Top articles for Plumbing, Heating, & Air

How to Unclog the Kitchen Sink and Pipes

How to Unclog the Kitchen Sink and Pipes

Kitchen sinks commonly get slowed down due to drains and clogs. A slow drain is much easier to work with than a clog. It's important to attend to any drain problems as soon as possible. As time goes by, sludge can harden. Once it has hardened in the pipes, it's almost impossible to clear. Hot water helps to loosen clogs up. more

Functions of Refrigeration Compressor Oil

Functions of Refrigeration Compressor Oil

A refrigerator compressor is the true heart of the refrigerator and its cycles. As a refrigerator runs its cycles a lubricant is needed in order to ensure that this process runs smoothly. That lubricant is typically oil-based. An oil-based lubricant allows the compressor to heat up, once heated up the compressor begins to defrost the refrigerator. more

Problems Faced Due to Drain Clogs

Problems Faced Due to Drain Clogs

You will soon know when your drains are clogged. The water drains slow or you hear a gurgling sound. That is when it is time to consider how to clean the drain out. Most likely, the problem is in the pipe itself, and you cannot see where the problem is. The first thing to suspect is the trap, which is an easy do-it-yourself job. more

How to Find Manuals for Refrigeration Walk-in Coolers

How to Find Manuals for Refrigeration Walk-in Coolers

Even the most reliable refrigeration equipment has been known to malfunction now and again. Having proper documentation on hand is essential to keep things running smoothly. Lost or damaged manuals should be replaced swiftly to avoid potential down times. Knowing where to locate replacement manuals can save you in both stress and wasted time. more

Which Copper to Use for Residential Plumbing

Which Copper to Use for Residential Plumbing

Copper tubing has been used for residential plumbing for numerous years, as it is a durable choice. While some newer homes are going with PVC pipes for plumbing because they are less expensive, many plumbers still prefer to use copper. There are three types of copper that are used for residential plumbing. more

Information About Clearing Drains

Information About Clearing Drains

Every homeowner and business owner knows how crucial it is to have a properly working drainage system. Whether a business or homeowner, it can be a problem to have a drain to backup into the bathroom or kitchen. Especially if the business is a restaurant with facilities available to the public for use. more

How to Use Drain Cleaners

How to Use Drain Cleaners

Drains often get clogged up with debris. This is where drain cleaners can be helpful. They are available in the form of gels, foams and crystals that will help to dissolve the debris that is blocking your drain so that water can flow freely again. Using these drain cleaners is a simple process but does depend upon the type of cleaner you are using. more

How to Make Sink Drain Cleaners

How to Make Sink Drain Cleaners

Clogged and foul smelling drains are a hassle to deal with. It can be costly to call the plumber for such a simple task, and store bought cleaners are not only expensive, but can do damage to your pipes overtime. Making an effective and pipe-friendly drain cleaner at home is a simple process that saves money and requires a few materials typically found at home. more

Products That Act as Drainage Solutions for the Yard

Products That Act as Drainage Solutions for the Yard

With summer right around the corner, now is the perfect time for homeowners to get their yards ready for the fall and winter months. One of the most important parts of getting a yard ready for the rainy season and snow is choosing the right products to ensure your yard will drain properly. You do not want your yard to fill up with water like a swimming pool after it has been raining or snowing for a few days. more

How to Fix Floor Drain Clogs

How to Fix Floor Drain Clogs

Clogs in your floor drains can be frustrating to come upon. And if there is standing water over the drain, it can be even worse. Sometimes it is best to call in a plumber, but that isn't the only option. There are a few things you can try first to unclog a blocked drain before making an expensive decision to call in a professional. more

Principles of Absorption Refrigeration

Principles of Absorption Refrigeration

Unlike a compressor refrigerator that has multiple moving parts and uses an HCFC or HFC refrigerant, an absorption refrigerator changes the gas back into a liquid using only heat and ammonia refrigerant.  An absorption refrigerator uses a heat  source such as solar, propane, or kerosene to provide the energy that drives the cooling system. more

How to Prevent Blocked Drains

How to Prevent Blocked Drains

A clogged drain is a nuisance to everyone in a household. They can make a day start out or a night end on the wrong foot. The water fills up in the sink or tub and just sits there. It is bothersome when you are taking a shower. It is easy to pick up the phone to call a plumber but it will cost you. The best thing to do is prevent the clogs in the first place. more

How to Start a Drain and Sewer Cleaning Company

How to Start a Drain and Sewer Cleaning Company

People who have dreamed of working for themselves might consider a drain and sewer cleaning company. This type of company is ideal for someone who prefers to not be stuck behind a desk all day. This type of company will require you to have the necessary training and skills completed. A drain and sewer cleaning company can be quite profitable, if you put the effort into it. more

What is Absorption Refrigeration?

What is Absorption Refrigeration?

Absorption refrigeration is the choice for any camping, outdoor or remote location where electricity is not available.  Basically, the unit uses a heat source to make energy, therefore driving the cooling system.   The refrigerators are a great alternative to the regular compressor type of refrigerator becoming very popular with the public and businesses that produce excess heat, for example turbine exhausts. more

How to Use a Manual Plumbing Snake

How to Use a Manual Plumbing Snake

A plumbing snake is the best tool to use for clear a blocked drain. The tool is simple to use but it can get pretty messy when using it. You will have to bathe and wash your clothes immediately after using it. This tool can save you hundreds of dollars that you would have spent calling a professional plumber. more