Top Private Schools in Philadelphia, PA 19140

More than just daycare, The Goddard School located in Philadelphia I offers a child care program that nurtures a lifelong love of learning by providing dedicated teachers in a private preschool set...Read More…
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Spruce Hill Christian School/City Center Academy


By Denise Henry

My children have been a part of this school for six years, and we love it! The teachers and staff truly exemplify Christian love and committment in every aspect of school life. They really love and care for the children by helping them to reach their academic potential while instilling godly character. My three children have all excelled academically and grown spiritually under the fine academic teaching from a Christian worldview. We are very pleased to be a part of the Spruce Hill Christian School family! more

Spruce Hill Christian School/City Center Academy


By Katjya Pollard

My son has attended Spruce Hill Christian School since 3rd grade. He's going to 6th grade next year. The atmosphere has helped him developmentally. Spruce Hill has a very loving environment and your child will be challenged academically. The teachers are GREAT and they really have a genuine concern for my son!!! If your child is lacking in a subject, all resources are onsite to help them in all of their major subjects if need be, in addition to their basic academics. You cannot go wrong sending your child to SHCS. They will receive a very good education while learning about Jesus Christ!!! more

Spruce Hill Christian School/City Center Academy


By Alicia

My daughter has been at Spruce Hill Christian School since the 3rd grade and will be graduating 8th grade this year. Prior to my daughter reaching the third grade, she attended 4 other schools (2 privates and 2 charters). I guess you can say that I am not an easy parent to please; However, I am very pleased with my daughter's educational career at Spruce Hill Christian School. My main concerns was having my daughter in a school that is academically challenging, supportive, and safe. Spruce Hill has challenged my daughter in multiple ways: academically, spiritually, and socially. The one thing that I must admit that I appreciate the most from this school is their supportive staff and faculty. In all areas that my daughter was challenged, she was given the support needed to meet all of those challenges! I am very pleased with the young woman that my daughter has become, thanks to her extended family at Spruce Hill Christian School. more

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Have I maximized all of my talents and skills?

There has been so much coverage on the death of Michael Jackson over the past month. Some have said this is the biggest news story to hit the media since the death of ElvisPresley. I personally have never owned one of Michael's CDs, but I can recognize anindividual who has absolutely maximized one or more of their talents. When it came to hiscareer in thearena of music and video, Michael was a master producer, dancer andvocalist, he always went the extra mile with his money making skills.  The event of Michael Jackson's death got me to thinking, -Should I need to departfrom this earth today, would I leave knowing that I maximized all of my potential?I've always thought, if we are going to do something eight or more hours a day, onewould think by now, we should be pretty darn good at it. But in reality, how many of us trulytake our skill sets, really study them and say–reality is, I'm not at the top of my game- •How many students study insufficiently, because they only study when they "feel" like it?•How many students are aware they're having trouble with a lesson, but never ask forhelp?•How many students needing a job, only spend an hour or so a day doing on-line jobsearches?Whether it's career skills, job hunting skills, parenting skills or marriage skills, if you arenot at the top of your game, change your game plan. Do what you need to do, to be themost marketable employee, best job hunter, best parent and best spouse humanlypossible."Perfecting ones game" would mean analyzing our skills, understanding where we areweak, tweaking where needed by all necessary means, and then performing! Duringeconomic times like we are living now we owe it to ourselves, our family and ourcommunity to rise above the status quo and take our lives to the next level of excellence. more

By NCIT Academy August 07, 2009

What real, proven skills do you possess?

 As the unemployment situation worsens, and there are more individualsthan ever before applying for the samejob as you, what true, proven skills do youbring to the table, via your resume?? This is a question that would leave most insilence trying to gather their thoughts to see if there are in fact anyproven skillson their resume. They're not called proven for nothing. Proof, as with anything else,would imply there is evidence to support the claim. Employment days like we areexperiencing now are when we really need the proof to rise above all other candidates.  Some advice for your job search:1- If you say you know Microsoft, computer repair or Cisco, let's see the proof on your resumeby way of a Microsoft, ComptTIA or Cisco logo. If you know the technology or thesoftware, there is no reason not to test and achieve certification and legal use of the abovementioned logos.2- If your contribution to a company has allowed high customer retention, improved salesnumbers or some other notable contributions,document, document, document, and placethose numbers on your resume as an achievement while with that company 3- If your contribution to a company has allowed others higher up to take notice of you andbrought about a promotion, make sure such promotions are clearly noted in your resumeAs one moseys on down the path of their career, one achieves milestones, we learn thingswe never knew before and these knowledge's should be clearly documented and ondisplay in our resumes. Numbers, statistics, true facts are what you want to go with onyour resume. As I have shared with all of you at one time or another, I'm all for enhancing,but totally against outright lying.Usually the folks whose resumes have that hard evidence on it are the folks that always gothe extra mile no matter what they're doing. Think about that thought and see where youlie amongst the two groups of employees,the ones that go the extra mile or the ones thatmeet each day with the status quo.Hoping you're creating a prosperous New Year! more

By NCIT Academy August 07, 2009

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