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Computer Explorers Teaches Children Responsible Use of Technology

Is your child Facebook friends with teachers? Do your students or children open the files of their peers on shared computers or networks? Do they understand that school computers and the work they do on them are school property?A controversial new Missouri law that tries to restrict teachers and students from becoming social media “friends” puts a new spin on a sticky issue - how to leverage technology’s immense power for education while also teaching how to use it responsibly.For parents, the issues may seem overwhelming. For Computer Explorers, the answers are built into every program. Computer Explorers is a local education company that uses technology in innovative ways to engage students in science, math, English and other core academic subjects. How to use technology responsibly is embedded in all its after-school programs, recreation center classes, summer camps and even offerings for toddlers.Many parents worry about the risks of technology access for their children but the key is to teach youngsters how to use it responsibly from the outset. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle but you can set some ground rules.As the 2011-12 academic year starts, many schools will send new “Responsible Use Policies” home with students for parents to review and sign. The policies set rules for computer and Internet use at school and differ for each age group.Parents get piles of forms to sign at the start of the school year, but the technology policy is a crucial part of their child’s schooling. Each year, technology is more and more integrated into education and the earlier children understand how to use it responsibly, the better they’ll be prepared for more learning, workplace demands and responsible citizenship.For these issues, Computer Explorers is a powerful resource. The local company also has an Internet safety program that it can present to PTA groups and community centers at no charge.At home, parents can reinforce the message with some steps of their own:-Know what Internet sites your child is visiting.-Set age-appropriate ground rules for home computer use.-Supervise on-line experiences of young children.-Teach your child that saying mean things about others on the Internet, including teasing and name-calling, is not acceptable.Technology will only become more of a force in schools, homes and jobs. Parents and schools don’t have to go it alone and can trust that all of our Computer Explorers programs provide children with not only solid academic learning but clear rules about what is and what is not responsible use of it. For more information on the Computer Explorers franchise systemclick here. more

By Computer Explorers November 17, 2011

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