Best Businesses in Langley, SC
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About Langley, SC

Langley is located in Aiken County, South Carolina, in the Augusta metro area. Major attractions within minutes away are Colonial Times, a living history park and the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, which features workshops, classes, exhibits and special events. Each year in October, the Sweet Potato Festival is held here. Businesses in Langley include A to Z Color Photography and Hatcher Funeral Home & Cremation Service. One of the best places to visit when you are in Langley is the nearby, 731-acre Hamilton Branch State Recreation Area, located on 70,000-acre Strom Thurmond Lake and with ramps, picnicking and biking and hiking trails.

Best Businesses in Langley, SC

Recent Reviews View all

Resurrection Financial



Years ago, Resurrection Financial, Inc. was able to get my daycare business and building refinanced when every other lending entity turned me down and did not want to deal with me. The process was not easy and it took a while to close. I even clashed with the president of the company a couple of times in my hurry to get the transaction closed. However, in the end, they were able to get the job done and I'm glad that I chose them. more

Resurrection Financial



The firm closed my complicated and difficult deals with tenacity and professionalism. I am an attorney in Michigan and Resurrection Financial, Inc. and its President, Lurton Lipscomb, Jr. closed my family's apartment building deal and three other small transactions successfully. I am very happy with their performance and continue to do business with them today. I highly recommend the firm. By: Attorney Wallace Parker more

Resurrection Financial


By klelu

I'm sorry for your loss. And I understand that you needed the money. I have gone through challenging health issues myself and I'm still working to pay them all off. We almost had to file bankruptcy but we're still hanging on. And I admit that we wished that our deal would close and get us out of our messes. But one thing I kept reminding myself was that it was our situation that we allowed ourselves to be in, not Resurrection Financial's. Resurrection Financial is led by an incredible man. He works insane hours trying to pull deals together for people all over the country with a variety of methods to help people get to their goals. Admittedly, when it's you waiting for your goal to be realized, every day seems like an eternity. But Mr. Lipscomb does not let up until he reaches the goal. And if one opportunity slips away, he's right back out there looking for another way to get you where you want to go. I truly believe that Resurrection Financial has amazing opportunities for people of all backgrounds and circumstances. But patience and trust is needed in ventures like these. And Mr. Lipscomb is someone that is dedicated, determined, knowledgeable, and capable. I'm looking forward to closing at least one deal with Mr. Lipscomb before this year is over. And then continuing on with further deals next year. I'd hope that anyone reading this recent review would realize that there was obviously a lot to cope with in this person's life, which obviously comes with an extreme amount of stress. But the fact that a deal was closed and it was great should speak volumes on it's own. And hopefully, my opinion of Resurrection Financial and Mr. Lipscomb will help anyone that may be reading this to feel confident in the talents and abilities of both the company and the gentleman leading that company as well. more