Best Businesses in New Eagle, PA
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About New Eagle, PA

New Eagle is a part of the Pittsburgh metro area of Pennsylvania known for its beautiful scenery and charming atmosphere. Nearby attractions include the Duncan & Miller Glass Museum and the McDonald Trail Station & Meeting House. Visitors enjoy touring the local landscape which includes numerous covered bridges. Among the biggest companies in New Eagle are All Occasion DVD Memories and Miller Insurance Services. The biggest schools here are the Washington County Public Schools. One of the best places to visit when you are in New Eagle is nearby Meadowcroft Rockshelter & Museum, home to one of the oldest known settlements of North America. Famous persons from New Eagle include legendary NFL quarterback Joe Montana.

Best Businesses in New Eagle, PA

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Sleepy Hollow Motors


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Control Your Child’s Plate Size To Reduce Obesity Risk

It’s no secret that children today face a ton of health obstacles, but of primary concern today is the level of childhood obesity we’re seeing among our youth.  At present, as many as one in five US children are obese and face health complications as a result of their inability to maintain optimum weight levels. Given the state of childhood obesity in our country today, we may just be looking at an epidemic.  Armed with this information, the question we must ask ourselves is this:  Is there a single “fix” we as adults and parents can make to positively impact and reduce the rate of childhood obesity in the US?As you might guess, there are many such solutions we can implement.  However, a recent studyin the journalPediatricshas a really simple approach we can all follow:give kids smaller plates.Smaller Plate Size Impacts Children’s Food Quantity ChoicesThe study referenced above is quite simple – children were split into two groups with half of them given adult sized plates and the other, half kid sized plates. When allowed to serve themselves from a selection of foods, the kids with the bigger plates took more food than those with smaller plates.  Though this seems like a bit of a no-brainer exercise, the study also proved that the kids with smaller plates reported feeling satisfied with their initial serving, despite it being smaller than those kids who selected larger portions.So what can we take away from this food portion size study?Well, for one thing there may be a bit of portion distortion going on here in the US where serving sizes are concerned.  This isn’t  really news, but many of us go about our daily lives paying little attention to the amount of food we select or are served for an initial meal during the day.  Value meals at fast food restaurants are given “upsize” suggestions by servers or order takers while at home many dinner plates are the size of large competition sized Frisbees.This begs the question, have our portion sizes or plate sizes grown over the years?The short answer is yes.A study of thehistory of food portion sizesperformed back in 2002 by the American Journal of Public Health shows marked increases of US food portion sizes over the years.   Researchers collected information about what were current portions in 2002 from manufacturers or from direct weighing, as well as information about past portions from manufacturers or contemporary publications.The results of the study show that marketplace food portions have increased in size and exceeded federal standards. Portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, rose sharply in the 1980s, and have continued in parallel with increasing body weights.Interestingly, the study also shows that food portion sizes in the US compared to European countries were larger.   So What Can We Do To Help Kids Understand The Importance of Portion Control?The easiest way is to do as the initial study suggests and decrease the size of plates kids use at mealtime.  This will directly reduce the amounts they consume at a sitting.  However, keep in mind that when consuming less food at mealtime, you will want to encourage your children to eat healthy snacks during other times of the day (like a few hours after breakfast and after lunch) so that they maintain healthy metabolisms.Once you have food plate size under control, consider helping your kids make healthier selections at mealtime.  One way to help kids visually manage portion sizes is to use the handy food plate graphic  As you can see, the colorful divided plate shows you sections for vegetables, fruits, grains, and foods high in protein.Don’t expect the changes you make with reducing your child’s food plate size to take effect immediately.  You’re likely going to have to engage in more than one conversation about why you’re making the change, and it’ll help if you serve as an example by reducing your own plate size as well. Contact me for other family oriented ideas.  Please take advantage of saving money in all areas and get a free 3 day vacation for checking it out: more

By October 27, 2013

5 Easy Ways to Save Money While Dining Out

Chances are that somewhere near you is a favorite dining spot you like to frequent or maybe there’s a new hip restaurant that just opened up you’re looking forward to trying. While there are times that you might not mind paying full price for a special night out, you should know that there are some easy ways of using a restaurant’s own promotional avenues to save money.5 Easy Ways To Save Money While Dining Out Join the Lunch Bunch. If you’re a corporate big wig or you work in a downtown metro area, you are likely already familiar with the variation in pricing between lunch and dinner at your favorite dining spot.  Typically, lunch time menus are cheaper than dinner options by as much as 25 percent.  The cool thing is that because the lunch menu is similar to the dinner version, with the only difference being portion size, you don’t have to feel like you’re missing out. If it fits into your schedule to dine at lunch it can save you a good amount of money.Dine Like a Bar Fly. These days I find that the bar scene at some of the nicer restaurants makes for a great option for great value.    Ask for a bar menu, and you’ll  likely be greeted with pricing options that are a good deal cheaper than the regular menu. Enjoying your meal at the bar is a great option if you’re dining by yourself or with some casual friends.  Depending on the venue, it might make for a quaint or secluded dining option for a date as well.Your Answer Lies in the Cards.  Mid-tier restaurants and even some of the finer dining establishments are becoming very well acquainted with customer card loyalty programs.  Especially during slower economic and consumer spending periods, these places turn to discount or loyalty cards as a means of keeping a steady flow of customers heading through the door. In some cases, restaurants that operate multiple locations even discount their gift cards as a way to lower their menu prices. Keep an eye out for offers like a $100 gift card discounted to $75.  Such offers are especially popular if you live in or are visiting areas with high tourism activity.Get social with it.Follow your favorite restaurant’s Facebook page or Twitter feed, and you’ll likely come across some great deals or savings options. Many restaurants and eateries today post exclusive “social media” deals and coupons, so be sure to check your feeds before heading out to dinner.Use Coupons. Clipping coupons for dinner out might seem strange, but with the advent of web-based coupons and saving sites like Groupon, the practice is becoming quite popular. Spend some time looking online for savings options on these sites, and you might just have enough room in your dinner budget for an upgrade on your cocktails or bit of dancing afterwards!What Are Some Of Your Money Saving Suggestions for Dining Out?I’m sure you have your own tips on how to save money when dining out.  Please share them with us here so that we can all benefit!Contact me:  Please take advantage of saving money in all areas and get a free 3 day vacation for checking it out: more

By October 26, 2013