Top Shopping and Errand Services in Portland, OR 97212

Andrew is an extremely awesome soul to be around. I can’t wait to go back to him and purchase more of his LIFE CHANGING services! Thank You Andrew and team! I look forward to seeing y...Read More…
Our Companions accompany the elderly and disabled for any social or medical occasion. We are not a transportation type company. What is important is that we stay with our clients to ensure their sa...Read More…

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Haus Of Style Image Consulting


By Miranda Jimenez 1

Andrew is an extremely awesome soul to be around. I can’t wait to go back to him and purchase more of his LIFE CHANGING services! Thank You Andrew and team! I look forward to seeing you all again! more

Haus Of Style Image Consulting


By Amer Icic

Andrew is very personable, easy to work with, and a true Image professional. He is a wealth of knowledge. \n\nI immediately began seeing a positive response at work after just one session with Andrew! I highly recommend Andrew for you personal branding needs. more

Haus Of Style Image Consulting


By Jane Tobin

I recommend these folks because we all need help in areas that are based on societal standards of an image. This is an amazing company! I love what they do because 60 % of language is visual and being one of the first ways we sense. Psychologist recommends this not just for people but for companies that are also doing extremely well. Their vision helps our vision! These folks understand that our fire is what we see so we can be courageous! They change lives!!!! :) more

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Meet Andrew Castilleja

Hello Everyone! My name is Andrew Castilleja, I am 29 years young, currently living in Portland, OR. Considering, this is my first article on LinkedIn, and I thought "What better way to kick off my weekly Fashion & Image Articles than to write an introductory article about myself!?" I am a recent graduate of the Fashion Stylist Institute located in Sacramento, CA. While enrolled, I obtained two certifications. One as an Image Consultant (CIC) and another as a Color Consultant (CCC). After receiving my certifications, I opened a Certified Image Consulting Firm, Haus Of Style Image Consulting, in the Portland, Oregon area in September 2017. I possess membership to the Association of Image Consultants International (AICI), which is the leading and most significant professional association of personal and corporate image consultants worldwide. I am the current Founder, Director, Certified Image & Color Consultant for Haus Of Style Image Consulting (Haus Of Style Inc). I founded Haus Of Style Inc on the idea that everyone is beautiful regardless of your skin color, weight, height, financial rank, or social class. I believe expressing yourself through fashion is everyone’s right, not a privilege for the rich and famous. I go to work every day because I want to help change peoples lives! Society has placed such a high standard on appearance, and nowadays people get made fun of at school or shunned at work because they do not look how society would prefer them to appear. These types of situations are never okay because good people can become emotionally scarred by having to endure this kind of abuse. Why is why I started my own Image Consulting Firm. My goal is to one-day be recognized internationally as a Certified Image Master, and I plans to turn Haus Of Style, Inc into a GLOBAL brand! I possess over a decade of fashion knowledge and styling experience from some of the most prominent brands currently in retail. A few of these companies include Abercrombie & Fitch, H&M, Forever 21, and Guess, Inc. While employed by these companies, I have helped men and women achieve their professional goals through personal branding, business etiquette, & executive presence. During my retail career, I have been recognized by multiple employers for delivering record-breaking results as well as offering an unparalleled customer service experience. My abilities to handle situations that arise in the workplace with confidence, poise, and patience while working efficiently with my team has allowed me to exceed company standards and expectations continually. I would love to make connections that will enable me to grow my consulting, management, sales, customer service, and image consulting skills. I will be posting fashion tips of the week, blog posts, and articles relating to fashion and image on LinkedIn weekly. If even one of you reads and uses my advice which in-turn helps you personally or professionally, then I achieved what I set out to do. Feel free to check my fashion blog on my companies website weekly to catch some exciting posts and information. To learn more about me as a Certified Image Consultant, you can visit my online directory listings below: Fashion Stylist Institute: Thank you, everyone, for reading. Sincerely, Andrew Castilleja, CIC, CCC, CMIC more

By Haus Of Style Image Consulting May 30, 2019

You're an Image Consultant? what's that?

