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Nadine Gourkow Provides Tips to Get Out of Your Cold Weather Rut

Introduction If you are like Nadine Gourkow, you are sick and tired of Winter. It is that time of year where the weather is teasing us with a few days of warmer (not warm by any stretch of the imagination) and then right back to the Winter weather. Most certainly, you have probably fallen into a rut since the snow started to fly. Well, consider that a thing of the past. We are going to provide you with some things that you can do in order to dig yourself out of that rut and start enjoying your life again. Ideas There is nothing worse than Old Man Winter hanging around longer than he is welcome. This year he has definitely overstayed his welcome. For that reason, many people are starting to develop a case of seasonal affected disorder (SAD). They have gotten themselves stuck in a rut and cannot seem to find a way out. Well, that is no longer going to be the case. Continue reading below if you are interested in getting out of that rut and on to bigger and better things. 1.      Creature Comforts – Sitting on the couch and binge-watching shows on Netflix are just putting you deeper into that rut. You need to get up off the couch and do something else. We are going to suggest that you consider pampering yourself. This is not only good for the ladies but anyone that feels that they need a little pampering. Some of the things that we can think of off the top of our head that you can do are take a nice long bath. There is just something about sitting in the hot water that makes us feel so much better. So, why not give it a try. Next thing that you can do is to light some candles. No, we are not talking about just ordinary candles. Make sure that you get some of those good smelling ones. Scents that remind you of better days ahead would be best. 2.      Move – Get off your butt! Walk around the house, go to the gym, walk around the block or anything else that will get your blood moving. Remember, swimsuit weather is really close, and you are going to want to get rid of that holiday weight that you said you were going to. In fact, it was probably your New Year’s Resolution. 3.      Kondo Style – If you have never heard of Marie Kondo, take the time to look up just why we are suggesting this. Essentially, for those that will not take the time to look her up, you are going to want to organize your house. There is something about having a decluttered house that puts our minds at ease. So, take the time and clean up your house. It will also help to get you moving. Conclusion If you are hating Winter, Nadine Gourkow understands. There is only so much Winter that she can handle before she starts getting into a rut. She follows the above tips and you should as well. Not only will you feel better, but you will find also that you are no longer in a rut. more

By Lego Teg April 13, 2019

Bottini Looks at the Four-Day Workweek

What Works In a recent video,Bottini Fuelsaw a company in New Zealand tell workers they were going to be switching to a four-day work week, but they would get paid for five days. They announced they were going to be working 32 hours instead of 40, but there would be tracking their productivity. They did, however, allow any persons not wanting to participate in the study to continue on the same schedule. Some people did opt not to participate, but the majority of the company did. So, did the company lose out and just pay people for the time they were not working? No, quite the opposite. In the two-month study, the company concluded that productivity was exactly the same. What did change was the work-life balance up from 54% to 78% and loyalty to the company up from 66% to 88%. They found that employees spent less time in meetings and more time focused on the task at hand. So, what are the end result effects of this four-day work week? Let us show you. ·        Improved or increased productivity – The reason for this is, more time off equals happier and more energized workers. When you are feeling better, you do better work. This really is a no-brainer. ·        Good work-life balance – One of the most difficult things to balance, besides a chequebook, is a proper work-life balance. To the point, most women decided to leave the workforce upon having children. This reduced work week could provide them with the incentive to keep working post childbirth. ·        Better customer satisfaction – Shorter work weeks may allow companies to stay open longer hours to provide customers more time to interact with them. Living in Canada, we see many provinces having store hours much shorter than our neighbors to the south. This leaves very little time to get to the place you need to go after the workday. Imagine a company that can stay open two hours longer and allows you to get through traffic and patronizes their store. ·        Environmental benefits – One less day of work means less day of traveling to and from work. This will reduce carbon emissions, assuming you drive to work. Additionally, this will put more money in your pocket since you don’t have to spend money on gas or some other form of transportation.   What Doesn’t Work Very little doesn’t work about the four-day work week. There have been some arguments along the lines of health and safety due to long hours, loss of customer confidence, and family schedule. However, as Bottini Fuel pointed out above, all those things are very low percentage chances due to the actual shorter work week. A lot of people associate the short work week with a matching of the number of hours worked. Meaning you still do 40 hours in a week, you just do it in 10. This was not the study and it showed resoundingly that working 32 hours can be just as productive as 40 hours. more

By Lego Teg March 31, 2019

Here are the top 4 hints to come an Instagram Rockstar, now!

1. Offer photographs that pass on a feeling you need related with your image.  The coffee brands are generally connected with warmth, kinship and sharing extraordinary minutes. In the event that you glance through their Instagram photographs, you will see numerous shots that really have nothing to do with espresso; rather, they pass on the emotions related with daylight, comfortable winter days, and imparting time to the critical individuals throughout your life and truly, this drives deals!  2. Demonstrate the human side of your image.  Try not to be hesitant to share individual pictures now and again. These don't need to be family photographs, anyway sharing photographs from an office gathering, meeting or even your pet can make you and your image progressively relatable. Keep in mind, individuals purchase from those they know, as and trust!  3. Follow back.   On the off chance that you take a gander at a portion of the huge brands who are utilizing Instagram, you will see a clever thing: a large number of them have countless devotees, yet they don't tail anybody themselves. They are folloeing back to their followers, and this is also a hint for you. 4. Upload pictures with quotes Sharing pictures with quotes related to your business will keep your followers engaged. It will keep your account alive not dead.Quotes have an uncommon method for rousing, empowering and propelling; also, individuals love to share them! Keep in mind, it's not about your item or administration, it's about what your locale thinks about, what they will draw in with you around and share inside their networks. click to read more more

By Lego Teg March 13, 2019

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