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New York Top Personal Injury Lawyer

Get the Top Personal Injury Lawyer to Handle Your Case Personal injury cases can change an individuals life significantly. Injury can effect your family, finances and of course overall health. Choosing a top personal injury lawyer is crucial in getting awarded the highest amount possible which the plaintiff deserves. Many accident victims are dependent and hopeful on the probable cash settlement to help play for lost income along with medical expenses. How to Identify a Top Personal Injury Lawyer •    A top personal injury lawyer specializes. An attorney who specializes in personal injury law will be best suited to accurately assess the merits of your case and formulate the best legal strategy for getting the compensation that is due to you. Lawyers who specialize also normally keep up with any updates on their areas of practice. It is harder for lawyers to stay informed if they split their time handling legal cases in a too many practice areas. •    A top personal injury lawyer has years of court experience. Inexperienced attorneys may be at a loss when negotiating with insurance companies and preparing and taking cases to trial when negotiations fall through. Getting a personal injury lawyer with a track record of successful negotiations and trials is vital. A well established personal injury lawyer will be able to efficiently initiate investigations, secure evidence, locate witnesses, file documents, and keep your case moving toward a favorable verdict. •    A top New York personal injury lawyer has access to a large amount of resources.  Personal injury cases can be expensive to prosecute. Proving damages requires sometimes requires the expensive services of neurologists, orthopedic specialists, engineers, economists, vocational rehab and life-care planners. Because most personal injury attorneys work for a contingency fee, it is essential for your lawyer to be well-financed in order to secure the services that aid in proving your claim. •    A top personal injury lawyer should be committed to your case.  You can get a lawyer who knows all the ins and outs of personal injury law, but it'd all be worthless if he or she does not believe in upholding your rights. You should seek a personal injury attorney who will keep you abreast of the development of your case; a true professional who is determined protect your interests. The legal process can be an excruciating ordeal and you will not be able to properly assess the merits of your case unless you speak with a top personal injury lawyer who can help you understand your legal rights. Aside from the traits mentioned above, make sure you feel comfortable conversing truthfully with your lawyer, because even the smallest detail – no matter how painful or embarrassing – may be crucial to your case. more

By Law Offices of Mark Weinberger January 18, 2010

New York Automobile Accident Lawyer – Mark E. Weinberger

Auto Accident Injury Lawyers Warn You of the Leading Cause of Death In the U.S., a leading cause of death is automobile accidents. The studies made by auto accident injury lawyers reveal that about 6,000,000 such accidents occur every year, resulting in almost 40,000 fatalities. It is estimated that one out of every five Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related automobile accident at least once in their lives. Auto Accident Injury Lawyers Show You Death in Numbers Statistics from the NHTSA (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration) show that every year approximately: •    3,000,000 people are injured in automobile accidents •    41,300 die •    40% of fatalities are alcohol related •    2,600 children under the age of 15 are killed •    7,500 of drivers involved in fatal crashes are aged 16-20 •    3,000 motorcyclists are killed •    4,700 pedestrians are killed •    63% of fatalities are due to the improper use of seatbelts Year after year, these alarming figures seem to do nothing to teach Americans to be more cautious. Even now, automobile accident injuries are the leading cause of death for people between 60 to 33 years old. How to Minimize Auto Accident Injuries To minimize the risk of being involved in vehicle crashes, New York auto accident injury lawyers advise the following •    Always obey all the rules of traffic •    Drive defensively •    Wear your seatbelt •    Avoid driving when inebriated or incapacitated •    Make sure that all passengers buckle up before hitting the road You may be wondering, "Why ‘minimize' and not ‘eliminate'?" Consider this: while you may be the most responsible motorist, pedestrian or cyclist out there, there is nothing you can do to predict when you'll be on the same road as some reckless or incapacitated driver. Automobile accident claims are so common that there are probably more of them than all other types of personal injury claims put together. If you or a family member has been injured due to the fault or neglect of an automobile accident, you have a legal right to recover damages. Present Your Case with the Help of an Auto Accident Injury Lawyer Though most times a driver is the at fault party, the issue of liability is not always cut-and-dried. If the at fault party is a professional driver such as a bus driver or trucker, could his employer have done something to prevent the accident? Is the vehicle designed and manufactured with safety in mind? Could the automobile manufacturer or designer be held liable then? Is the road irresponsibly maintained? These are just some of the questions that need to be answered to determine the identities of all who are at fault. On top of all that, there's still the complicated issue of insurance to worry about. Despite their commonplace nature of car crashes, automobile accident law can get quite complex. The more serious your injuries, the more likely you would need an auto accident injury lawyer to help you with the complications of your case. more

By Law Offices of Mark Weinberger December 18, 2009

Lead Poisoning Attorneys – New York Law

The Still Present Need for Lead Paint Attorneys New York Even though lead as paint ingredient has been prohibited for almost 25 years in the US, the services of lead poisoning attorneys are still very much in demand and more than 50% of city-dwelling children continue to be exposed to lead paint. Lead can easily contaminate the air, water, food, soil and even dust. When inhaled or ingested, lead can lead to serious health problems, especially for young children. Congress passed laws during 1978 outlawing the use of lead in paint. The reason why there is still a need for lead paint attorneys is the fact that the law only banned the use of lead in paint sold after that time period. Layers and layers of old lead-based paint remain on houses and apartments constructed before the ban went into effect. The Serious Injuries Caused by Lead Paint – Attorneys, New York Children 6 years old and under are most at risk because their still developing bodies. A young child's exposure to lead can cause learning and behavioral problems and possibly damage to their brains and other vital organs. High doses of lead can cause brain swelling, convulsions, coma and death. At low levels, lead poisoning has been associated with loss of IQ points, learning disabilities, attention problems (ADHD and ADD), hyperactive behavior, and antisocial or criminal behavior. Lead Poisoning Attorneys New York - Law Passed in 1992 The Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act was passed in 1992 to address lead poisoning and the health problems associated with it. Under the law, every individual renting, buying or renovating an apartment or home built before 1978 must be supplied with the EPA pamphlet, "Protect Your Family From Lead In Your Home" or a state-approved version of the pamphlet. Renters and tenants must also sign an EPA-approved disclosure form that must be kept as part of the property owners' records for three years from the date of tenancy. In buildings constructed before to 1978, the EPA requires that tenants receive the lead hazard information at least 60 days prior to the start of renovation. Landlords who fail to comply with EPA regulations may face penalties of up to $10,000 for each violation. Property owners who neglect to obey local and federal health and housing codes and regulations, or who refuse to respond to a tenant's request for repainting may be liable. Tenants who have been poisoned due to landlord negligence have the right under law to seek the services of a lead paint attorney. more

By Law Offices of Mark Weinberger December 18, 2009

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