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Emergent Coaching Solutions


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Emergent Coaching Solutions

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What Life Coaching is About

    I originally began my Master's journey to fulfill the educational requirements for the military chaplaincy. As I got further into school I became aware of a brand new program that my University was beginning. My assistant dean of the school at that time visited with a handful of us students over lunch one afternoon and introduced us the theory of Life Coaching. I was immediately intrigued at his description and depiction of how life coaching can be beneficial to any leader in any circumstance. So I actively pursued the coaching module and I am thankful that I did. Life coaching to me is the missing link in my leadership training. So what exactly is life coaching? Well, according to the International Coach Federation; the world's largest coaching organization;"Professional Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life." Basically coaching is the art of partnering with others to help them achieve unusual results by approaching issues from a different perspective. Coaching is not consulting or mentoring where the expert is telling the client what to do and what will work. As a matter of fact one coaching principle is believing that the client is the expert of his/her own life and the coach is simply a catalyst for helping the client find his/her own solutions. Often times a person who is "stuck" finds new insights and perspectives from a fresh pair of eyes. The coach helps the client to see things differently and thereby often times find answers that were previously not noticeable. The coach is a change expert. The client is the expert of his/her own life, but without the coach's expertise the client may not have the resources necessary to make that change. A coach is trained in growth principles that will produce change and can be applied to a broad array of life situations. True life coaching is drawing out of the client what God has already placed within him/her. Ultimately, life coaching is about making leaders more effective, more influential and more aware of their talents and their purpose. If you would like to know more, you are always welcome to email me about how I can help you. My email   Inspiring change one life at a time, Chris Traffanstedt more

By Emergent Coaching Solutions August 29, 2010

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