Top Advertising Agencies in Rutherfordton, NC 28139

Chair Caning & Wicker Repair Mooresville, NC. 704-235-8171 (By Appointment Only) – is honored have to you join our network. We wish your business to have continued growth and succ...Read More…
Thanks for accepting the invitation to join our network. We are looking forward to exploring the numerous ways we can expand each others network. More…

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Unique Advertising Solutions


By Ornametals & Finer Welding Incorporated

Unique Advertising has a great concept...Fantastic Websites at extremely reasonable prices. To be able to get a complete website built for only 179.00 is pretty much unheard of..Thank you Unique Advertising for a great job! more

UAS Designs


By Ornametals & Finer Welding Incorporated

Huter technologies has the means and knowhow to cut fuel costs. Anyone not using their products are throwing money out the window. Thanks Trevor! more

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Taking your Business to the next level......

This is the part 1 of 2.How to Take Your Small Business to the Next LevelWhether you have a business that is 50 years old or 50 hours old this will help you take your business to the next level. The biggest problem with most businesses is that the average business owner is not an experienced business owner and must apply the trial and error technique to attempt to better their business. I have been through this trial and error for many years and I will share what I have learned with you here. We will go over everything from using technology to build your business to hiring sales reps and different ideas for advertising.How to Jump Start a New Business·Create a brand:Spend a little money to create a professional logo, business card and stationery. Present a professional image. There are numerous agencies that can design a logo for you but this is usually quite expensive the other option is to find an independent designer. You can post an ad on craigslist and find a designer that will create you a logo for usually a lot less. Just make sure to check their previous work to ensure you get quality.·Make Your First Sale:This is key, Get that first sale even if it's friends or family at a discounted rate. This gets the proverbial ball rolling, so go for it.·Promote Testimonials:Get testimonials from your first sales. Start building credibility for your business from day one.·Build the Buzz:Be creative. Look for a special promotion, big event, email campaign or something out of the norm for your business to get people talking about you, your product or service.Taking Your Business into the 21 Century· Most business today are still stuck in the 70's as far as technology goes because most think that the technology is too expensive, this couldn't be more wrong. Most business have a computer which will enable you to do a lot to take your business to the next level.oHosting- A server will enable you to do many of things such as have professional emails that reflect the company name, have a professional website, and host your images and advertisements locally. This service is fairly inexpensive you can get a hosting service provider from a company for less than $200 a year.oDomain Name- You can obtain a domain name fromwww.Godaddy.comfor as little as $9. Setting your domain up with your server can be a bit tricky but your hosting tech support should help you get setup.oEmail- Now that you have your server and domain you can now begin to create emails for you and your employees, so use this formatJohndoe@xyzcompany.comthis gives you and your team uniformity and adds to professionalism.oWebsite- Now as far as a website goes this can cost you a lot or very little, the cost of it will really depends your abilities and how much you want to be directly involved. Going with a company likeUnique Advertising Solutionswho has a lot of experience building sites and can knock them out quickly and at $179 bucks it is probably the cheapest approach there is.oConference Call Line- There is a few free conference call services that are free and work quite well. This service will enable you to schedule conference calls with your sales reps and even customers at times. This is a huge asset to you, this is a very good way to leverage your time, rather than having to call all of your reps and explain a new product our new policy individually you can simply schedule a call and tell them all at once.oConstant Contact-Constant Contact is a remarkable program. It will allow you to build and monitor an email list. Never again will you have to wonder about how many of your emails were opened versus junked, this software will allow you to do that, and at $15 bucks per month it's a stealSales TeamAlright now you have some invaluable tools to help you build your business. Now here are a few things you can do to improve your business and increase sales.· For quite a few years I handled majority of my sales myself and worked 18 hours a day to sell and promote my products. This made me a decent living but I was far from where I wanted my business to be. I had considered hiring salesmen to help promote my product but I thought it would be too expensive. I was wrong; with the economy as it is today very good sale reps can be obtained for very little in fact my entire sales team is 100% commission only. I do pay my sales reps a very high commission and I would encourage you to do the same. Paying your sales reps well builds loyalty and makes them work harder to make you money.· How do you locate sales reps? Locating sales reps that are interested in selling your product is quite easy, Craigslist is a excellent source, you simply spend a few hours and post ads for sales reps.· Now that you have built a small sales team you want to make sure they have the tools to do the job. I am going back to leveraging your time again because let's face that's what it's all about. Build a page on your website that is private that you can provide your sales reps with. And then upload every piece of advertisement, document that your sales reps will need this will save you a lot of time, no more having to email documents out to each individual person instead you simply provide them with a link and they can download what they need each time.