Top articles for Communications & Media

How Does Media in the Courtroom Affect a Person?

How Does Media in the Courtroom Affect a Person?

Media's presence in the courtroom is a hotly debated topic. Arguments revolve around protecting the privacy rights of plaintiffs and defendants. Additional discussions focus on whether lawyers, judges and jurors might alter their behaviors and judegements when under such close observation by the public. more

Challenges of Media Management

Challenges of Media Management

Today people oftentimes receive their news in a different way than they ever did in the past.  This is because news is available almost instantaneously online.  While this is great for convenience, it has unfortunately caused some challenges in the way of media management. more

Communication, Media Studies and Information Technology

Communication, Media Studies and Information Technology

The media plays a very big role in today's information seeking world. With our current technology, people are able to learn what is happening in other countries by watching global new broadcasts and live streaming video. Communicating with friends is just as simple; using cell phones and computers, we have the ability to exchange information at will. more

Types of Jobs in Media

Types of Jobs in Media

Working in the media can be a very fun occupation. You’ll be part of a team that’s responsible for presenting the news to an audience. The hours can be very odd however, most people work early mornings or late nights. Many universities offer degrees to help you get a job in the media business. more

How Does The Media Affect Teachers

How Does The Media Affect Teachers

Television can be a political ally or dangerous weapon.  With education, the media has a great deal of influence.  Whether a teacher is involved with early childhood, middle school, high school or college, media effects students and how they view education and learning. more

Types of Media Advertising

Types of Media Advertising

Advertising is something that companies use to promote their product or service. It is very effective and with the latest technology, images are clearer. Large companies have a larger advertising budget and therefore, they can choose the best ways to advertise. There are several different types of media advertising. more

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