Top articles for Housewares

How to Print Melamine Dinnerware

How to Print Melamine Dinnerware

Printing on melamine dinnerware is a great idea for a personal gift. It is also a fun way to preserve children's artwork or immortalize a special photo or custom art piece. For business minded people it can be a great seller item or a way to advertise with your companies logo. The process is an interesting vehicle for many uses. more

How to Spot Fine Dishware

How to Spot Fine Dishware

Dishware comes in two general categories. Pottery, often called earthenware or stoneware, comes from a coarser grade of clay and fired at a lower temperature. Porcelain, also called china or bone china, comes from a better grade of clay and other materials. It is fired at a higher temperature. Pottery is softer and may show stains or scratches. Porcelain is more durable and is the best grade of dishware. more

How to Set Tableware

How to Set Tableware

When you eat your daily dinners with your family daily, the thought of setting your table may not come to mind. However, at those special dinners such as Thanksgiving, you may want to have your table to have a formal look and this is when setting your tableware becomes an issue. more

How to Mix Vintage and Modern Furniture

How to Mix Vintage and Modern Furniture

Going modern and vintage with your furniture takes some well thought out planning. The designs of both modern and vintage can unite and look presentable in your guest room or living area. Designing with these two totally different styles will broaden your furniture taste. more

Information on Kitchenware

Information on Kitchenware

The kitchen is a place where people go to cook, socialize and have fun. In some homes, it is the center of activity where family members interact with others when they come to grab a snack or prepare a meal. To make the kitchen a more functional and comfortable place, kitchenware is often integrated into and included in its design. more

Household Ideas for Men's Gifts

Household Ideas for Men's Gifts

Choosing the right gift can make the giver feel good about their selections. With a little thought the perfect present can be found when choosing household ideas for men's gifts. The items can be specific devices such as an easy to operate remote or accessorized items such as coffee mugs or an addition for the den. Think of hobbies and personal tastes when shopping for gift items. An individualized personal gift is always appreciated. more

How to Make Musical Instruments With Household Items

How to Make Musical Instruments With Household Items

Lots of household items can be repurposed into musical instruments. Kids love to make noise, and letting them do that while encouraging a love of music is not only beneficial, but fun. Think outside the box and repurpose items to create a homemade band. more

How to Make Kitchen Furniture Shaker Doors

How to Make Kitchen Furniture Shaker Doors

Shaker kitchen cabinets are a great choice for kitchen decor. These type of cabinets are widely touted for being durable as well as aesthetically appealing. Installation of shaker cabinets is quite expensive, but a person with a decent amount of woodworking skills can build a set and save a considerable amount of money. more

How to Remove Rust With Household Items

How to Remove Rust With Household Items

Rust can build up on almost anything, from silverware to bathroom fixtures to carpet.  Harsh chemicals are not environmentally friendly and can be expensive.  There are many household remedies that can remove rust without the use of chemicals.  Many of these items are already stocked in most households. more

How to Care for Rattan Furniture

How to Care for Rattan Furniture

Rattan furniture is popular for its interesting looks and high durability. Because rattan is so strong, it does not need to be fussed with most of the time. By keeping a few tips in mind, your rattan furniture will look good for years to come. more

How to Clean Vinyl Shower Curtains

How to Clean Vinyl Shower Curtains

Vinyl shower curtains are inexpensive and thus, easy to replace. But why replace the shower curtain and add to the landfill waste when it's simple and easy to clean with a few household materials you might already have on hand? more

How to Collect Antique Stoneware Crockery

How to Collect Antique Stoneware Crockery

Once upon a time, stoneware crockery could be purchased just about anywhere.  As the stoneware fell out of favor, finding pieces became increasingly difficult for collectors.  Fortunately, there are plenty of places to look for all sorts of antique stoneware crockery that is ideal for adding to your collection. more

Ideas on Contemporary Furniture

Ideas on Contemporary Furniture

Contemporary furniture has become a favorite of many homeowners and interior decorators. It is expected that contemporary furniture will exude both class and simplicity. The types of contemporary furniture found in most stores will have a uniqueness that other furniture styles do not have. more