· What materials do you provide for your reps? I have an open door policy with my sales reps, as long as they appear to be intelligent and have some drive I give them a shot, this is also the reason that I do not provide business cards and pintables until they prove themselves to be an asset this saves you the printing cost on guys that don't work out. Once my sales reps show that they can in fact sell and they are going to stick around I will pay for their cards and this works out very well.AdvertisingHere are some low-cost but highly effective marketing tips to help any small business find customers and generate sales quickly.·Don't try to Advertise Like a Big Business:Big businesses advertise to create name recognition and future sales. A small business can't afford to do that. Instead, design your advertising to produce sales One way to accomplish this is to always include an offer in your advertising - and an easy way for prospective customers to respond to it.·Offer a Cheaper Version:Some prospective customers are not willing to pay the asking price for your product or service. Others are more interested in paying a lower price rather getting the best quality. You can avoid losing sales to many of these customers by offering a smaller or stripped down version of your product or service at a lower price.·Offer a Premium Version:Not all customers are looking for a cheap price. Many are willing to pay a higher price to get a premium product or service. You can boost your average size sale and your total revenue by offering a more comprehensive product or service ...or by combining several products or services in a special premium package offer for a higher price.·Try Some Unusual Marketing Techniques:Look for some unconventional marketing methods your competitors are overlooking. You may discover some highly profitable ways to generate sales and avoid competition. For example, print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your targeted market. A small ad on a postcard can drive a high volume of traffic to your website or generate a flood of sales leads for a very small cost.·Trim Your Ads:Reduce the size of your ads so you can run more ads for the same cost. You may even be surprised to find that some of your short ads generate a better response than their longer versions. More than most you find that a shorter ad will generate more interest than if you tell them everything up front.·Set up Joint Promotions with Other Small Businesses:Contact some non-competing small businesses serving customers in your market. Offer to publicize their products or services to your customers in exchange for their publicizing your services to their customers. This usually produces a large number of sales for a very low cost.·Take Advantage of Your Customers:Your customers already know and trust you. It's easier to get more business from them than to get any business from somebody who never bought from you. Take advantage of this by creating some special deals just for your existing customers and announce new products and services to them before you announce them to the general market.Where to AdvertiseThere are thousands of places where you spend your money to advertise your business but going into an advertising campaign can cost you thousands of dollars and present little or no return. However there are many places that you can advertise and generate interest in your business for free.·Social Networking sites:There are many social networking sites such as MySpace and facebook and with over 70% of the US population that have an account on one or both of these 2 social networks that is a market that is huge and it cost you absolutely nothing. To utilize these networks you simply have to create a page with relevant and entertaining information on it. This will ensure that when someone visits your page they will want you add you and continue to read your posts. Then you will start adding people as friends this is very important that you add people that are relevant to what you do. Once you have built your page and began to generate some interactions with people it will grow on its own. You must be careful however you do not want to make it a spammy type page. Keep your advertisements to a minimum and only post interesting updates and such.·Craigslist:You can sell just about anything on craigslist and get quite good results. There are individuals out there that will post ads for you for about $2 per ad, this is a good price and I have not once lost money using this method.·Twitter:Is another social networking site but it seems to be more business related and has a lot of people that are involved in marketing, it's something worth setting up but I do not spend a lot of time with it however I do know guys that use it nearly exclusively and do exceptionally well.·Forums:We all have hobbies whether its computers, cars whatever it may be there is a forum out there for it. Jump on Google and locate a forum that has a large membership and register. Make sure you read the policies to find out what is within their specific regulations to use in your signature. If they allow links then you can add a Link and a little catch line that will entice viewers click your link. Now this is very important DON'T SPAM forums they will eat you alive. Instead post relevant topics and respond and simply interact with the other members and let your signature work for you. Secondly this gives your website back links which improve its Google rank and position.·Bulk Email Lists:These are very tempting I know, they sound incredible 1 million potential customers wow for just $499 or whatever the price may be but don't buy into it. Opt in email list are junk I have never, NEVER came out ahead on these. They simply don't work.·Banners:banners work well if placed well but then again it is very easy to spend $500 for a month of banner placement and see no returns so beware, test the water before you jump in 100%.·TV Commercial:Very good but very expensive and again if not done very well can easily be a complete waste of money. There is no right and wrong here it's just people what catches their eye.Take it easy don't try to do everything at once, concentrate on each bit and make each part great. Look at your competition what are they doing right and what they are they doing wrong, how do you get an edge on them? There are numerous things in this guide that will help you do that very thing. Use it and enjoy the benefits.TO BE CONTINUED.....Good Luck with all of your endeavors!-Trevor Hunter more

