Top articles for Advertising

How Can I Get Started in Profitable Taxi Cab Advertising?

How Can I Get Started in Profitable Taxi Cab Advertising?

People often talk about ways to make extra money, particularly in trying economic times. Everyone is interested in ways to bring more income into the household. What about saving your for your children's college tuitions and your retirement? One sure-fire way to make money is to help other people make money. (Loud whistle) TAX-XI! more

Free Advertising Sites That Allow you to Post Widgets

Free Advertising Sites That Allow you to Post Widgets

The Internet opened a whole new realm of possibilities for reaching people worldwide. Such a wide reach of communication would not have been possible prior to the advent of the internet. And, with the Internet's greater reach comes additional advertising possibilities for businesses trying to reach new clients. more

How Effective Is Advertising on Facebook?

How Effective Is Advertising on Facebook?

Social media advertising can be a lucrative advancement in a business. As with all advertising, there are advantages and disadvantages. The effectiveness of any advertising campaign depends on many things. Advertising on a social media network website mainly depends on how many people click on and view the ad. more

How to Complain Concerning Radio Advertising

How to Complain Concerning Radio Advertising

Have you listened to the radio advertisements on the air?  It is dumbfounding the amount cuss words and innuendos that are casually mentioned or focused on in radio ads.  The ads want to get the listeners attention, and these slang terms or vulgar language stands out quickly.  If you want to complain about advertisement on the radio, simply make a call, write a letter or an email. more

Ten Ways to Turn Word of Mouth Advertising Into Sales

Ten Ways to Turn Word of Mouth Advertising Into Sales

Satisfied customers want to share their experiences with family and friends. This creates an opportunity for a business to create word of mouth advertising. The average happy patron tells five people about the positive experience and a dissatisfied customer tells ten people. This is exactly why connecting with customers and making sure they have a positive experience is crucial. more

How to Set Online Advertising Costs

How to Set Online Advertising Costs

Selling advertising space on your website or blog can be a lucrative move, but deciding on what to charge can be very confusing.  The secret to setting an appropriate rate is determining certain key factors on your website.  Here is what to look for that will help you to set online advertising cost. more

Facebook Advertising Tips

Facebook Advertising Tips

Almost everyone has heard of Facebook, even people that do not use the internet. Facebook serves millions of people. You have probably seen the ads yourself, located on the right-hand side of your page after you login. Advertising on Facebook is a great way to get exposure for your business. You can choose options that will allow you to reach the customers that need your product or service. It's affordable and easy to set up. more

How to Create an Advertising Package

How to Create an Advertising Package

You and the charity organization that you work for are throwing a community event. You have set up the committees and everyone is working like gangbusters. The speakers are coming, the registration has been taken care of, and everything seems to be in its proper place. Your assistant comes up with an idea. How about selling ad space? more

Negative Things About Web Page Advertising

Negative Things About Web Page Advertising

Negative things about web page advertising include elements that are either irrelevant to the page content or cause frustration to the website visitor. Offensive or repulsive advertising images can diminish the chances that a website visitor will stay on the page or click on the advertising link. more

How to Make Money Designing Web Page Advertising

How to Make Money Designing Web Page Advertising

As designing web page advertising requires a combination of graphic design and marketing skill, it is a service that can be offered to businesses and individuals. Web page advertisements that need to be designed include banner ads, rectangle-shaped ads, moving graphic designs and full-page sized background specials. more

Creative Advertising Ideas and Techniques

Creative Advertising Ideas and Techniques

Businesses need customers, both new customers and repeat customers.  There are many ways you can advertise to bring in new customers, as well as remind current customers to come back again.  Advertising techniques have changed over the past few years.  Take advantage of new technologies with your advertising campaign and maximize on traditional techniques to creatively attract customers. more

How to Design an Advertising Campaign

How to Design an Advertising Campaign

Advertising has become a necessary component for businesses to expand their presence and increase their customer base. Consumers are constantly bombarded with advertising campaigns, so much so they have become less likely to take notice. So now a company must design an effective advertising campaign that will reach the right audience in the right way. more

The Best Internet Advertising Strategy

The Best Internet Advertising Strategy

Years ago, most businesses would advertise in the newspaper or with a person wearing a sandwich board. Over the past few years, technology has improved so much that the Internet can be the main source of advertising for a business. Not only that, but Internet advertising can also be more cost effective than classic advertising campaigns. more

How to Spot False Advertising

How to Spot False Advertising

Not all businesses are truthful in their advertisements. Many will false advertise just to get customers into their location. Most will retract what the customer saw in the ad, explaining it as a mistake. However, their main purpose was to lure the customer into their establishment, just to make any sale. more

About Facebook Advertising

About Facebook Advertising

Facebook isn’t just for teenagers and college students; over the years this social networking site has turned into a giant portal for adults and their businesses. Whether you are an author using your Facebook page to promote your work, or a dog grooming business posting special coupons, there are a few things you should know about Facebook advertising. more

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Best Story

My Best Story Is when I told my mother(the woman that raised me for 21 years) that when I get my own business, that she won't have to struggle ever again in life.Even without my father,being in my life,I learned how to be a responsible young man and to take care of my wife and 4 children that I teach my son that the sky is the limit and that if you put your mind into something than nothing can stop you. more

By Cuddle Bear Fashions December 11, 2007

People of success

   Hi, my name is Kenneth L Little Jr., my wife and I are the founders of People of and Cuddle Bear Fashions. This has been a journey for us and now since we have the knowlege of marketing and traffic,we now know how to be successful. Remember this, " the race isn't given to the swift nor the strong but, who can endure to the end.' The power comes from the tungue, you can speak life or death." So be careful on what you say and do. more

By Cuddle Bear Fashions December 10, 2007

Where do you need Advertising Agencies ?