Top Women's Health Companies in Henderson, NV 89044

Good to connect, let me know if there is anything I can do for youRead More…
Thanks for accepting my invitation. I look forward to doing business with you. Happy Holidays.Read More…
Sinsational Body Sculpting is a mobile service. We use faradic waves helping you work muscle groups for strength and inch loss. With works by contracting and releasing the muscle simulating a worko...Read More…
Thank you for accepting us into into your network, you have a great company. If you ever need a gourmet gift basket, holiday gift or baby gift please give us a chance to WOW you and/or your clients...Read More…
We have heard nothing but great things about you. Keep up the great work! Thank You for connecting with Las Vegas DJ Spin Doctor - Your Full Service Las Vegas Mobile DJ. Should you or anyone you kn...Read More…
We went to 4-D Baby Ultrasound 3 times during our pregnancy to document babies growth. 1st time was week 16 for a gender verification ultrasound.It's a boy!! 2nd time was in week 25,baby was so muc...Read More…
Mobile Personal Training & Online Training Worldwide! --Children to Seniors & Recovery to athletes. ...................Specialized Nutrition ...................Sports Training ................Read More…
Allcare for Women is a fresh and modern OB/GYN medical practice serving patients in Henderson, Nevada. The practice's leading physician, Candance Leaphart-St. Cloud, DO, FACOG, and her dedicated te...Read More…
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Trivedi Effect


By JanicePatrice

Wonderful gift given with such love and insight. My deepest gratitude Guruji for your help and support of myself and my family. My deepest appreciation for the Trivedi Family. more

Trivedi Effect


By MarySturgis

Thank you Mahendra Trivedi Guruji, My life is totally changed through Trivedi Effect and I have developed self-love and forgiveness, peace, clarity of thought and discernment, sweetest rest, embracing truth about myself and others, reduction of my ego (humbleness), ease of communion/ prayers with God, more loving relationships and restoration of loved ones back in my life, motivation, inspiration, higher energy- so much has been restored and gifted back into my life so abundantly! more

Trivedi Effect


By SteveMartinMS

When i have search about Trivedi Effect and visit Trivedi Science website .I am really get surprise because it is very tough to believe this is really possible.? Then i take one energy transmission from Mr.Trivedi .I also feel lots of changes in my life. more

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Do you know what the four basic principles to a fit and healthy lifestyle are? Just four basic principles, that if followed correctly can make you look and feel great? FOOD WATER EXERCISE/OXYGEN REST Do you know what to do with these four principles to get a fit body and healthy life? This is what we need to live, but not knowing how to use them can destroy us. Food: We think that as long as we eat we should be ok. Wrong. If this was the case then why are there so many children and young people being diagnosed with illnesses? Eating foods in their natural state without any added chemicals, additives, pesticides etc., is best for the body. Water:  Being that the body is 60% water, it is critical that we replace any that has left our body. Not only is drinking lots of water throughout the day important but drinking alkalized water is ideal. Processed water becomes acidic, which is not good for us to drink because it makes us more prone to sickness and diseases. The best water I like to drink is one with an alkaline level of at least 8.0. Exercise/Oxygen: Both go hand in hand. You need lots of oxygen for the body to function properly. Cells need it, the organs need it, the brain needs it, even muscles need it to grow. Your lungs need it for detoxifying. This is when exercise can help because it raises blood pressure moving more oxygen faster through the body. This helps with supplying your organs and every cell in your body with oxygen, giving you a sense of strength and rejuvenation. Rest: After all is said and done in your day, it is time to give your body the time it needs to repair itself. Just like food, water, and exercise, your body needs rest. Your body functions on a circadian rhythm and if you do not rest accordingly, this rhythm gets disrupted causing all kinds of negative reactions to the body. Rest is essential to maintaining a fit and healthy life. more