By Unique Advertising Solutions March 21, 2011

Hunter Technologies' All New Tracking and Diagnostic Module

Hunter Technologies LLC is introducing what could be the latest and greatest in vehicle monitoring and diagnostics. We have developed a unit that has all the same features as units that cost 10 times the price. With a very new microchip that was developed by a company that we cannot disclose, we have been able to consolidate all the features you would want, along with the tracking capabilities in a package that is about the size of a deck of playing cards. The Owner of Hunter Technologies, Trevor Hunter has been developing green technologies for years now, so this seems to be a bit different but it actually came from a previous project " The whole idea came together accidentally actually. While working on another project with Go Green Fleet Solutions, I was working on a solution to a problem and ended up with the device we are now launching. At Go Green Fleet Solutions we deal with an auxiliary power unit for trucks that is manufactured by Life Force Energy Corp. In case you don't know, an auxiliary power unit allows the truck driver to have heat/air/electricity without having to idle his truck. These units use tremendously less fuel than if the truck was idling. Anyways long story short the newest APU is a hybrid which means it runs on propane and a battery pack. This battery pack is quite expensive at $3500, but it is eligible for a $2500 carbon credit each year. So we were entertaining the thought of supplying the batteries at no charge and actually retaining the carbon credits. But in order to do that we would have to monitor the mileage of the truck. Trying to come up with that solution is where the tracking and diagnostic module was actually was derived from. The more development I did on the idea for the module, the more I realized it had many more uses than just tracking the location of an APU to be able to submit info for us to use for the carbon credits" -Trevor HunterThe Hunter Technologies tracking and diagnostic module is bound to make some waves in the market as it offers a lot of features that none others offer. Majority of the GPS tracking units that are available are recorders, which means that they are placed on a vehicle for a period of time and then removed and the data is downloaded, these units can cost as much as $600-$700. The others are real time tracking devices that require a $30-$40 monthly plan and they usually cost in the neighborhood of $300-$400 or more, and the only feature they offer is tracking. The Hunter Technologies' top of the line module comes in at a staggeringly inexpensive $269 and IF there is a fee at all, it will only be $5-$10 per month. At this price the consumer will be getting a tracking unit and a diagnostic module which reads the cars computer constantly and monitors for any problems. The feature that most are most impressed with was the units ability to actually send a user a SMS message when an airbag is deployed, this means that when a loved one is in an accident you immediately know and you know the location, so in the instance that someone is on a rarely traveled road or goes down a large embankment and are unseen by traffic you can ensure that help arrives to them in a timely manner.We have scheduled the release of the unit for April 2011 but we will begin taking orders as early as March. We have already received orders from companies such as GlobalVerge which is a large marketing company that has already placed an order for 1000 units. We have a simple form on our website that you can sign up to receive special offers as well as updates about ordering. Visitwww.huntertechllc.comfor more details. more

By UAS Designs January 14, 2011

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