Ever since starting in the Image Consulting Industry, not one day has passed where I have not been asked: “What’s an image consultant, or what exactly does your job entail?” In hopes to tone down the number of times I am asked this, I wanted to share what image is, why image is essential, and what an image consultant does. I hope you enjoy the read! In today’s society, more and more people are becoming the conscience of their image and appearance. Parade magazine published the results of a national survey of men and women aged 18 to 75 that found 84 percent disagreed with the statement “When you become older, looks are no longer important.” However, while physical appearance is a big part of an image, there is more to an image than just looks. To understand that there is more to an image than looks, we must first understand what exactly image is. Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines the image as a “mental conception” of a person or organization. More simply put, an image is a belief we as individuals have towards someone or something. Our beliefs stem from meeting someone new, as well as the reputation of a business or individual that has developed over time. Our impression about another individual may be based on how they look, talk, or behave. The overall image of a person may consist of a variety of factors such as clothing, grooming, body language, vocabulary, facial expressions, eye contact, and social interaction/behaviors (also known as etiquette). Just as individuals have an image, businesses do as well. There are many factors involved when developing a company’s image. For example, we may start to form impressions and opinions about a particular business or organization when visiting their brick and mortar location or speak with a customer service representative. However, why exactly does image matter? Why does image matter? Our image is critical because we often make assumptions about others based on limited information. The book Social Psychology written by Andrew Michener, John D. Delamater, and Daniel J. Myers explains that when we observe a single characteristic or behavior in someone, we tend to assume that person has some other qualities as well. For example, a person may be perceived as confident merely because they have a firm handshake. They may be viewed as trustworthy because they make eye contact when talking to others. They may be judged as capable, professional, successful – even wealthy and intelligent – because they are well dressed. The reverse is also true. Now that you know what image is and why it matters, we will move-on to image in the corporate world. For corporations and small businesses, their image can affect the financial bottom line. Fortune magazine’s annual rankings of most admired companies have found a correlation between a companies reputation and its profits. To no surprise, the most respected companies on the list had higher financial returns than the companies that were least admired. Below is a list of benefits for businesses that have an excellent reputation: Increasing market share Lowering market costs Greater employee alignment and productivity Being able to attract and retain talent Being able to draw investors Gain more favorable media coverage If a company or business does not have as good of a reputation that it could have, they may be losing out on some of the benefits that are listed above. As you might have already guessed, a poor self-image can be costly and painful! Both individuals and companies can experience tremendous profits by improving their image. This is precisely why more and more people are turning to professional image consultants for help! An image consultant is professional who advises individuals and corporations about their image. However, what does an Image Consultant do correctly? According to AICI (The Association of Image Consultants International) which is the world most prestigious organization for personal and professional image consultants, says “An Image Consultant specializes in visual appearance, verbal and non-verbal communication.” AICI goes on further explain by stating “An Image Consultant counsels individuals and corporate clients on appearance, behavior, and communication skills through individual consultations, coaching, presentations, seminars, and workshops.” While consulting and coaching may seem similar, consulting involves giving advice about what to do, or doing something for a client (e.g., organizing their closet, or personal shopping), while coaching involves teaching or working with a client while they learn a new skill. Many Image Consultants provide both consulting and coaching. Image consultants may also get hired by corporations or organizations to consult with individual staff members. For example, a business might hire an image consultant to help a newly promoted supervisor learn how to command respect and project executive presence through effective verbal and non-verbal communication; or to coach a senior executive on how to make a good impression during a television interview. Many corporations also hire image consultants to provide training programs to groups of staff members. Nowadays more, and more people are turning to Image Consultants to help better their professional career. When someone comments, “I don’t think I can hire an Image Consultant. They are expensive.” Yes, that is true but I think the better question you should be asking yourself is, “Can you afford not to hire one?” more

By Haus Of Style Image Consulting November 23, 2017

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