About Goffstown, NH
Goffstown, New Hampshire is located northwest of Nashua and west of Manchester. From Manchester it is on route 114 and from Nashua it is on route 101. The Manchester Airport is 8.24 miles and 9 minutes from Goffstown. The Uncanoonuc Hotel was once one of the hotels in Goffstown in 1910 and was a five and a half story building with 37 guest rooms and a dining room that could seat 120 people but it burned down in 1923 and was replaced with the Pavilion that was a three story building, but it burned down also. The Kenlaw Mountain Restaurant replaced the Hotel and the Pavilian. The nearest hotel today may be in Manchester. Originally this town was part of Massachusetts. Goffstown was officially named for Colonel John Goffe in 1761. In 1887 Goffstown was a scenic town and you can see an image of the town on the Wikepedia website in the file: Piscataquog_River_&_Goffstown,_NH.jpg. The best view of the The Uncanoonuc Mountain, two houses and a church can be seen at the intersection of route 114 and route 13 near the Goffstown Popcorn Stand. Goffstown is located on the Piscataquog River. The town had once been called the Piscataquog Village and Shovestown. Goffstown and Goffstown Center has four stores, four saw mills, two grist mills, one sash, and a blind factory. Sutton's Flowers and Gifts and Kameleon Gift & Flower Shoppe are both located on Main and Jacques Flower Shop is located on Mast Road. Patti Ann's Hallmark Card and Gift Shop is located at the Goffstown Plaza and she likes to tell you about the Goffstown Plaza and where you can shop.