How to Prepare Kitchen Furniture Doors for Painting

How to Prepare Kitchen Furniture Doors for Painting

Painting the doors on your kitchen furniture, such as a cabinet, pantry or island, is a quick, inexpensive way to lend a new look to your kitchen.  It is an easy and simple project that can be done in an afternoon.  Preparation is the most important step in the painting process. more

Ideas for Cookware and Kitchenware Gifts

Ideas for Cookware and Kitchenware Gifts

Everyone knows someone that loves to cook or spend time in their kitchen. With the holidays coming up, kitchenware gifts are a great idea for those in your life that love to prepare delicious meals for their friends and family. more

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House and Apartment Renovation


By jaco btristen

Rates of House and Apartment Renovation are fair indeed. Staff is very brilliant in handling their customers. People are also very happy from the rates and work of this company. more

House and Apartment Renovation


By michael grayson

Staff of House and Apartment Renovation is very friendly and know very well about their work. They know what are they doing and also explains everything in detail to their customers. Highly recommended more Inc.


By mkhir

The Appraisal Said the Watch is not authentic I returned it the in second day the same state as I received it ,in the same Package he refund the money -$750 Re-stocking Fee!!..BE Aware Buyer more

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3 best robot vacuums in 2019: Roomba, Neato, Deebot

Today we`re going to look at the three models of robot vacuum cleaners from the three best manufacturers. Each of these devices is very popular and ensures excellent quality of cleaning. Roomba s9 On July 12, 2019, the brand-new Roomba s9, which has already caused a considerable stir, will go on sale. This time iRobot changed its design: it became D-shaped and golden-colored, the control buttons (Clean - start/pause, Home - return to the base, and Spot - spot cleaning) are located in the corner. The sides have the obstacle sensors and an anti-shock bumper. Turning over the robot, you can see elongated central rollers-brushes, a side brush with five limbs instead of the usual three, and an automatic dirt disposal port. The s9 offers an excellent cleaning time - 120 minutes without recharging is enough to clean a large area. By the way, manufacturers say that the charging time is also 120 minutes. The new robot has the vSLAM function of building a room map. Thanks to the sensors and the camera, the vacuum cleaner makes a plan of dwelling, zoning it into rooms (living room, hall, kitchen, etc.) and displays all the information in the application. The management is quite classic - through the iRobot HOME mobile app with all accompanying conveniences like cleaning schedule, location tracking, etc. The novelty can also work with Amazon Alexa and Google Voice Assistants. Thanks to the new PerfectEdge technology, an improved five-pointed side brush, and sensors, robot vacuum cleaners show better cleaning in the corners and along the walls. Manufacturers continued to use the relatively new technology Imprint Smart Mapping, which allows the vacuum to identify the rooms on the map, design them in the app and then clean them on your command. However, the most interesting feature is the new technology Imprint Link, through which two robots can synchronize for dry and wet cleaning. After finishing his work, Roomba gives a command to the Braava robot, which completes the wet cleaning of the floors. Advanced functionality, multiple patented technologies, improved brushes, modern navigation and mapping, work through voice assistants, self-cleaning at the base, and working in tandem with a washing robot make this vacuum cleaner one of the best in 2019. The model is equipped with everything necessary to automatically maintain apartments, houses, and even office spaces.    Neato D7   Neato Botvac D7 robot vacuum cleaner is made by the Chinese company Neato and also occupies a leading position in the list of sales. The case of this device is just the same as Roomba s9: it has the shape of an English letter “D.” Such a change allows the robot to better cope with cleaning such surfaces as baseboards and corners. The construction is simple: in the upper part, there`s a big start button and a dust collector lid. A soft shockproof bumper saves both the furniture and the vacuum from damage. It also has the height change signals and the obstacles sensors. On the bottom of the device, there is a section of the battery pack, a roller-brush that thoroughly cleans the floor and collects hair, a four-rayed side brush for cleaning dirt and dust in the corners. The robot has a powerful Li-Ion battery that provides 2 hours of runtime. After discharging, Neato comes back to the base and stays there for 3 hours up to full charge. If there are any problems or the battery runs out, Neato D7 will resume work from the interrupted place later. The robot remembers the room and builds a virtual map for future navigation. This technology is called LaserSmart and works with the help of a Lidar laser sensor that scans the room. All movements of the robot are carried out along straight lines. The air in Neato passes cleaning with theHEPA filter. It`s suitable for allergy sufferers and people with pets. The SpinFlow system keeps up to 90 percent of dust and small debris after just one passing. Besides, the vacuum cleaner can easily overpass small elevations. Improved traction and increased suction power make it possible to cope with any carpets. The maximum height of the obstacle that the robot can overcome is 20 mm. The main control of the vacuum cleaner is carried out through a smartphone and Wi-Fi. Thanks to the special Neato program, you can remotely set the mode of operation, turn the robot on and off, start a re-cleaning, stop it or pause it, as well as track the history of cleaning. If you get your hands full, don`t worry – just connect your robot to any device with a voice assistant and give it commands. The set of robotic technology includes a restrictive magnetic tape with a length of 2 meters so you can mark the boundaries where the robot shouldn`t enter. Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 930  Ozmo 930 robot vacuum cleaner is a worthy competitor to Roomba and Neato as it has all their advantages, too. This model combines the functions of both dry and wet cleaning.  On the front panel of the robot, there is a blue edging element. This is a scanner of the Smart Navi system for building a route and creating a 3D map of the room. At the side of the Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo 930, we see a protective bumper and a 470 ml dust collector that can be changed to a container with water for wet wiping the floor, which holds 300 ml of liquid. At the bottom of the cleaner, there are two side brushes, the battery compartment, and the area where the microfiber cloth is attached. On the bottom, you can install either the main turbo brush or a direct suction device. Robot vacuum performs cleaning with two side brushes and a central turbo brush. The brushes rake debris into the suction port, which directs the debris to the dust collector with the HEPA filter installed. The robot can automatically recognize the type of the cleaned surface and increase the suction power on the carpets. When performing wet cleaning, on the contrary, it will go around the carpets so as not to wet it. The robot has several modes of operation for different purposes: automatic - a vacuum cleaner circles the entire available cleaning area; local - cleaning of a particular most polluted area; around the perimeter - a robot vacuum cleaner circles the room along the walls and cleans the corners. Turbo mode is also provided for increasing the suction power on carpets. During his first detour of the territory, Deebot Ozmo 930 carefully studies the room. Then it builds a map of the area. You can view the map in a special Ecovacs application for the smartphone. This app will also allow you to customize the operation of the vacuum cleaner, schedule cleaning, and monitor other operating parameters. Although the virtual wall is not included in the set, it can be installed in the application itself, by drawing the necessary lines, then the robot cleaner won`t move beyond these borders. The Deebot also works with voice assistants. The battery lasts for 110 minutes of work; charging takes 4 hours. It`s last fromtop modelsrobot vacuums from the list. Practically speaking, all three robots have much in common both in design and in functionality. They are equipped with advanced cleaning, management, and navigation technologies and occupy the same price niche. It`s worth noting that the cost of these models is quite high, but each of them fully justifies such a price tag with its work and ease of use. more

