Top articles for Colleges & Universities

How to Get Ready for College

How to Get Ready for College

Going to college is an exciting time in a person̢۪s life. Whether it is a community college, four-year University or Technical School, preparing for college is something that students should be thinking about when they enter high school. Here is how to get ready for college: more

How to Find Money for Graduate Schools

How to Find Money for Graduate Schools

Finding the money to go to graduate school can be difficult. Funds through the Federal Aid may be limited because you have already gone to school twice. There are other places that funding may be available so that you can get your final degree. Because many institutions want to see you succeed, there are many places that will help you get through graduate school. more

About Graduate Schools

About Graduate Schools

After you go to school for four years usually students can enter the workforce or continue their education. Most continue their education in the form of graduate school. Although the graduate schools are affiliated with the different colleges, it is important to learn about the differences. This will ensure you choose the right graduate school for your chosen career path. more

How to Organize My College Search

How to Organize My College Search

The college search is a daunting process for nearly every future college student. There are so many colleges and universities out there, each with its own academic and extracurricular benefits and drawbacks. Staying organized is the best way to stay on top of the college search and ensure that you attend the best choice possible. more

How to Get Into Osteopathic Medical Schools

How to Get Into Osteopathic Medical Schools

All medical schools are competitive, so you need to do everything you can to make yourself an attractive and memorable candidate.  For osteopathic schools, this means showing that you are not only an excellent and capable student, but also that you are committed to patient care and osteopathic medicine. more

Types of MBA Programs

Types of MBA Programs

Masters in Business Administration degrees are advanced degrees offered by many institutions to qualified applicants. These degrees often specialize in certain areas, such as economics, entrepreneurship, operations management and international business. Most MBA applicants have extensive work experience following graduation from their undergraduate school. more

How to Rank Graduate Schools

How to Rank Graduate Schools

Thousands of people who've lost their jobs and cannot find suitable replacement work decide to return to school for advanced training. This may help them gain a new, advanced position in a different area of the same company or a totally different type of work all together. Many fields are open to new applicants and the only thing a student needs to learn is how to rank graduate schools to get the best for their money. more

Find the Best Coeducational Campus

Find the Best Coeducational Campus

A coeducational campus is an institution that provides education to both male and female students. These students receive their education at the facility and may even reside at one of the schools dorms. There are several different coeducational schools in many different locations and finding the best campus for you, depends on your personal preferences. more

How to Prepare for College Admissions

How to Prepare for College Admissions

Going to college is a big step in your life.  It is natural for students to graduate from high school and continue their studies at a college or university.  Whether you are a freshman in high school or a graduate from high school, there are many things you can do to prepare for the college admissions process. more

How to Become a College Admissions Officer

How to Become a College Admissions Officer

A college admissions officer oversees and coordinates the recruitment of new and transfer students at a higher education institution. This administrator reviews applications, transcripts, test scores, extracurricular activities and academic interests. To become a college admissions officer requires a university degree as well as several years of relevant experience. more

How to Evaluate Business Schools

How to Evaluate Business Schools

Are you considering getting a business degree? If so, you will want to take the proper amount of time to evaluate several business schools to ensure you make a good choice. Doing your research can make your entire experience at school more positive. There are many decisions you need to make and the following will give you some tips. more

College Admissions Requirements

College Admissions Requirements

The time to apply for college roles around every year and some people are unsure of what college requires. There are several steps that need to be taken to ensure every aspect of this process is taken care of. Some colleges have a simple enrollment process and larger colleges require a lengthier process. It is important to get a jump-start and make sure you meet all the college admission requirements. more

How to Pay for College

How to Pay for College

Going to college can be exciting and fun, yet financially devastating. College is so expensive that many people spend the rest of their lives paying off the debt of education. There are many ways to pay for college. With a little research, you should be able to find some financial assistance. more

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The College of New Jersey


By Paul C. at Judy's Book

The College of New Jersey of TCNJ is one of the best up and coming schools of the nation. They possess the staff and students to successfully challenge each other to become better and develop better students. The location of the campus is... more

Little Kids College


By Paul C. at Judy'sBook

Little Kids College is simply that, a college for your kid. I was amazed the amount of time spent trying not to just pass the time and "babysit" my kid but the amount of time trying to teach them reading and math skills. I sat in for a da... more

