Blogs from Entertainment And Arts Services in Buffalo, NY

The Inceptioner

The Inceptioner is an international news network. It will bring you the News And Top Stories from all around the  World including,Asia Pacific,Middle East,US, U.K and many more. We are all set to achieve our massive goal of becoming the top most News network in South Asia and Middle East. Send your resumes at          :   For further queries contact   :     Visit us at                   :                                              more

By The Inceptioner May 26, 2015

The Inceptioner(Online News Magzine)

The Inceptioner” is an international news network. It will bring you the top stories from all around the world including, Asia Pacific, Middle East, U.S, U.K and many more. We are all set to achieve our massive goal of becoming the top most News network in South Asia and Middle East. Send your resumes at          :   For further queries contact   :     Visit us at          more

By The Inceptioner May 04, 2015

PEAR Blogs

Check out PEARPlanning's blog at We post weekly blogs with current events, photos and ideas for your events! Check it out today! We encourage feedback from out customers! more

By PEAR Planning July 21, 2013

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon October 02, 2011

Party with Passion Parties by Clavon

It’s the Ultimate GHOULS Night Out!! Bring a Friend and Receive a Special Treat! With party sales totaling $500 or more, you’ll receive: ·A percentage of party’s sales inFREE product! Host your party Sept 24- Oct. 24, 2011 and ALSO receive: ·Free Shipping ·40% off one item!! Passion Parties by Clavon   Email: Shop online @ 716-816-9027 or Toll Free: 877-522-1992 Consultants Wanted! Needextra $$$$$?  Get paid to party while making a difference in women and couples lives!  Ask me about our special sign-on promotion going on right now!! No experience needed—training provided! more

By Passion Parties by Clavon September 13, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon September 06, 2011

Focus on the Good

Focus on the Good Raise Your Vibration Everything in the universe is made of energy. What differentiates one form of energy from another is the speed at which it vibrates. For example, light vibrates at a very high frequency, and something like a rock vibrates at a lower frequency but a frequency nonetheless. Human beings also vibrate at different frequencies. Our thoughts and feelings can determine the frequency at which we vibrate, and our vibration goes out into the world and attracts to us energy moving at a similar frequency. This is one of the ways that we create our own reality, which is why we can cause a positive shift in our lives by raising our vibration.We all know someone we think of as vibrant. Vibrant literally means “vibrating very rapidly.” The people who strike us as vibrant are vibrating at a high frequency, and they can inspire us as we work to raise our vibration. On the other hand, we all know people that are very negative or cynical. These people are vibrating at a lower frequency. They can also be an inspiration because they can show us where we don’t want to be vibrating and why. To discover where you are in terms of vibrancy, consider where you fall on a scale between the most pessimistic person you know and the most vibrant. This is not in order to pass judgment, but rather it is important to know where you are as you begin working to raise your frequency so that you can notice and appreciate your progress.There are many ways to raise your vibration, from working with affirmations to visualizing enlightened entities during meditation. One of the most practical ways to raise your vibration is to consciously choose where you focus your attention. To understand how powerful this is, take five minutes to describe something you love unreservedly—a person, a movie, an experience. When your five minutes are up, you will noticeably feel more positive and even lighter. If you want to keep raising your vibration, you might want to commit to spending five minutes every day focusing on the good in your life. As you do this, you will train yourself to be more awake and alive. Over time, you will experience a permanent shift in your vibrancy. Enjoy your day! Passion Parties by Clavon Where every day is Valentines Day! more

By Passion Parties by Clavon August 25, 2011

Squirrel Medicine

Squirrel Medicine Affirming an Abundant Future Native Americans considered all living beings as brothers and sisters that had much to teach including squirrels. These small creatures taught them to work in harmony with the cycles of nature by conserving for the winter months during times when food was plentiful. In our modern world, squirrels remind us to set aside a portion of our most precious resources as an investment in the future. Though food and money certainly fall into this category, they are only some of the ways our energy is manifested. We can conserve this most valuable asset by being aware of the choices we make and choosing only those that nurture and sustain us. This extends to the natural resources of our planet as well, using what we need wisely with the future in mind.Saving and conservation are not acts of fear but rather affirmations of abundance yet to come. Squirrels accept life’s cycles, allowing them to face winters with the faith that spring will come again. Knowing that change is part of life, we can create a safe space, both spiritually and physically, that will support us in the present and sustain us in the future. This means not filling our space with things, or thoughts, that don’t serve us. Without hoarding more than we need, we keep ourselves in the cyclical flow of life when we donate our unwanted items to someone who can use them best. This allows for more abundance to enter our lives, because even squirrels know a life of abundance involves more than just survival.Squirrels use their quick, nervous energy to enjoy life’s adventure. They are great communicators, and by helping each other watch for danger, they do not allow worry to drain them. Instead, they allow their curious nature to lead the way, staying alert to opportunities and learning as they play. Following the example set by our squirrel friends, we are reminded to enjoy the journey of life’s cycles as we plan and prepare for a wonderful future, taking time to learn and play along the way. Enjoy your day! Passion Parties by Clavon Book your party today! more

By Passion Parties by Clavon August 24, 2011

Something to think about......

Learned Self-Reliance The Negative Effects of Spoiling Children Parents are moved by instinct to love, nurture, and provide for their offspring. Because our children are so much a part of us, we want to see them blissfully happy. Also, our own desire to be liked, materialist pressures, and a fervent wish that our children have everything we lacked as youngsters can prompt us to spoil them. However, while it might seem that buying your child expensive gifts will give them fond memories of childhood or that you can heal your emotional wounds by doting on your sons and daughters, you may be unconsciously interfering with your children’s evolutional development. One of the most precious gifts you can grant your children is the true independence they gain when they learn to earn what they covet and become stewards of their own happiness. Try allowing your children to experience life to the fullest. Let them work and earn what they want. When the time comes for them to go to college and enter the workforce, you will have the confidence that yo! u have raised a child that can both enter and contribute to society confidently.When children are not afforded the opportunity to explore self-reliance, to understand that with possession comes price, and to fulfill their own needs, they develop a sense of entitlement that blinds them to the necessity of hard work and the needs of others. We may spoil children because giving them gifts is pleasurable. Or we may want to avoid conflict out of fear that our children won’t love us. Yet children who are given acceptance, love, and affection in abundance are often kinder, more charitable, and more responsible than those whose parents accede to their every material demand. They develop a strong sense of self that stretches beyond possessions and the approval of their peers, and as adults they understand that each individual is responsible for building the life they desire. If you find yourself giving in to your child’s every whim, ask yourself why. You may discover that you are trying to answer for what you feel is lacking in your own life.Rearing your children to respect the value of money and self-sufficiency as they grow from infants to young adults is a challenging but rewarding process. It can be difficult to watch a child struggle to meet a personal goal yet wonderful to be by their side as they achieve it. Your choice not to spoil your children will bless you with more opportunities to show them understanding and compassion and to be fully present with them as they journey toward adulthood. Passion Parties by Clavon more

By Passion Parties by Clavon August 23, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon August 11, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon August 09, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon January 11, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon January 08, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon January 05, 2011

Read The Latest Newsletter from Passion Parties by Clavon

We've just published a new edition of our newsletter! You can check it out on our website and get the latest information from Passion Parties by Clavon. Let us know what you think! Read It Now Here more

By Passion Parties by Clavon April 22, 2010

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