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Don’t let drinking destroy your career | Alcoholism Powell, OH

Alcoholism is not plain black and white, while some may be destructive alcoholics openly and outwardly, there are yet others who actively keep their habits out of sight. These people can often function perfectly normal in society to the naked public eye. They will often hide behind their many accolades and successes. Highlighting things like their career progression, family success, items purchased and so forth, these people can effectively give us the “warm&fuzzy” causing us to look past their drinking habits that we may notice. Therapists relate to these people as high functioning alcoholics.Bosses or managers often look at job performance to evaluate if there is a problem, and more often than not, these more inward alcoholics can mask their problem and operate well in the workplace. The bosses and managers are often oblivious to the situation as it does not affect them directly. However the rest of us looking from the outside in, know that this can change overnight and their world can come crashing down with no warning, due to alcohol. Most often, it is only a matter time before nature begins to expose their habit and typically it will happen at the worst time. As the constant drinking goes on, they will not notice their memory lapses of simple tasks at first and more serious ones later. They may not notice their quick thinking is no longer as sharp, however others around them will. At that point there is a lot at risk besides the health of the individual but now that person’s family and the company they own or manage as well.People with alcohol abuse problems in this scenario are often presented with socially awkward situation and therefore they may not desire to seek advice or help. These people often have too much pride to deal with their problem openly. Perhaps once they admit to their problem they can take time off from their job and pursue an in-patient program. However they will fear that this decision will still affect them negatively because they will lose the perception they built with the company they work for. This can lead to a loss of confidence by investors, stock holders and fellow workers and because they are away for an extended period of time at an in-patient alcohol treatment program, preventing them from physically and verbally addressing these concerns in person. Another common instance is that these people often do actually consider Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, however they tend to slide away from the idea because they think that the meetings will not give them either to the confidentiality or the adequate support they need. This concern can be put to rest due to effective out-patient treatment programs for those who may feel there are no other options. Christian Alcohol Abuse Helpline in Powell, OH, is a proven, discrete treatment program that goes beyond reducing the desire to drink, but also guides their guests in creating a rubric towards acquiring the life you want to have both professionally and personally. more

By Christian Alcohol Abuse Helpline May 08, 2013

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