There has been so much coverage on the death of Michael Jackson over the past month. Some have said this is the biggest news story to hit the media since the death of ElvisPresley. I personally have never owned one of Michael's CDs, but I can recognize anindividual who has absolutely maximized one or more of their talents. When it came to hiscareer in thearena of music and video, Michael was a master producer, dancer andvocalist, he always went the extra mile with his money making skills. The event of Michael Jackson's death got me to thinking, -Should I need to departfrom this earth today, would I leave knowing that I maximized all of my potential?I've always thought, if we are going to do something eight or more hours a day, onewould think by now, we should be pretty darn good at it. But in reality, how many of us trulytake our skill sets, really study them and say–reality is, I'm not at the top of my game- •How many students study insufficiently, because they only study when they "feel" like it?•How many students are aware they're having trouble with a lesson, but never ask forhelp?•How many students needing a job, only spend an hour or so a day doing on-line jobsearches?Whether it's career skills, job hunting skills, parenting skills or marriage skills, if you arenot at the top of your game, change your game plan. Do what you need to do, to be themost marketable employee, best job hunter, best parent and best spouse humanlypossible."Perfecting ones game" would mean analyzing our skills, understanding where we areweak, tweaking where needed by all necessary means, and then performing! Duringeconomic times like we are living now we owe it to ourselves, our family and ourcommunity to rise above the status quo and take our lives to the next level of excellence. more