Top Tire Sales And Repairs in Glenmont, NY

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Walmart Auto Care Centers


By Anonymous

FRONT END cont.: Not everyone wants to spend their Sunday waiting on a ridiculously long line. Why aren't the self checkout lanes ever opened?? OH, and the registers....I am so tired of getting to my car, reading the receipt, and seeing that I've been overcharged on one or several items (This, after being harassed over my 50cent coupon). Now, I have to pitch my tent and wait over at the service desk...where I get even more of the "she's trying to screw the store" attitude. There are so many instances with the front end, someone should write a manual on how to effectively navigate it without loosing half the day. Oh, and this little gem - love this one. Cashier decides to turn off light to go on break. Tells me I'll have to go to another line - even though I joined the line when his/her light was ON...and have now wasted several minutes standing on it. And, here's a tip: when someone pays for something, they will ultimately expect to find it in one of the bags when they get home. more

Walmart Auto Care Centers


By Anonymous

FRONT END: I am in this store weekly - spending $80 to $150. And, every week it's something new. Short list: Wait on line forever, get to checkout. Clerk tells me debit machine isn't working - no sign, nothing. Sent to back of another line...AS, I watch a person use a CREDIT CARD on her line. Coupons - they have people pick-pocketing customers yet their main concern is harassing me over coupons. The short list: Held up so head cashier can verify my home-printed coupons aren't counterfeit. This is pretty insulting. If I knew how to do that, I wouldn't be wasting my time at Walmart - I'd be working for NASA. Use TACT! I'm not a criminal. Usually, I wait forever for a bitchy clerk to verify I've purchased the correct amount of yogurts as per 50cent coupon. And more then usual, they SHORT ME on my coupons or OVERCHARGE on another item. This is not isolated. I have no problem with verifying but you need to give the customer the benefit of the doubt - not all of us are running a scam. more

Walmart Auto Care Centers


By Anonymous

OPTICAL: My complaint here is not with the employees but with their product and warranty. Their people were very helpful and courteous...but, their product was garbage. I spent over $300 on a pair of "rimless" glasses with transition lenses. First problem - they initially showed up scratched beyond belief. They were sent back and repaired for free. A month later, they were scratched so badly, I couldn't see out of them anymore. Nothing abnormal was done to them. I was told by another optometrist to have the anti-glare coat removed to get rid of the scratches. Surprise, surprise - Wal-Mart couldn't do that....but they could sell me another pair of $300+ glasses....I went to another optical and had the coating removed for $15...problem solved. Didn't much matter, though....Six months later, the glasses snapped in half at the nose bridge. Wal-Mart offer's no sort of, jokes on me. $300+ for six months... more

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