By Andrew Richards July 29, 2019

We care for the environment!!!

Yes we Leaftrend, do care for the environment. We generally use pretty plastic tableware for our dinning. But using plastic dinnerware have adverse affect on us and our environment. One step ahead Leaftrend gives green touch to your dnning tables.Palm leaf plates are natural, compostable and biodegradable yet they look stylish. Palm leaf plates are 100% Eco friendly and disposable. Without cutting a single palm tree, we can make tons and tons of palm leaf plates. Palm leaf plates are made from shredded palm leaf leaves. From the farm, fallen palm leaves are collected. At the factory collected palm leavers are washed, cleaned and to prevent areca palm leaves from any fungal attcaks, they are sterilized using UV rays, then pressed into unique styles. Used palm leaf plates can be cut into piece and used as composts, thus using palm leaves is Eco-friendly and compostable. more

By Leaftrend May 17, 2017

Bespoke Branded Design Hangers | Wood Hangers at Azhangers

Seeking the best way to organize your closet? Buy hangers from Azhangers. We stock a wide assortment of hangers and while designing hangers, we keep quality in mind and never compromise on it. As a global leader in custom and personalized hangers, we have the experience, expertise and skills to create unique and creative hangers for your store. Please send us logo of your brand and we send you a mock up of the hanger that is best suited to your shoppe. more

By Custom Bespoke Garment Hangers January 04, 2017