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JayJay1978's Profile, Raleigh, NC

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Do not give these guys your Credit Card #!!!!!!!!
Merchant Ratings

I've received random charges to my credit card totalling $700. Pro Patches wouldnt return my call so I've contacted my bank to look into it and take care of things. I wish I had of read reviews on this terrible company before I ordered $26 of jersey numbers which have now cost me $700. Please don't give this guy or these guys your credit card number or you will be in the same shoes as me.
for Pro Patches USA in Raleigh, NC

Merchant Ratings

All we wanted was to get my fiance's finger sized to purchase a ring online. I don't know if we had preconceived notions about if this service would be free or not. But, free or not, we certainly thought we'd be handled politely. We were made to feel WRONG for even coming in and asking. So, we were worried to ask at a second store, feeling we didn't know proper protocol. But the store across the street obliged us quite nicely. They did explain that there is no such thing as a "universal size," however, and did ask us questions about the ring we were ordering online so they could size us as accurately as possible. They asked to not be held liable if anything went wrong in the process. That seemed only fair. DO NOT GO to this store. They make themselves feel better by making you feel badly!
for Jewelry Studio in Bozeman, MT

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