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Spartanburg County Solicitors Office



Rick you said that if ever we needed you that you would help us, you know that Olin is not guilty of what this sheriff has accused him of certainly not meth or crack, he smokes cigarettes as you do know and he drinks, everyone knows this and I am the reason he is not taking lortab 10's any more because I caught him trying to kill himself by drinking to much and taking 5 and 6 of these pills at one time, and I took them away from him and I crushed them up and I threw them down the commode, I do not care if no one believe's me or not, but this sheriff is on a witch hunt, and is causing harm to people including myself, Olibn is drawing a social security disabilty check and its only enough to pay our bills, and then we have nothing left, I have always been honest with you, you said if there was anything that you could do to help us that you would, well now I am asking for your help here. Please. Mary Ellen Cobb,, 1-864-206-4178 more

Spartanburg County Solicitors Office



you told us once that you were sorry for what your men done to us down on Ross St. Well now, I am being blamed for something that I have not never done, and I need your help to prove that I am innocent, I am getting my wife to do this cause I cannot read like you all think, please listen to me, I was gettting lortab's10's from my doctor but my wife she caught me drinking one day somewhat to much and taking 45and 6 of those things at one time on top of drinking and she took them away from me, and she raushed them all up and she threw them down the toilet, and she did that every time she found out I had any, and she crawled that doctor who gave them to me too! But that did no good, but I was not selling none, and the sheriff paid $ 40.00 dollars to a boy named woogie to come into our home and was fixed with a camera and sound and a whole pocket filled full of these lortab's and he asked my wife to give him a tylenol cause he had a headache and so she told me to hand him the tylenol bottle and to allow him a couple of those, well I handed him that only to find him holding up a lortab pill in his hand above his hat and then my wife she got her ri9fle and she run this boy out of our house, and he has never came back here no more, now its being said that woogie told the sheriff that I bought them but I swear I never did! Rick you know we always told you where there were drugs at and who had them if we knew, we did your son the same way, and we gave him tag numbers and everything, yet still this sheriff thinks I have been selling these things and worse making meth and crack which I know that you know I ain't never in my whole life done. My wife Mary Ellen Cobb she has polio now and is wheelchair bound and right now she is scared to death that I am going to a prison, And she will be thrown out of her home because I draw disabilty and am supposed to be taking care of her , she will lose everything! And have nothing left, all she do0es is cry and worry now, this is killing her, we have to be back into the court house on Monday, please can you not help us now? POlease tell them you know that I would not be doing this that they have accused me of we have to come before a judge cole, and I am terrified because a grand jury says I am guilty and we never knew nothing about tjhat either,. and how god wish that you had of been sheriff and not this man on a witch hunt, the state is working on closing this jail and people are taking up a petition to have the sheriff fired from his office please rick will you take over at least we kniow that you are an honest man. Please talk to us and help us, please don't turn your bnack on us and let me go to prison for something I never done, can you not talk up us now? more

Spartanburg County Solicitors Office




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