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Procter & Gamble Pet Care


By mary palmer at Citysearch

I just read about the horrific abuse that iams and their parent company procter and gamble are doing and have been doing all along to the dogs and cats they are supposed to be loveingly trying out their new products on! i just discovered it's all been a big LIE!!! and I am horrified to hear about all the horrible abuse the dogs and other animals they use for experiments are being made to endure at the hands of proctor and gamble and Iams.\t\nI always used to have a high regard for Iams but after hearing about the horrific abuse they and procter and gamble are really doing I am appalled that they would do such horrific things!!! They cut the vocal cords of the dogs so they can't make any noise and cut the ligaments in their legs so they can't walk and many other unspeakable things I can't mention. I'm just livid that a company that perports to be doing good for animals to the public would be doing just the opposite!! Tell me people what good are you thinking you're doing for these animals when you abuse them so horribly? What does any of doing that to a poor defenseless animal do to further your product? I abhore you at procter and gamble and hopefully someone will take you to jail where you belong and close down your companies so you can never do those horrible things again!! more

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