By Organically Fit Now at LA Boxing Anthem-Henderson February 03, 2012


Did you know that you are spending 75% more on medical expenses than on nutrition? Source   Kaiser Family Foundation.Employer Health Benefits Survey 2008. You should be spending more on nutrition. Mal-nutrition is what causes most chronic illnesses today. Diseases and bacteria are killing more adults and children each year than natural disasters. (Source I don’t know about you but this is alarming to me. What Hippocrates said over 2000 years ago “Let thy food be thy medicine” should be what we still live by today. When did we start thinking we were smarter than nature in feeding our body anything we wanted without any consequence? Medicine should only be there for extreme emergency. We have gotten so comfortable with fixing everything with a pill that we don’t even know how to do the most basic thing: eat. Example, if you consume alcohol or eat a lot of very heavy, sugary, or spicy food and have heartburn, stop, at least for a period of time. To alleviate the heartburn all you have to do is drink apple cider vinegar. And if you drink it daily, not only will it alleviate it, but the heartburn problem will disappear (if there aren’t any other underlying causes). I used to have a very bad case of acid reflux and would take a prilosec on a daily basis. But, I would continue eating and drinking foods that would flare up the acid reflux. I wanted a quick fix without having to make any changes in my eating habits.  Does this sound familiar? My body was telling me that I was hurting it and I was trying to “shut it up” with a pill. Not smart at all. My point is simple learn true natural health and see/feel your body heal and tone itself with a little help from you with the right diet and exercise. This way your medical bills could decrease and even disappear. I have not been sick for over 2 years. I have not had to run to the doctor, except for an annual checkup, for over 2 years. I don’t have any medical bills. I don’t need my health insurance. My health insurance is my eating habits and my exercise routine. My health insurance is also what I refuse to do and eat. Always find a natural remedy for your ailment. Think of using medicine ONLY if you feel you have exhausted every possible natural alternative, which only tells you your body has undergone some serious damage. I try to use all-natural home remedies first for all non simple ailments, then homeopathic medicine for the more serious stuff. My family and I eat organic foods and we do a lot of physical activity like soccer, weight training, yoga etc. So in my household, thank God, we barely get sick and if we do is a minor fever or head cold, which the kids get, and I treat it with apple cider vinegar, honey and homeopathic medicine. When my children  (ages 4, 7, 9) have a cough, sore throat, cold, sinus discomfort, I mix 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon of honey in a glass. I mix it until honey liquifies then have them gargle for 30 seconds and swallow each mouthful. This will soothe the throat while killing the overgrown bacteria causing the cough/cold/inflammation. I usually give it to them maybe two or three times throughout the day until the discomfort is gone but most of the time, 1 or 1 1/2 days is enough. It works all the time for my kids. If they have a fever and/or flu-like symptoms I get them homeopathic medicine to help their bodies fight off the infection. I never, ever try to get rid of the fever. Unless it’s too high of a temperature, of course. A not-to-high fever is just your body’s way of telling you it’s fighting off  invading bacteria. My children have no serious illnesses nor do they have any disabilities so I’m comfortable treating common ailments at home. If they had more serious problems then a different approach would be taken not short of  finding the root cause of the problem, as opposed to getting rid of the symptoms with a pill. more

By Organically Fit Now at LA Boxing Anthem-Henderson January 09, 2012

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away (So does Apple Cider Vinegar)

Did you know that you are spending 75% more on medical expenses than on nutrition? Source Family Foundation.Employer Health Benefits Survey 2008. You should be spending more on nutrition. Mal-nutrition is what causes most chronic illnesses today. Diseases and bacteria are killing more adults and children each year than natural disasters. (Source I don't know about you but this is alarming to me. What Hippocrates said over 2000 years ago “Let thy food be thy medicine” should be what we still live by today. When did we start thinking we were smarter than nature in feeding our body anything we wanted without any consequence? Medicine should only be there for extreme emergency. We have gotten so comfortable with fixing everything with a pill that we don’t even know how to do the most basic thing: eat. Example, if you consume alcohol or eat a lot of very heavy, sugary, or spicy food and have heartburn, stop, at least for a period of time. To alleviate the heartburn all you have to do is drink apple cider vinegar. And if you drink it daily, not only will it alleviate it, but the heartburn problem will disappear (if there aren't any other underlying causes). I used to have a very bad case of acid reflux and would take a prilosec on a daily basis. But, I would continue eating and drinking foods that would flare up the acid reflux. I wanted a quick fix without having to make any changes in my eating habits. Does this sound familiar? My body was telling me that I was hurting it and I was trying to "shut it up" with a pill. Not smart at all. My point is simple learn true natural health and see/feel your body heal and tone itself with a little help from you with the right diet and exercise. This way your medical bills could decrease and even disappear. I have not been sick for over 2 years. I have not had to run to the doctor, except for an annual checkup, for over 2 years. I don't have any medical bills. I don't need my health insurance. My health insurance is my eating habits and my exercise routine. My health insurance is also what I refuse to do and eat. Always find a natural remedy for your ailment. Think of using medicine ONLY if you feel you have exhausted every possible natural alternative, which only tells you your body has undergone some serious damage. I try to use all-natural home remedies first for all non simple ailments, then homeopathic medicine for the more serious stuff. My family and I eat organic foods and we do a lot of physical activity like soccer, weight training, yoga etc. So in my household, thank God, we barely get sick and if we do is a minor fever or head cold, which the kids get, and I treat it with apple cider vinegar, honey and homeopathic medicine. When my children (ages 4, 7, 9) have a cough, sore throat, cold, sinus discomfort, I mix 1 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar 1/2 teaspoon of honey in a glass. I mix it until honey liquifies then have them gargle for 30 seconds and swallow each mouthful. This will soothe the throat while killing the overgrown bacteria causing the cough/cold/inflammation. I usually give it to them maybe two or three times throughout the day until the discomfort is gone but most of the time, 1 or 1 1/2 days is enough. It works all the time for my kids. If they have a fever and/or flu-like symptoms I get them homeopathic medicine to help their bodies fight off the infection. I never, ever try to get rid of the fever. Unless it's too high of a temperature, of course. A not-to-high fever is just your body's way of telling you it's fighting off invading bacteria. My children have no serious illnesses nor do they have any disabilities so I'm comfortable treating common ailments at home. If they had more serious problems then a different approach would be taken not short of finding the root cause of the problem, as opposed to getting rid of the symptoms with a pill. more

By Organically Fit Now at LA Boxing Anthem-Henderson December 17, 2011

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