Top articles for Other Real Estate

How to Negotiate Bank Owned Real Estate

How to Negotiate Bank Owned Real Estate

Bank owned real estate is in huge supply these days; foreclosure rates continue to run high without an end to be seen in the immediate future. If you have the financial means to, picking up a foreclosed home is a great deal. You will typically get more house for less money simply because it is not in the bank's best interest to be sitting on property. more

How to Get Real Estate Listings

How to Get Real Estate Listings

Real estate agents can only base success on the number of sales closed in a year. There is no award or money given for effort. Effort must produce results. Prospecting for new clients, especially new homes to list, is a must. The number of real estate listings an agent has is closely tied to his/her income. more

Finding New Homes in Older Neighborhoods

Finding New Homes in Older Neighborhoods

In older neighborhoods you can easily find newer homes. For a lot of people this makes a great option; it allows you the charm and ambiance that a lot of newer neighborhoods lack with the innovation and solid construction of a new house. more

Recent Reviews View all

Riverside Village


By zm1971 at Citysearch

i have seen better roads in the contry side.pool has not operated in years .thay love to charge late fees for late fees that dont careful with them! more

Riverside Village


By bluezone at Citysearch

Hi guys,,, just wanted to say that the mobile home court looks like death warmed over now a days. Back in the day it was a very nice place. What happened? Is it true that all of the mobile homes are basicly condemed? That is a shame. The Catalina Mobile home park looks soooooo, much better. Oh my God! This is so truely not a very nice place to look at or even to drive through, yuck!!! Clean it up, or pack up and get the hell out of there you guys,,Really!!! I did have good *** over there on night though,. Wow! Take care all, just was wondering, that is all. I rated this at one star, but if there is a minus, that is what I really shoud of clicked,,, sorry!!! more

Riverside Village


By kittenkat58 at Citysearch

when I wrote the last comment, it was meant for the ones that owned it in 2003/2004..The lady that is managing the park now is really nice.She is working with me, to resolve the other peoples mess.she is trying to get it taken care of, so it will not be on my credit any more. it was a big mess, claiming we owed $$ when we didn't, i liked living there, but it was too far to drive to work every day. hope this all gets resolved very soon, it has now been over 4 years, time to clear everything, thanks for working with me, kittenkat58 more