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Learning Disabled Student Tutors-Counselors NYC

If your child has a Learning Disability it is only natural for you to worry whether he or she can cope with the academic and social pressures of college and eventually graduate. You want to know that your child will pass class tests and get good grades despite his or her disability. And you want to do everything you can to help. Today many parents of college-age students find that it is a good investment to arrange for private counselors with LD expertise to help their sons or daughters get the grades they need to graduate.  Conventional tutoring alone is not enough. more

By NY Learning Disability Counseling June 29, 2013

New York Learning Disability College Steps To College Success

The road to college graduation may take a thousand days, but it begins (like in the ’1000 miles’ proverb) with just a single step.  Calling NYLDC is one of the first steps to college success. You want to be sure we can help your son or daughter succeed in college. We want to be sure your child really wants to overcome his or her particular learning disability and is willing to put in the time and effort it will take. We can only accommodate a limited number of students while we build our staff and attract grants and scholarships. For now, we are only seeking college students who, despite their LD diagnosis, are determined to do better in their class, in their school, and in their life. They should be willing to try new ways to read, write and listen…be capable of ignoring past failures and present critics…and be willing to work with us two or three hours a week (in addition to fulfilling their college’s routine study and homework requirements). We are looking for parents who encourage their student’s efforts, and appreciate their progress. (Parents should also plan to attend and participate in at least one of our Parents Support Groups each semester.) Together we can show skeptics, especially those struggling with a learning “disability” themselves, that Learning Difficulties CAN be overcome! more

By NY Learning Disability Counseling June 27, 2013

NY Learning Disability College Tutoring College Success Plan

A personal College Success Plan will be developed by our Counselors for each college student, in consultation with the NY Learning Disability Counseling Center’s Director, the student, and his or her parents.  Our Integrated LD Counseling approach will be customized to supplement whatever level of LD accommodations are available at the college or university your child is attending. Our Counselors, all LD experts, will adapt their experience and psychological training to the individual needs and personality of each college student under their guidance. Their goal will be to overcome any negative experiences which inhibit self-confidence and to discover compensating personality, artistic, or intellectual strengths which can help the student find success not just in college but in life. Counselor-Tutors will work with students two or three hours a week, tutoring class subjects and course assignments while reinforcing their students’ self-confidence. Additional time is scheduled in the crucial first weeks of college on a critical test or a difficult assignment. Strategies or technologies will be utilized as appropriate to help each college student deal with his or her particular learning challenges. more

By NY Learning Disability Counseling June 27, 2013

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