Top articles for Hotels & Motels

The Most Commonly Used Hotel Booking System

The Most Commonly Used Hotel Booking System

Booking a hotel room has changed through the years with the rise of the Internet and other technologies. In the past, you either called the hotel directly or used a travel agency to book your travels along with your hotel. Today, the most commonly used booking system is the Internet with several companies that operate solely online. more

How to Get Free Hotel Rooms

How to Get Free Hotel Rooms

Traveling for business or leisure can get expensive.  There is the cost of fuel if you drive or the cost of train or plane tickets.  Eating out can dwindle the available cash quickly.  Hotel stay can also cost a lot of money but there are ways to save money and stay in a hotel for free. more

How to Write Brochures for Hotels

How to Write Brochures for Hotels

Brochures for hotels are often created to show potential guests the positive aspects of a hotel stay.  If you are creating one of these brochures book a stay at the hotel and take notes about your hotel stay.  Also, take photographs during your visit so that you can create a brochure that is designed to provide a complete picture of the hotel. more

How to Connect Wirelessly at a Motel

How to Connect Wirelessly at a Motel

Between cell phones, e-book readers and laptops, a nation of wired individuals has emerged. No matter where Americans go, Internet connection is a must. The same goes for motel stays. Many motels offer internet connections for costumers. Often few if any instructions are given about how to connect wirelessly at a motel. more

How to Save Money on Hotels

How to Save Money on Hotels

Booking a hotel can be expensive, especially if you are going on a trip during a holiday season.  To save money on a hotel stay book your hotel room as part of a package deal or make a reservation well in advance of when you will be staying.  Also, look online for the best hotel deals and coupon offerings to help you save money. more

How to Find Cheap Hotel Rooms

How to Find Cheap Hotel Rooms

Many people prefer to stay in a hotel that costs less over one that has all of the latest amenities. Finding a cheap hotel is usually easy, depending on the area and the date of the stay. Looking online or checking a travel directory is the best way to find a cheap hotel. more

How to Get Low Hotel Rates

How to Get Low Hotel Rates

If you are planning a trip or vacation soon, there are ways you can get low hotel rates. There are services that you can use to get premium hotel rates at a huge discount. If you work hard at it, you can get a four star hotel at a huge discount. You can learn how to get low hotel rates in a few short steps. more

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