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Message for North Pointe Painting

Hello and thanks for connecting with us. Please keep us in mind if you need any IT/computer related support or purchase as we can offer great rates and professional service.

By RCS Technology on April 14, 2011

Ever wonder which direction your ceiling fan should blow? Click the Blog posted on your "Bulletin Board". Visit our main web site at

By Fan Man Lighting on September 29, 2008

YES! We do faux finishes. I will email some information so we can setup a meeting where I can bring you sample boards of our work as well as a portfolio of photos. Thank you for your comment!

By North Pointe Painting on March 01, 2008

Does your company do faux finishing? I am interested in a colorwash in my foyer and it appears that you have the expertise to complete my large job in a timely manner. Let me know DGunner@aol.col

By Anonymous on March 01, 2008

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