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Baking & Pastry Schools lead the way with education in food trends

Like fashion, foods have style, and each season bringsnewtrends in eating. Baking&pastry schools, in addition to providing asolidfoundation in culinary arts, teach students the latest trends andtechniquesin pastry, dessert and bread making. This knowledge is essential forstudentspursuing a pastry chef career. The following are some of the hottesttrendsin baking.Cakes are backThanks in large part to television food shows that feature extreme cakedecoratingtechniques, this basic comfort food is working its way backontoregulardessert menus. Multi-layered red velvet cakes dressed in thick swirlsofcream cheese frosting and rich molten lava cakes are all the rage. Studentsinbaking & pastry schools are on top of all the new trends, seizing on theboldflavors and colorful presentations that add excitement to a dessert cart.Cupcakes ruleThe little cupcake, no longer relegated to an annual appearance at children’sbirthdayparties, has launched entire businesses dedicated to putting itsportion-controlled package in the limelight. From elegant to whimsical, thesetreatsare challenging pastry chefs to bring out all their creativity in thedecoratingand presentation of these little gems. Baking & pastry schoolsareleading the way by instructing students in the use of fondant, gum pasteandother ingredients essential to cake decorating.Miniature desserts temptthepalateAfter enjoying a multi-course meal, many restaurant patrons have to pass on thedessertmenu. How often have servers heard, “It sounds wonderful, but I amstuffed.” Smart restaurateurs have begun offering miniature desserts, just alittletaste, and the concepthas takenoff. Petite cakes and pastries offeruniquechallenges in their creation and presentation. Budding pastry chefs mayexplorethe possibilities in their culinary arts program.Sweet liqueurs boost theflavorOne of the hottest trends in desserts is the addition of alcohol to enhance theflavorof pastries and cakes. Liqueurs such as Kahlua, Cointreau and Grand Marnier are added to crèmes and cakes for an extra kick. The alcohol burns offduringbaking, leaving behind flavors that enrich the sweetness of thedesserts.Artisan breads make a heartyloafFluffy dinner rolls made with refined flour and granulated sugar are beingpushedaside in favor of crusty, whole-grained loaves. These breads are oftensweetenedwith honey or molasses, and incorporate seeds and nuts to add flavorandnutrition. Thecoarsely-textured artisan breads appeal to a diner’s desireformore natural, less-processed foods. Health-conscious dinersraisethe barSugar-free, dairy-free and gluten-free desserts are gaining in popularity asdinerswith dietary restrictions no longer are content to skip dessert. Theprevalenceof diabetes and the increasing awareness of lactose- andgluten-intolerance difficulties has caused pastry chefs to reinventtheirrecipesfrom scratch. Sugar, cream and wheat flour, the ingredients pastrychefsrely on, must be replaced to accommodate those with special dietaryneeds. This requires a good knowledge of food chemistry and challenges thebakerto create flavorful and attractive desserts that maintain a pleasingtextureusing alternate ingredients. Think global, eat localConcerns that foods produced on industrialized farms, and shipped thousands ofmilesto market, are not the healthiest for the consumer or the environment hasdriventhe trend towards eating locally produced products. Pastry chefs aretappinginto this trend by shopping for locally grown fruits and berries to useintheir pastries. The movement towards organically grown produce also dependsonthe small farmer who uses natural sources to fertilize crops and eliminate damagingpests. Students in Bakery & pastry schoolsare taughtabout these issues,andthey learn how to locate reliable sources of locally grown, high-qualityproducts. more

