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Thank you for connecting with Chair Caning & Wicker Repair 704-235-8171, it is a pleasure having you in our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and ...Read Moreā€¦

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American Folder Company


By Chair Caning & Wicker Repair

Thank you for connecting with Chair Caning & Wicker Repair 704-235-8171, it is a pleasure having you in our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and success.Giving your company 5 stars and other "compliments" to your Circle site for your kindness. more

American Folder Company


By -Trade Show Displays

Great staff and service. 5 stars all the way! more

American Folder Company


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Filing Right Away Is The Right Way

Filing Right Away Is The Right Way By American Folder Company Today's offices are extremely hectic and most people cannot seem to find the time to file on a regular basis. As difficult as it can be, we suggest filing right away. In other words, as soon as a paper crosses your desk and is ready for the file, put it there. There are several reasons why this strategy is a good one, here are 5 of those reasons: 1) Prevent lost files and misfiles. The longer a document sits around on a desk, a shelf or anywhere else but in the file, the more chances it has of being misplaced, covered up, hidden or otherwise lost. Furthermore, if you let papers sit idle until you have a mountain of documents to put into the file, misfiles may occur. 2) Keep confidential information secure. Many files contain information that is not for everyones consumption, such as priority data about budgets as well as personal information about employees and customers. When such papers are allowed to sit instead of being filed immediately, the opportunity for information falling into the wrong hands is increased. 3) Raise productivity. If everything that is supposed to be in the file is there when co-workers access the file, less time will be wasted searching for documents in the file drawer. This will help make your department, perhaps your entire company, more efficient and more productive...which in turn will most likely make your job easier. 4) Avoid confusion. When papers are placed into the file immediately instead of allowed to sit idle, the chances of confusing documents are decreased substantially. In a file, instead of strewn about the office, each paper is neatly organized in its place, with a file heading that clearly identifies what the file contains. 5) Create a cleaner desktop. Rather than piling up on your desk and leaving you with two square inches of workspace, putting papers into the file right away means that you will have more room on your desktop and that can change your whole outlook every morning when you start your day! more

By American Folder Company June 29, 2010

The Cubicle Challenge

The Cubicle ChallengeByAmerican Folder CompanyOffice cubicles, theyre a fact of life in just about every company, and millions of people work in them. While weve all come to accept the office cubicle as a fixture of the modern business environment, there can be drawbacks to working in one.For example, they can lack privacy simply because they are basically open...usually with no doors and with walls that only reach partially to the ceiling. At times, the inherent design of a cubicle can be a detriment to working productively, negatively affecting the ability of office workers to obtain daily goals such as meeting deadlines.To follow are some straightforward tips that could help accomplish a higher level of office productivity despite the distractions that come with working in a cubicle:   Keep the noise level down.As you might guess, one of the biggest detriments to working in a cubicle is the fact that because theyre not sound-proof its easy to be distracted by too much noise. Be courteous to your fellow workers and encourage them to do the same by avoiding the use of radios or CD players. Also, be aware of the volume of your voice when on the telephone and try to avoid shouting over the walls to fellow workers. Create visual barriers.Many office cubicles have particularly low walls that provide very little privacy. Try stacking books on shelves near the top of the wall to effectively increase the height of the wall.   Remember that neatness counts,especially in a cubicle. Most cubicles are limited in the amount of space in which they allow you to work. Try not to accumulate too much extraneous stuff that can cause your workspace to become messy and more crowded than it already is. For example, if you receive a box from the mail room, remove what you need and discard the box. Also, do not allow paperwork to build up. File as soon as you possibly can. Keep visitation to a minimum.The openness of a cubicle can be especially tempting to office visitors who want to just drop by for a chat. Although such visits are OK once in a while, they can be highly distracting to you as well as your cube-mates if theres a continual stream of visitors. more

By American Folder Company June 14, 2010

Desk Rage

Desk Rage: A Growing Problem Maybe you've witnessed it, or, perhaps you've even been involved in a scuffle at work. It might start as a few well-chosen angry words between office co-workers whose desks are located within close proximity of one another. Soon, the verbal battle escalates, sometimes even becoming physical. Problem is, desk rage, much like road rage, is happening all too often as office workers become more and more stressed, constantly on edge and at the boiling-over point. Unfortunately, as the stress builds day in and day out, the hot buttons of anger can get even hotter until all heck breaks out. Here are some strategies we suggest for coping with the growing problem of desk rage:  Let your cooler head prevail. If you feel that a situation with a co-worker is becoming volatile, take a step back...a time out...and re-access what's going on. How did the anger grow so much? What caused it? How can we talk it over and work things out before the potential for fist-flying begins?  Put yourself in their shoes. You have a gripe, but so does your co-worker. And although you may think you're the only one that's in the right, your co-worker may also have a valid point. Its very possible that once you take a moment to carefully consider where they're coming from, you may better understand what the differences between you are all about...and then you can work to settle them.    Offer a helping hand.Many times, desk rage ensues when a person in the office is having a particularly bad day, or, something is bothering them in their life. Then, they take their emotions out on a co-worker. If you sense this, try asking them if you can help. Such an approach might be all they need, and your gesture could diffuse a big problem later on.Change venues, at least temporarily.You see your co-worker every day; they and you occupy the same cubicles week in and week out. And it's right there, between your workspace and theirs, that a feud has developed. Attempt to make a truce by inviting your co-worker to lunch or for a get-together after work. Many times, a simple change in the atmosphere surrounding two people can be the difference that changes foes into friends. If there is ever a folder / filing topic that you would like for me to write aboutplease send e-mail more

By American Folder Company January 25, 2010

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