Top Computer Electronic Stores in Ridgewood, NJ 07450

Attitude is everything. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than...Read Moreā€¦

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BC Computers Inc



Attitude is everything. The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftednesss or skill. It will make or break a company, a church or a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We can not not change our past. We cannot change change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attutude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how we react to it more

BC Computers Inc

Thanks for the connection. Wishing you continued success in the future. Lee more

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Instant Electrical Services

Contact us at (888) 667-0619 in Hartford, Connecticut, if you're looking for expert electrical contractors specializing in a wide range of electrical services. Instant Electrical Services 145 New London Turnpike #219 Glastonbury, CT 06033 Phone: (860) 368-8092 Email: electrical services, electrical contractors, hartford, connecticut more

By Instant Electrical Services November 12, 2014


We offer IT support of all kinds. Our services are available in the tri state area NY, NJ, and CN as well as nationwide JANDA TECHNOLOGY Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Phone: 2015667335 Contact Email: Website: Main Keywords: network support, desktop support, IT support, network trouble shooting, network security more


Moving to the Cloud

Between the stellar advances in the electronic world, the current economic climate and all the cutting edge opportunities available to market your company and improve productivity, a small business owner can have an anxiety attack just trying to figure out where to spend the few dollars he has budgeted for technology. Sometimes it seems as though it is costing more just to keep up, than it was before computerization. Unlike other industries, the dust never settles. You invest your money and time, train your employees, implement the new system, work out the kinks and bugs and wham, an upgrade. You have long since discovered that the upkeep of your business must now include a healthy line item for continuous technology. But the important thing to realize now, in 2010, is what exactly is that getting you? And can it be done better, cheaper, faster? There is a cloud with a silver lining. Its called The Cloud. Instead of having to invest thousands in applications, these applications sit out there "on a cloud". It starts with your email and calendaring, instant web conferencing, file and print sharing, and even corporate instant messaging. But this is just the beginning. The term cloud was adapted by the computing world some years ago to quite figuratively describe digital spaces within the Internet or outside of it. Once the bandwidths started reaching levels that could support the kind of speeds it takes to call up applications or data files large or small across the Internet, it became apparent that more and more desktop applications will become cloud applications. So in simple terms, if you want to do small business accounting you don't have to spend thousands of dollars or more to buy the actual box with the software, followed by the inevitable expense of ongoing software upgrades and support. Today for just about $20 a month a small business can do their computerized accounting over the web. You no longer have to worry about maintaining a workstation that is properly protected, backed up, with ongoing upgrades to both hardware and software, and the expense of owning the licenses and properly inventorying them etc. Microsoft now takes care of all that. They really should call it "Cloud Nine". When you are running on the cloud, the application you are running is multi platform. It doesn't matter what you are using. It can be your own workstation accessing client server, a public computer such as Kinko's, a Mac, or even your smartphone. Additionally, the issue of security is much stronger because you are forced periodically to change your password and set up a pre formulated, difficult password. No longer is there a concern of having good backups or losing data, nor any concern of availability or scalability (storage expansion and speed). With the cloud, when you finish computing in a public place there are no footprints left behind.  For these reasons and more, many applications are preparing to run on a cloud. This is the future of computing. And for the first time since you've automated your business, an option that will actually lower your costs. Remember getting annoyed, because one or two of the big name phone companies were on your street, blocking traffic? Well, this is the result. The whole nation is now rigged with fiber optic lines, facilitating unprecedented speed and making all of this is possible. To sum it up, after almost thirty years of running our lives with computers, which over the years has gotten more and more complicated and expensive, we have finally reached the point that will turn this around and make it easier to automate than ever before. TruBambu specializes in the unique combination of Website and Internet Marketing, CRM, Business Productivity Solutions, Website and Internet Marketing, CRM, in addition to general Computer Services. more

By TruBambu December 30, 2010

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