleep. Maximize the benefits by adding sleep-inducing aromatherapy products to your bath. Eat (and drink) right.Caffeine and alcohol can keep you awake or keep you from getting deep sleep. However, some foods can help you fall asleep. For instance, milk contains L-tryptophan, which has been shown to help people sleep. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: HOW DO I KNOW IF I AM GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP? A: Ask yourself whether or not you feel sleepy during the day. If you find yourself falling asleep during the day, you probably need to sleep more at night. Other sure signs are if you fall asleep “anywhere” or “before your head hits the pillow.” Q: HOW MUCH SLEEP DO I NEED? A: Sleep requirements vary by individual and by factors, including age. The average adult needs anywhere from 7 to 8-1/2 hours. If you feel rested and restored after 6.5 hours, feel lucky - you’re one of those people who doesn’t need as much sleep as others. Q: IT ALWAYS TAKES ME ABOUT 20 MINUTES TO FALL ASLEEP. DO I HAVE INSOMNIA? A: Most people take between 15-20 minutes to fall asleep. If you occasionally take longer than 20 minutes, that’s normal. Symptoms of insomnia include consistently taking longer than 20 minutes to fall asleep, waking in the middle of the night without being able to fall back asleep, and waking too early. Q: I FALL ASLEEP QUICKLY AND SLEEP 8+ HOURS BUT I’M STILL TIRED. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I NEED MORE SLEEP? A: You may just need better sleep. Do you sleep with someone else who disrupts your sleep? Do you sleep with a pet? Do they snore? Do you? Do you drink or take any over-the-counter medications before bedtime? Do you have a “dead pillow” or a lumpy mattress? Do children wake you throughout the night? Is your room a good sleep environment? These things may be robbing you of the deep sleep you need. If your environment isn’t keeping you from getting deep, restful sleep, you may have a sleep disorder. Speak with your physician and discuss your symptoms. An experienced sleep specialist may be able to help you feel dramatically better in just a few nights. Q: PHARMACEUTICALS OR AROMATHERAPY? A: It depends. Aromatherapy is a gentle way of coaxing your body toward sleep, and that may be all you need to get a good night’s rest. Most of the prescription sleep aids are in a class of medications known to “knock you out.” These will put you to sleep but can sometimes carry over as drowsiness the next day. I’m more wary of over-the-counter sleep aids that use Diphenhydramine HCl or Doxylamine Succinate. There is no clear evidence that these types of drugs can help you fall asleep, but we do know they can keep your body from moving into the deeper restorative level of sleep. So you sleep, but don’t get fully rested. Start small and simple. Try aromatherapy and some of the tips from this page and my book. If you are still having difficulties sleeping, talk with your doctor. Q: I WAKE UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND CAN’T FALL BACK TO SLEEP. ANY IDEAS THAT WOULD HELP? A: Relaxing imagery or thoughts may help induce sleep. However, if you do not fall back to sleep within 15-20 minutes, you should get out of bed, go to another room and engage in a relaxing activity such as listening to music or reading. Avoid watching the clock or stressing out about not sleeping.          = more

By Malones Kim Massage Therapy Office September 22, 2007

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Hypnosis is a powerful and uplifting experience. Hypnosis works quickly and easily for any emotional, psychological and physical issue. Hypnosis can assist in weight loss, smoking cessation, work motivation fears, pain and so much more. If you are seeking an educated, experienced and caring practitioner than schedule an appointment today! more

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