By CulinarySchoolsU May 27, 2013

Career Paths - The Steps to Becoming a Caterer

Haveyouever been applauded for your cooking or food presentation skills? If yes,thenit is could be a sign that you have all the essential qualities that areneededto become a caterer. Catering is fast becoming a very exciting careerprospect- particularly among the younger generation. Special events such asweddings, festivals, meetings, birthday parties and sporting events demand theexpertiseof a caterer to provide delicious food and that special style. Catering is a very challenging job, and it requires an in-depth knowledge ofcookingskills to become successful, such as coordination, presentation andbecomingan expert chef. Educational Requirements to Become an Expert Caterer Ifyouhave a passion for cooking and dream of becoming a professional caterer,thenit is advisable that you get the proper training from a great culinaryschool. Going into something as demanding as catering without the proper backgroundandskill set can put you far behind your competition. There are numerousculinaryor cooking schoolsto choose from that offer degree programs rangingfrom6 months to 4 years in the field of culinary arts. Choose Best Culinary Arts School Youmustalways make it a point to select an accredited culinary school whilelearningthe field of cooking. The degree programs of the best culinary artsschoolare designedsuch that in addition to providing classroom study, theyalsooffer hands-on cooking experience to their students. You will also becomefamiliarwith various other important basics including, nutritional content,handlingkitchen staff and menu planning. Having knowledge in all these areaswillcertainly reward you when you enter this highly competitive job market. Tenure of a Degree Program Therearevarious kinds of the degree programs that culinary schools offer. Below isachart demonstrating the various choices available to those training in theculinaryarts/catering: Certificate/ Diploma- 1 month to 2 years Associates – 9 months to 2 years Bachelor’s – 4 years Master’s – 2 years Doctorate- 6 years Growth Opportunities in Catering Ifyouare successful enough to gain the desired knowledge in various culinaryskills, then a career as a caterer could be very rewarding for you. There isimmensegrowth opportunity in the field of catering, and you can start up yourowncatering business and if you continue to serve scrumptious dishestoyourguests, you will definitely earn a fair degree of acclaim and referrals. Whoknows, you could become the proud owner of a chain of catering companies allovertheworld! more

By CulinarySchoolsU August 22, 2012

Line Cook- A Lucrative Career for Those with a Culinary Passion

Are you passionate about cooking and thinking About pursuing a career in cooking? Then you should smile as acareer in the culinary artsindustry is available to everyone who is willing to put in the time and effort, eventhosewithout proper training in the field. Restaurant kitchens are constantlyinsearch of would-be-professionals who can tackle cooking with energy andexcitementforthe field. From chopping, dicing, sautéing and frying,togrillingand broiling, a professional requires the ability to do many things atonce. So if you can stand the heat of the kitchen, joining the profession as alinecook is a great place to explore the options of the culinary industry. To be precise, line cooks are hospitalityindustryprofessionals, who work in the kitchens of hotels and restaurants, café’s and diners. Though some kitchens will hire a newbie with no experience,itwould serve your career far better to complete some formal education from aculinaryartsschoolbefore you complete the training period necessary to become asuccessfulprofessional in this field. There are various duties andresponsibilitiesthat a professional line chef must know to be successful. Job Duties Professional line cooks play a major role in theproductionof a great meal. It’s their responsibility to handle all the proceduresregardingmaintenance, cleaning and operation of a kitchen. Depending on thesizeof the kitchen, a line cook may be required to clean the kitchen after or,even, between each seating. In various kitchens tasks are split between headchefs, sous chefs, and line cooks. Typically professional chefs are responsibletocook and plate, and line cooks help with cutting, precooking and marinating,basicprep work, and line duties.  Job Requirements                                                                                                                                  Some restaurants don’t have any formalrequirementsto become a line cook as there is a high demand for this work, andoftenthey need help and are willing to take on unskilled labor. Formaltrainingcan be helpful if you are looking to securejobor career advancementopportunities. Expensive restaurants typically expect their line cooks to demonstratesometraining from the best culinary schools. Programs are readily available atlocalcommunity colleges, vocational schools and culinary institutes.  These schools offer coursework that may takefrommonths to years to complete depending upon if you are looking for a certificateora full degree.  Various schools offertrainingprograms specifically designed to train one in the skills of a linecook. Coursework includes professionalism, sanitation, cooking and bakingskills. These usually result in a certificate. A certification to work and prepare food forotherscan be generally obtained by attending short classes, which only take 6-8 weeks to complete. Here are some skills that a line cook will learn beforestartingtheir day in a typical kitchen: Chopping,dicing, baking, broiling, frying and cooking Basicknowledgeof various ingredients Inventorymanagement Portioncontrol Sanitationrulesand regulations          Line cooks should work towards earning atechnicalcertificate or associate’s degree in culinary arts as it helps injobmarketsecurity and advancement. Skills learned from the best culinary schoolswillmake your job something you feel prepared for, and excited to do.  Working as a line cook is a position ofrespectand responsibility; having the education to walk onto the floor andperformskillfullywill put you in line to move up quickly and explore evenmorein the world of culinary arts.                                                                           more

By CulinarySchoolsU August 21, 2012

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